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Bitcoin Secret Trading Strategy Guide
Right Place. Right Time. Right Idea. BTC ROBOT The Fiist Automated Bitcoin Trading Bobot The World's first Electronic Currency Robot!Next Generation Currency? AUTOMATED PROFIT +$34,175 and counting When the globaleconomy is on theverge of COLLAPSE When the Worldis in CRISIS When the financialinstitutions are liningup to go bankrupt Bitcoin is a revolutionary new concept — a digital currency of thenew era, not relying on any bank or government, which startedfew years ago as an open source project on http://goo.gl/VVWXuA. It was considered by many as just another creation of Internet geeks beforeit took the financial world by storm this year and was suddenlyraised to the ranks of major world currencies.
And if you jump in fast, you can be oneof those who'll reap all the benefits. Remember, the early birdcatches the worm! Embrace the new e-currency, free of anygovernment and bank limitations. Bitcoin is an absolutely new revolutionary concept: digitalcurrency of a new era, product of an open source projectcreated by Japanese geek Satoshi Nakamoto, called"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash allows online paymentsto be sent directly from one party to another without going throughfinancial institutions like banks and government control. Bitcoin puts an end to Banking system parasites: Forget the ridiculous bank wire fees and commissions.
Bitcoin is taking over the world! It was created in 2009 as an online currencythat isn't controlled by the U.S. Federal Reserveor any other central authority and just inAugust of last year, the exchange rate forone Bitcoin was $10. This may seem high untilyou realize that today,one Bitcoin is worth roughly $115 ! While you may think Bitcoinis solely a digital currency, it is already taking overthe world with thousandsoffline ATM machines thatlet you exchange Bitcoin fortraditional cash!
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA SinceBitcoin is a currency, you can use it in exactly the same wayyou use any other electronic money: you open a digital wallet thatcan be installed on your computer or on your mobile phone and youuse this wallet to pay or receive money. This is as safe (or maybeeven safer) than any other digital wallet, it uses cryptography withpublic and private keys and all the yada-yada that guaranteessecurity of all your electronic transactions; for example, for creditcard payment or home banking. If you are a safety geek, I can assure you, I have not ever heardabout any fraud that resulted from interception and cracking atransaction secured in this way. Most of the computer crimes arerelated to breaching credit card storage systems (which simply doesnot exist in this case) or simply intercepting a user typing or othermanipulations on the user's own computer via various malware(this type of interception can only be excluded on the user level byproperly securing one's computer). The advantages ofBitcoin stem from the fact that your transactionsdo not pass through any central office, bank, etc. The transactionstake place between two persons and involve the entire network toapprove its validity. No banks mean that the cost of transaction iskept very low. On top of that, your account cannot be frozen, it willnot depend on failing banks, bad credit history etc. Opening anaccount does not require any prerequisites. Just your email addressis enough. Nowadays, you can use Bitcoin for almost everythipurchase music, software, hosting, video gamesbetting, auctions like eBay... You can even rentapartments and buy houses using Bitcoin! Nobody expected Bitcoin to gainthis much traction, but it is taking ovethe world faster than youmight think. -' _ ^ ^— '_' —' ' _' 7" ~
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Sounds too good to be true? It is true! That is why more and more retailers worldwide already sellBitcoin.A long list of merchants can be found on http://goo.gl/VVWXuA:nowadays, you can spend your bitcoins on everythingfrom Amazon vouchers and T-shirts to apartment rentals in Berlin.If you have your own internet business, you can accept Bitcointoo. That is easy. Moreover, you can trade your bitcoins exactlythe same way you can trade euros or dollars and gain money on itsrate fluctuations. Just recently, a worldwide electronic money andonline payment systemWebMoney, which has more than 11 millionusers, started processing bitcoins. Besides purses nominated in USdollars, Euros or Russian roubles, you can also open a WMX-pursenominated in bitcoins and use it to exchange bitcoins against othercurrencies or to buy goods or services. What is Bitcoin? How does it work? How to make money with it? - This is what this book is about. Spoiler: By the end of our ebook, you will learn how you can profit withBitcoin on Autopilot!
