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Oracle Fusion SCM Online Training instructor Krishna has massive experience in understanding the students pulse and helping them with simple examples and business cases making the training one of the memorable experience that you have never seen before, once attend his classes and fall into the memorable online training experience.<br><br><br>
OracleFusionSCM-InventoryManagementInterviewQuestion WhatisanInventoryOrganization? Ans - An inventory organization is a logical or physical entity in the enterprise that's used to storedefinitions of items or store andtransact items. WhatarefunctionsofInventoryManagement? Ans - Inventory Management functionality lets you manage warehouse activities such as replenishing inventory, counting stock (both cycle count and physical inventory), moving material within the warehouse, and issuing goods to manufacturing and Picking ,Shipping ,Receipts and Consignedinventory capabilities are supported aswell. ListoutInventoryTransactions? Ans - Subinventory Transaction, Miscellaneous Transactions, Interorganization Transfers, Movement Requests, Reservations and Picks, Confirm Pick Slips, Receipt, shipping, Cycle counting& Physical counting. ExplaintheFunctionalityoftheManageItemQuantitypage? Ans - the Manage Item Quantities page provides you with global visibility to items across your enterprise as well as details within a particular facility. The page also provides a number of actions that you cantake after selecting a row from your searchresults. View item availability, Request movement request transfer, Request movement request issue, Request miscellaneous transaction,Requestcyclecount,Managematerialstatus,Editlotgrade,Requesttransfer order, View supplier lots, View Item CrossReferences Etc. WhatisAvailabletoTransactQty? Ans - Available to Transact equals the quantity already reserved and ready to transact. Available toTransact= (Quantity on Hand) - PendingTransactions – Reservations WhatisAvailabletoReserveQty? Ans - Available to Reserve equals the quantity on hand minus the quantity already reserved for otherorders. What'sthe difference betweenprimary quantityand secondaryquantity? Ans - Primary quantity is the quantity of items in the primary unit of measure. Secondaryquantityis thequantity ofitems inthe secondaryunit ofmeasure.
DefineSubinventoryTransfers. Ans - Subinventory transfer is use to transfer material within your current organization between subinventories,or between two locators within the same subinventory. Whattypes ofAvailability displayson transactionscreen? Ans - Available- The quantity that's available to transfer based on the unit of measure you specify OnHand-The current on-hand quantityfor the item, based on theunit of measure you specify. Secondary Available Quantity - The quantity that's available to transfer in the secondary unit of measure. Secondary On-Hand Quantity-The current on-hand quantity of the item in the secondary unit of measure.This value displays if the item isunder dual unit of measure control. HowcanIcreateaSubinventorytransferforconsignedinventorytransactions? Ans- Entera valuefor theowning partyon theCreate SubinventoryTransfer page. Definemiscellaneoustransaction. Ans - Miscellaneous transaction is the transaction which is use to receipt or issue the material withoutany documentation. It’sa logictransaction. UsesofMiscellaneousTransactions. Ans - miscellaneous transaction use to Load all on-hand items during Inventory Management Implementation, Issue items to individuals, departments, or projects, Receive items that were acquiredwithout purchaseorders, toIssue damaged itemsto expenseaccounts, suchas scrap. DefineInterorganizationtransfers. Ans - Interorganization transfers enable you to transfer material between inventory organizations without creating any document. The items that you transfer must be assigned in boththe source and destination organizations. Whataretypesofinterorganizationtransfers? Ans - 1) Direct interorganization transfers- Direct interorganization transfers move items directly betweeninventoryorganizations.Thedestinationorganizationreceivesthematerial immediatelywhen you submit the transaction.