How it all began: From old mining days to taking over the world. How Can You Profit with Bitcoin? Just a few years ago, the only way to profit was through so-called "Mining". This is the "Hard Way", for which you receive coins by helping the system toverify secure transactions. This process requires a lot of computational power,typically multicore CPU system or specialized bitcoin miners. The algorithm isdesigned in such a way that mining becomes more and more complex and lessand less profitable with time. Mining days are over! Bitcoin as a concept was invented by a person nicknamed SatoshiNakamoto in his/her paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer ElectronicCash System", which was, of course, published electronically and isavailable on the bitcoin.org site for anyone who's interested. The essence of the entireidea is, as Nakamoto says, "Apurely peer-to-peer version ofelectronic cash would allowonline payments to be sentdirectly from one party toanother without going througha financial institution." He points out that since thissystem runs transaction Multicore GPU mining system irreversibly and not through (from Bitcoin Wiki)
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at www.btcrobot.com any financial institution, the transaction cost is drastically reducedand trust in the system is improved. Any two willing parties can perform transaction without any trustedthird-party (the distributed network plays a role of the third party).The actual Bitcoin is a file containing the chain of digital signaturesof all previous owners. This approach prevents double-spending ofany particular coin and eliminates the need of the central system.Any new transaction is broadcasted to all the nodes (peers) andthe nodes can check validity of the coin by verifying the previoustransactions. This makes counterfeiting essentially impossible. By the way, you can also earn your Bitcoins the "hard way" byhelping the system to verify secure transactions. This process iscalled "mining" and requires a lot of computational power, typicallymulticore GPU system, like shown in the figure below taken fromWiki, or even specialized bitcoin miners (http://goo.gl/VVWXuAbitcoin-mining-hardware/). The algorithm is designed in such a waythat mining becomes more and more complex and less and lessprofitable with the time. Spoiler: Stay tuned! By the end of our ebook, you will learn how you canprofit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without need for Mining!
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at www.btcrobot.com Ok, so what would you need to start with Bitcoin? There is a plethora of different ways to do it. You can just go tohttp://goo.gl/VVWXuAand download yourfree, open-source Bitcoin wallet for whatever computer you use,Windows, Mac or Linux. Alternatively, you can create you wallet ona web site, for example http://goo.gl/VVWXuA. Both sites also offer mobile applications (iOS and Android),so your Bitcoin wallet can be always at hand. To open an account,you just need an email address and a password. A recently addedpossibility is to open a Bitcoin WMX purse at Webmoney(http://goo.gl/VVWXuA). Now, after you have opened a web account or installed an originalBitcoin program, you are ready to roll. You can buy your bitcoinsusing cash, bank wire transfer, Moneygram, or credit cards. 300 250 250 200 150 100 100 0 50 01/03/2013 01/04/2013 01/05/2013 01/0(5/2013 > ov ov 0v 0v O 0b \> C\> C\> 0> c\> C\V ^ Ov A C\> CV (V c\> Ov Ov c\> C\V O5 o o O # O # o o / O o o / o / o / Bitcoin price: from the creation till today. In the insert: highly volatile bitcoin pricing during the Mar-Jun 2013
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Everything (or almost everything) is possible. Nowadays, Bitcoin hasbecome a valid currency, just like anything else. Contrary to othercurrencies, it is not backed by any government or organization, itdoes not have any gold value behind it. However, as we all know,being backed by a government does not protect currencies fromhuge fluctuations in price. In the end, the price of any currency isdefined by offer and demand. If the currency is useful, if you canbuy something for it, it will retain its value. Bitcoin started very low.The first documented purchase was 10,000 BTC (that is the officialcurrency symbol for Bitcoin) for $25-worth of pizza. Since that, thevalue of Bitcoin has increased dramatically: BTC is currently tradingat around $100 for a single bitcoin. More than 250,000 users useBitcoin on a daily basis. What can I use my bitcoins for? As I already mentionedabove you can buy thingsand services for it. Manymerchants are using it. Funnily enough, it is gettingvery popular with sex shopsand internet sites sellingillegal drugs. They bothuse another very importantfeature of bitcoins: theiranonymity. Since the system is decentralized and cracking the complete transaction history isclose to impossible, Bitcoin becomes quite popular in this kind oftrade as well. However, if you would browse through the blogs tofind out what is the most popular use of bitcoins, you will noticethat by far the most popular is investment. On one hand, manybelieve that Bitcoin is destined to grow in value (more than 70% of
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA all existing bitcoins are not in circulation and currently stored in"digital vaults" as a long term investment!). The number of bitcoinsin circulation will not grow dramatically anymore (see figure) andwill reach the maximum possible amount by the year 2140, while thepopularity of bitcoins and hence demand will increase. On the otherhand, since the amount of bitcoins in circulation is rather stable,they are already traded in a way pretty similar to other currenciesor shares. It means that smart short term investers can profit onvolatility of the bitcoin market and earn a lot with a very smallinitial investment. In the next chapters you will learn how to analyzebitcoin market behavior and how to make buying and sellingdecision at the right moments. To buy your initial lot of bitcoins, you can go tohttp://goo.gl/VVWXuA. top-up your Bitcoin wallet atWebmoney using other currencies, or purchase it directly on thetrading site. MtGox(http://goo.gl/VVWXuA/)is the oldest and thelargest one. It is very easy to start trading there: you open an account(just email address is required) and then transfer your bitcoins toyour account or wire transfer your local currency from your bank. BTC-eis another very useful trading marketplace for individualsbuying and selling bitcoins. Only a small fee of 0.2% is chargedper transaction. The site has a clear interface showing the currentmedian pricing and a recent trend. Registering on this web-site isabsolutely free and the only information required is your email. Tostart trading, you need first to deposit some amount in one of themajor currencies or transfer bitcoins if you have some. Currentlysupported payment methods are: US Bank Wire, EU Bank Wire(SEPA), Visa, Mastercard, Liqpay.com. unikarta.com. PerfectMoney.com.WebCreds.com. Ukash.com. OKPay.
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Live Bitcoin chart and sign-up window on BTC-e You can find a complete list of major Bitcoin exchanges on Bitcoin Wiki:http://goo.gl/VVWXuA #Major Exchanges How to trade Bitcoin smartly: Technical analysis primer You now know that bitcoins behave like usual shares or currencies.It means you can apply all the powerful methods of technicalanalysis — that's the collection of tools that was developed forprofessional traders and have made many of them astonishinglyrich. Of course, you need to be smart (and, if you are reading thisbook, you definitely are!) to outsmart the market and the brave. And,we have to add the usual disclaimer: only invest money that you canafford to miss. Never invest borrowed money as you might end indeep trouble otherwise. What is the idea of technical analysis in a nutshell? —It is verysimple. You can gain much more for your investment if you donot just sit and wait, but rather use the cyclic character of priceevolution and sell your stock (here bitcoins) when the price is highand buy them again when the price is low. To do it properly, you needto determine the trend and find the right moments when the trend isreversed.
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Trend is your friend Let us start with determining the trend. The easiest thing to do is touse a moving average. That is a very simple approach that you cantry in your Excel spread sheet in a matter of minutes. I will show youhow. The point is that the price always fluctuates. Your averagingalgorithm has to smooth the fluctuation sufficiently, on one hand,while still showing you the changes in the trend as soon as theyoccur (this property is called responsiveness). Obviously, these tworequirements are orthogonal, and you need to balance them. Simplemoving average (SMA) involves just taking the price for a given day,add to it the prices at a given number of previous days and divide thesum by the total number of days. So, the value of every point of yourSMA graph is (I take here an average over 10 days): p™"=-0( p.+...+p.j The problem with this sort of averaging is that you take into accountequally the today price and the prices that happened many daysago. As a result, your SMA10 curve predicts tomorrow's price mainlybased on the prices from several days ago. For such a volatilecurrency as Bitcoin, thisis not a very good idea. Tocorrect for that, you can takemore recent price valueswith a higher weight in youraveraging. The simplestrealization of the weightedmoving average (WMA)would be just to account forthe most recent price twice. Or, for our SMA10, we canmultiply the current dayprice by 10, the previous dayby 9 and so on prw=5^(10 p,+9 p,_-+...+1 p,_9) 250 1/2/13 21/2/13 13/3/13 2/4/13 22/4/13 12/5/13 1/6/13 Bitcoin pricing Feb-June 2013 togetherwith simple (SMA) and exponential movingaverages (EMA). Note that EMA reacts fasterto the pricing changes.
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Another very commonly used approach is called exponential movingaverage (EMA). It works like an integrator or low pass digital filter. It iscalculated recursively, so to calculate today's EMA, we need to know theEMA from yesterday and today's closing price: (1 --2-1 10 + 1, „EMA10 2 pEMA10 p-1 Pi + 10 + 1 When we calculate the first point long-long time ago we can simplyapproximate EMA with SMA. If you compare EMA and SMA, you cannotice that EMA reacts faster to the changes in trend, while SMA betterreflects the average prices. The choice between them is your preference.You can also think about some other smart ways to make an average. All these functions are easy to implement in Excel or any other softwareof your choice. I took some historic data from MtGox and applied theseaveraging methods to obtain trend lines. Spoiler Alert: Sounds like really complicated geek stuff? How about trading onAutopilot with Bitcoin robot? By the end of our ebook, you will learnhow you can profit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without need for anymanual math crunching! Trend signals: patterns and crossovers Well, what can you learn from the moving averages? First, we canfind the trend: if our EMA or SMA goes down, the long-term trendis falling, if it goes up, we have a long-term uptrend. How can we determine when the uptrend changes into adowntrend? Our averages can help us here as well using atechnique called "double crossover". If we plot, for instance
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA EMA10 and EMA50, the point where EMA10 crosses above EMA50indicates a crossover to rising trend and is called "golden cross". IfEMA10 crosses below EMA50, this is a "dead cross"signalling thebeginning of a bearish market. Another type of signal can be createdwhen the actual price crosses the average, "price crossover". The crossover techniques are very useful when a long term trendexists. If the price is volatile, it might create many false alarms. Useful indicators can be obtained by drawing support andresistance lines. These lines are defined by traders' psychology(greed, first of all) and represent the issue of supply and demand.Support is the level at which buyers take control over the marketand prevent prices from falling further down. On contrary, at theresistance level, sellers take control over the prices and preventthem from rising higher. Breaking through support or resistancelines often signals the beginning of a different trend. The drawingbelow ill¬ustrates commonly occurring patterns and showspredicting power of support and resistance lines. Support line penetration andformation of a new support line Support line penetration andchange to bear market Patterns indicating market reversal
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Bollinger Bands: trend and volatility Another very useful technical analysis tool was suggested by JohnBollinger and is called Bollinger bands. Bollinger bands define achannel with the width proportional to the current market volatilityaround the moving average trend line. Typically we take 20-days simple moving average and step up and down two standarddeviations from it. So, we calculate - 20(pi +pi-i + ••• + Pi-™) and STD1 - — 1 20 (P^20 - Pi )2 + (P^20 - P1-1 )2 + ••• + (P^20 - P1-19)2 and draw three lines on the chart (see figure). Here is a short list ofpredictions you can draw from the Bollinger bands: • If band tightens as the volatility shrinks, you can expect a sharpprice move to follow; • A price move that starts at one band usually carries to the otherone; • When price moves outside of the band (provided the band itselfis not falling or rising steeply), the current trend will usuallycontinue. Spoiler Alert: Too much complicated Geek stuff? How about trading onAutopilot with Bitcoin robot? At the end of our ebook, you willlearn how you can profit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without need for Math stuff!
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Momentum indicators: a timely warning So far, we've only talked about techniques based on trends. Theyare extremely useful, but most of the time, they identify a change intrend after it has already happen. An early warning about exhaustionof the current trend can be obtained with rate-of-change ormomentum indicators. The most commonly used one is the RelativeStrength Indicator (RSI). To calculate it, you need to find an AverageGain and Average Loss during a certain period, typically 9 or 14days, take a ratio of them RS = Average Gain/Average Lossand then calculate RSI = 100 -100/(1 + RS) So, if losses and gains are equal, the RSI is equal to 50, if nogains have occurred during the period, RSI is 0, or if the gainsare overwhelming it tends to 100. The rule of thumb is that if RSIreaches 70, the RSI is overbought and the trend will shortly changedownwards. This is a high probability sell signal. On contrary, RSIlevel of 30 indicates an oversold condition and the trend is expectedto change upwards shortly. This could be a good opportunity to buy.However, I advise you not to take decisions based solely based ona single indicator, in particular, RSI. Always combine it with Trendanalysis. Spoiler Alert: If you are not into manual trading, why not let an automatedrobot trade for you? How about trading on Autopilot with aBitcoin robot? By the end of our ebook, you will learn how youcan profit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without need for Math stuff!
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Elliott Wave Principle Now we will learn about some simple methods to predict futuretrend development (of course, with a certain degree of probability).How can it be done? Of course, we cannot see into the future, wecannot predict hurricanes, server crashes, law suits or hackerattacks. However, the point is that the evolution of prices dependslargely on traders' psychology; and the behaviour of a large numberof people is statistically predictable. A very common method is the Elliott Wave Principle. Back in 1939,observing natural patterns, R.N. Elliott noticed that all cyclicalmovements occur in some sort of waves, related to Fibonaccinumbers. The most commonpattern is the so-called "Five-wave pattern". Three out of fivewaves (marked 1,3,5) follow thetrend, while two others (2 and 4)are countertrend interruptions. These interruptions areapparently a requisite for thetrend to occur. Typically, thisfive-wave rise is followedby a three-wave downwardcorrection forming an eight-wavecycle. Interestingly this pattern has aso-called "fractal" structure, in otherwords, it repeats itself on differentscales. If we, for instance, zoom in onwaves 1 and 2, we can expect to see acomplete eight-wave cycle again. So,the cycles occur on a very differenttime scale and, by analysingAmerican stock exchange Elliottcould discern nine degrees of waves,
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA from a long-term Grand Cycle down to very short-term Subminuette.The figure shows schematically Elliott Wave for a bullish market, buta similar pattern (now, with a main trend downwards) will occur fora bearish market as well. By following Elliott Wave, you can predict the next move of themarket and, for instance, foresee the trend change. Two typicalpatterns indicating weakness of a bullish market are shown below:truncated fifth wave and diagonal triangles. Elliott Waves Principle and Golden Ratio Another dimension of the Elliott Waves Principle is the Fibonaccisequence. This sequence, in which the sum of two adjacent numbersproduces the next element of the sequence, has been known tomathematicians for hundreds of years: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,... and soon to infinity. This sequence is ubiquitous in Nature and present onall scales from our DNA to the galaxies. One of its features is thatthe ratio of two subsequent terms approaches 1.618, the famousGolden Ratio. Coming back to the Elliott Waves, so-called Fibonacciretracements help to identify areas of support and resistance. Forexample, a sharp correction commonly tends to retrace around 0.618of the preceding wave, while sideways correction often retraces0.382 of the previous impulse wave. The Golden Ratio is also presentas a ratio of the impulse waves, which are often related as equality,1.618, or 2.618 ratios. Elliott Waves Principle offers you a formidable arsenal forforecasting market movement, but you should always remember thatwe always talk about probabilities. If the market moves beyond thepredicted pattern, meaning that your conclusion is wrong, then thefunds at risk should be reclaimed immediately. The science and practice of Elliott Waves is very rich and manyobservations have been made since the time they were first
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA discovered. If you are interested, you can find a wealth of resourceson internet. The web site of Elliott Wave International is a goodstarting point. Your own trading system? Based on technical analysis knowledge, you can develop yourtrading system. The first thing you need to set is the timeframeof your investment. If you can invest a large chunk of money, yourpreference will be a long-term investment. Long-term technicalanalysis produces more clear results since you can filter out allthese day-to-day price fluctuation and look at long-term trends. Ifyou cannot afford this, it is better to try medium and short rangeinvestments. This is a complicated task and I would advise you tostart with a long-term technical analysis first, prove your ideas andpredictions using historical data, and only then focus on a shortertimeframes. The next task of your trading system is to define theentry point. The first thing here is to determine the long-term trend.It is not advisable to open any position if the trend is downwards.The last and the most important task of you trading system is todefine the exit point. You need to decide for yourself when youwant to secure your profit (Take Profit level) and also place StopLoss level in the case when market starts to move in the oppositedirection. Spoiler Alert: You can develop your own system OR ... why not let anautomated robot trade for you? How about trading on Autopilotwith a Bitcoin robot? By the end of our ebook, you will learn howyou can profit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without need to developa system yourself!
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Let us try analysing a real Bitcoin chart! Now we know enough to apply some basic technical analysis andtry to make a forecast. You already know enough to make a qualifieddecision. I use the data downloaded from http://goo.gl/VVWXuA/charts/mtgoxUSD. You can not only plot the Bitcoin price and volumecharts on this web site but also get the entire set of data by clicking"Load raw data". Following the recipes in the previous sections, wedid some calculations in MS Excel and plotted the last few months ofdata together with EMA10, EMA50 and Bollinger Bands. 1/3/13 21/3/13 10/4/13 30/4/13 20/5/13 9/6/13 01/03/13 21/03/13 10/04/13 30/04/13 20/05/13 09/06/13 According to the Bollinger band behaviour, we observe tighteningof the band which could indicate a forthcoming change in trend.Indeed, the support line was broken on May 26th followed by adownwards price crossover on May 31st and a "dead cross" on Jun6th. We could therefore conclude that the current Bitcoin trendis downwards. The market can possibly find support at around$100, but the data is inconclusive so far. The advice to a short-terminvestor would be to wait and not to enter the market at this momentin time.
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Technical analysis tools and resources Your primary resourcein this respect is Mt. Gox. On the pagehttp://goo.gl/VVWXuA,you can select therequired set of Bitcoindata and plot majortechnical indicators,as shown in the figurebelow. By pressingload raw data, youcan obtain a completeset of Bitcoin data,day-by-day, includingopen, close, high, and low prices, as well as volume in BTC and USD. There is also a large number of Bitcoin blogs of which I wouldparticularly mention Bitcoin charts and analysis on http://afbitcoins.wordpress.com/ and forum athttp://goo.gl/VVWXuA I can't help but mention Metatrader4 here. It is currently the mostpopular trading tool on the Forex market. The program is actuallya terminal that connects you to the up-to-date information on theprices. A wealth of technical tools is included into this incrediblypowerful program as well as a built-in macro language and theability of automated trading. You can also see the historic data, plotdifferent trend lines and indicators, place orders and set automaticstop-loss and take-profit limits and many other things, all withina small program. Although it is not yet possible to trade Bitcoin on
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Forex (we hope this possibility will be provided shortly), establishedcurrency pairs can be traded with bitcoins on Bit4X. This site alsooffers a demo-account using Metatrader 4 together with a Britishtrading firm, VenetFX. To start trading, you need to register bysending an email to the web-site support team and deposit 10 BTC onyour account. Here is a screen shot of Metatrader 4 window: The panels showing real-time data on currency pairs can beconveniently resized, type of graph, timing and other parameters canbe adjusted individually for each graph (in the example, I re-scaledGBP/USD graph to show daily information starting from Dec. 2011and added two trendlines EMA 10 (red) and EMA50 (blue)). To helpyou with predicting the trends, Fibonacci levels as well as a largenumber of other technical indicators can be added to the graphs. Spoiler Alert: Too complicated? If you are not into manual trading, why notlet an automated robot trade for you? How about trading onAutopilot with Bitcoin robot? In the next chapter, you will learnhow you can profit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without the needfor any complex stuff!
Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Automated Bitcoin trading? How Can You Profit with Bitcoin? Just a few years ago, the only way to profit was through so-called"Mining". This is the "Hard Way", for which you receive coins by helping thesystem to verify secure transactions. This process requires a lot ofcomputational power, typically multi-core CPU system or specializedBitcoin miners. The algorithm is designed in such a way that miningbecomes more and more complex and less and less profitable with time. Mining days are over! The time has changed and we are the ONLY solution available toincrease your Bitcoins! THE Inflation FREE currency! Bitcoins are limited in amount... you can NOT produce them out ofthin air nor reprint them, thereby making them safe from inflation! 100% Secure! NON-CLOSABLE! Bitcoins are unhackable lines of code that you can even stash onyour cellphone in an E-wallet or download to a USB stick and keepthem SAFE! Pay using them, store them, collect 'em... the option isyours! To make it even better, Bitcoin is decentralized. No one owns it...it's like the Internet... you can shut down a machine but you can'tkill it. It's a living and expanding entity on its own. So, no matter how hard a government might try to put it down...they cannot succeed! The bottom line to EARN them, however, is that...
Forex is DEAD!Automated BitcoinTrading is the ANSWER! Imagine if you had a fully automated Bitcoin trading robot, working for you onautopilot around the clock? Trading Around The Clock??? Even on weekends?? Forget Forex limitations such as not trading on weekends, Bank Holidays andother big bank B.S. Bitcoin is traded around the clock, 24/7, 365 days a year. There are no banks controlling it, meaning we don't have any bank limitationson the trading time, thereby giving you a unique opportunity to profit aroundthe clock, two extra days a week! The robot does not sleep, does not take holidays or stop on weekends. It is aneverlasting profit machine at your fingertips! TRADING ACCOUNT: $2,714 and Counting! 1 month 1 week 1 day Funds: 97.01 BTC, 4001.51 USD, 12162.15 USD total Jui 25 Jui 28 J|J 01 Jii 04 Jul 07 Jul 10 JiJ 13 JiM 16 Jii 13 Jul 22 Price: $91.62 on MtGox, $84.60 on BTC-e n 25 Jui 28 Jii 01 Jii 04 Jii 07 JiJ 10 JiJ 13 Jii 16 Jii 19 JiM 22 It can be yours right now and it's a piece of cake to install! SETUP YOUR ROBOT NOW! "te Add To Cart
Why Doesthe BitCoin Robot Work? © o o o Bitcoin is a younggrowing market.Relatively small amountof Bitcoin exchangemarketplaces ensurehuge price fluctuationsduring the trading day,which our robot takesadvantage of. The higher the marketvolatility, the higher theprofit. During volatilemonths, the profit canreach up to 100% permonth! During regularmonths, it gives a stable"conservative" growth of10-20% per month. No leverage trading: Youare trading only on yourown money withouttaking Huge leveragefrom the brokers like inForex, meaning the riskto lose all your money issmall to non-existent. The robot is analyzingthe prices in all Bitcoinexchange marketplacesin real time, exploitingthe gaps and usinghedging techniquesto take advantage ofalmost bulletproof profitopportunities. How Does It Work? Profit Withdraw profits. Download Simply open an accountwith one of the trustedBitcoin trading exchange marketplacesDeposit an initial amountin Bitcoin or USD. You canstart as low as $100 ! Activate our robot and let it trade for you! Choose between a simpleWindows version or a fullypre-installed VPS version:No installation, no hassles. The robot comes fullypre-installed in your webbrowser-based membersarea! Nothing to setup orconfigure. Human error-free& 100% autopilot. 4 No backtests, NO what ifs! (0) This is not a forex robot or MT4 based indicator B.S. It s a customprogrammed bot that trades real money... no monopoly cashplaytime but real results!
What's Behindthe Bitcoin Robot Trading Engine? When it comes down to technology and ITdevelopments, hats off, nothing comes close toRussian brains! We united our efforts with a team of the brightestBitcoin traders and programmers from Russia. Don't get me wrong though. It's hard to be apioneer in the field. It's even harder to develop thefirst fully automated system in the new market. Yes, it was not easy. Over 2 years in development,plenty of trial and error. We really wanted to perfect it. Over 127,199 linesof code. Sleepless nights and betatests in privategroups.
FAQ 1. If the robot wins money, who loses it? Does the Bitcoinexchange lose money if I win and eventually ban my trading? Good question. No, the Bitcoin exchange market does not lose anymoney due to your profitable trading. In fact, it is gaining a lot ofmoney because they charge 0.4% commission on every trade. Forexample, yesterday their exchange volume was $512,213 , whichmeans +4000 BTC commission made. The losers are other humantraders that do not use automated trading approaches and trademanually or just pay too much when buying Bitcoin! It's harsh but money is not produced from thin air. It comes fromlosers that don't have advanced tools like our Bitcoin robot andkeep trying their luck with old outdated manual systems. 2. How much money do I need to start? Thousands of dollars?? No, you can start as low as $100. This is the main advantage ofBitcoin trading, the entry limit is very low. 3. Is it risky? Can I lose the deposit? You are trading only on your own money without taking hugeleverage from the brokers like in Forex, meaning the risk of losingall your money is small to non-existent. 4. Will it provide 100% winning trades? 100% winning systems are impossible, so don't be fooled by socalled "Get Rich scams" promising that.
Obviously, our robot is not a crystal ball and you will have somelosing as well as winning trades. The goal is to make a solid netprofit monthly. 4. Do I have to keep my computer ON all the time or buy a VPSserver like with forex? You can choose between two options. The most affordable Silverplan comes with Windows based software which trades from yourown computer. Similar to you trading Forex on Metatrader4 on yourcomputer. So it must be on at all times during trading. If you choose the Gold Plan, the robot comes fully preinstalledin your web browser based members area! Nothing to setup orconfigure. It's completely human error-free & 100% autopilot. 5. What if my internet connection gets interrupted duringtrading? No problem. The robot will resume trading from the point it left andcatch up on the trades. However, if you experience constant internet connection issues inyour area, it's safer and more profitable to use the Gold plan wherethe robot is pre-installed on our trading VPS for you! 5. What if many people trade it, will it become less effective? No. The beauty of Bitcoin trading robot algorithm is that it uses aspecial trade stealth technology which allows to separate differenttraders and avoid all of them taking the same trade at the same timeoverloading the market liquidity. This way robot stays effective even if many people trade itindependently.
6. Is it better than Forex? Yes. Less risky. More profit. No broker spreads or ridiculouscommissions. No bank regulations and fees. You get all the profit. You trade 24/7 not 24/5. No bank holidays. You I get profit around the clock. No need to install Metatraders and other complicated software. No need to sit and watch charts. No need tobuy expensive VPS servers or keep your computer online. 7. Do you trade it yourself? If it is so good, why would you sellit? Yes, we do trade it and you saw the live trading proof. Why do wesell it? We could probably write something hypocritical here, that wewant to make everyone rich and happy, but I will be honest with you.We are just greedy. If you have an opportunity to make more money,will you pass it by? The amount of traders using the robot does notaffect its effectiveness, so we thought, why not release it to a limitedamount of pioneers who, like us, can take advantage of a growingopportunity. It's like when people invented the plane; nobody drives such longdistances in a car anymore! Same here. Why bother with manualtrading, spending the whole of your life glued to the PC when youcan use this new technology of automated Bitcoin trading! The world has changed. And so have the tools! I
Here is whatI want you to do next: Get in on the Ground Floor of this Breakthrough Technology!The future is one step away from you. Click Add to Cart Button and let's get started! Downloadable version for Windows^ Add -po Cart Silvervista/7/8. Dion x ***** Easy $149 One-time License Fee. No monthly fees. Choose this option if you prefer to trade the robot from your own computer! Fully pre-installed version,^ Add To Cart 1 year service. '' GoldPlan One-time payment of $248 for a one year membership (no subscription),no additional monthly fees + expedited tickets with support 1 year of premiumtrading hosting, VPS included! Choose this option if you don't want to installanything and keep your computer ON. The robot will come preinstalled on ourpremium trading VPS for you and you will access it simply via your browserthrough your private members area! Nothing to download or setup. Fully pre-installed version,Add To Cart Unlimited service '' Lifetime membership for $498 (unlimited) + 3 years of free trading VPS cloudhosting included + expedited ticket support + personal one-on-one support. Just likein Gold Plan, the robot will be fully preinstalled on our premium VPS and you willaccess it simply via Browser in your private members area! Nothing to download orsetup. PlatinumPlan It's time for you to take action andsecure your spot. Remember, the early bird catches the worm. You already missed the early founding Bitcoin days with miningopportunities. It's still not too late to jump in on the train that isabout to leave. Get the Trading System Poised To Create a NewGeneration of future, successful traders. Pioneer this kind ofcurrency trading with an unlimited potential of future growth.
Be a Pioneer! To be a successful money maker, you need to stray off the beaten paths... andTHIS is your chance now! Who knows what will happen in a year from now?What if everyone owns Bitcoins by then and the market volatility sinks?Thousands of people are buying Bitcoin everyday... you can get ahead of themand profit from the misinformation and from people that pay too much topurchase Bitcoins... but you need to act right here, right now! By the time the gold rush is over, you could have earned tens of thousands ofdollars with a small one-time investment ! The Bitcoin robot is backed by our 60 day money back guarantee... either set itup and profit OR get your money back. You can try it out for a full 60 days, all therisk is on us. What People make! Make sure you secure your financial freedom and don't miss it.You are in the right spot at the right time. It's up to you now totake action and secure your own passive money-earning Bitcoinrobot... and start withdrawing money as early as TOMORROW! Sincerely, the Bitcoin Development Teamhttp://goo.gl/VVWXuA