2) In-Transit interorganization transfers- Source organization sends stock to FOB (free on board)point from thatpoint destination organization receivesthe material. Whycan'tIselectadestination organizationwhencreatinganinterorganization transfer? Ans - To create an interorganization transfer between internal organizations, you must first completethis setup i) ManageInterorganization Parameters ii)ManageReceivingParameters DefineMovementrequests. Ans - Movement requests are requests for the movement of material within an inventory organizationsuch asa warehouseor facility withPickslip document&Approvals. HowtoperformMovementrequest? Ans - Create Movement Request > Create Picks > Print Pick slip doc (send it to store keeper) > physicallymove material > Confirm PickSlip >Verify On handQuantity WhatarethetypesofMovementrequest? Ans-i)Requisitionmovementrequests(Manualcreated) Replenishmentmovementrequests(Autogenerated) Workorder/Shopfloormovementrequests(Autogenerated) Pickwave(Autogenerated) Canwecancel theremainingquantities ofa partiallypickedmovement requestline? Ans - Yes, to cancel remaining qty automatically enable/check the Close movement request linesat pick confirmation at inventory organization parameter. Or Youcan also manually cancelthe remaining quantity on amovement request by usingthe Manage Movement Requests. Select Movement req line and from action cancel the movement request. WhatisMovementRequestIssueandMovementrequesttransfer?
Ans- Movement request transfertransaction type is useto subinventory transfer. Movementrequestissue transactiontypeis usetoissue stockagainstaccount. While creating movement request, if we select transaction type as movement issue at headerlevel, is it possible to change atline level? Ans-Yes,wecanchangeitatlinelevel. If we select receipt routing method at item level is different from we selected in receiving parameters,then which routing methodsystem will take at thetime of receiving? Ans-Itemlevelbethe1stpreference Isitpossible todomiscellaneous transactionfromManage ItemQuantityscreen? Ans- Yes, we cando that fromActions, we needto select requestmiscellaneous transaction 24.Whatarethesetupsforexpenseitem? Ans- 1-Should not be inventory item, 2- Stockable No, 3- Transactable No, 4-Costing No ,5- Inventoryasset-no 25.Isitpossible toEditCOSTwhileperformingmiscellaneous transaction? Ans- Yes,We have to giveuse current cost as NO sothat we can update COST WhatsetupshouldbedonebeforeInterorganizationtransfer? Ans-Manageinterorganizationparameter TypesofInterorganizationtransfer? Ans-DirectandIntrasit 28.Rolesrequiredtoperformcyclecount?
Ans- Warehouse manager forABCAnalysis&Warehouse operatorfor CycleCounting 29.Whatis the mandatory steps to befollowed at Warehouse level before startingthe physical counting? Ans- Holding the inbound and outbound physical transaction manually by informing the warehouse team, there is no freeze kind of option available in the system. Physical counting normallydoes outside of the business hours. 30.What arethe 2basison whichcycle countingcan bedone? Ans- 1.Basedon Items & 2.BasedonItemCategories 31.What is thereason if we are notable to assign locatorat Subinventory level? Ans- in Inventory organization parameter locator control is should be set as control at Subinventorylevel then you cancontrol it at Subinventorylevel. 32.Why can't I change the locator control of an existing organization at the Subinventory level? Ans-You can only change the Locator Control valuewhen there is no on-hand quantity in the Subinventory. First issue outthe on handand enable locatorcontrol and receive theon hand. 33.What'satransactionsource? A transaction source is the type of entity against which a transaction is charged. Examples of transactionsources include purchase orders, salesorders, and inventory. 34.What isthe difference betweenInventory Item &Expense Item?
Ans-Expense Item: InventoryItem-> No, Costing-> No, Stocked-> No, Reservable-> No & Inventory Item ->All ->Yes 35.WhatisMin-MaxPlanningFormula? Ans-TotalAvailability= on hand+ incoming Supply-Demand, Order Qty= Max Qty-TotalAvailability 36.Whenthereordersuggestiongetcreated? Ans-When available qtygo below minqty, and werun min-max programswith restock->yes 37.MinMax: If thesource type-> Organization, whatsupply suggestion getcreated Ans-InternalRequisition 38.For the same item, is itpossible to do Min Max planningboth Org, SI level? Ans-No,eitherofthempossible 39.WhatismeantbyconsignedInventory? Ans-Supplieris maintainingthestock inthe customerpremises,use &pay. 40.Whatismeantbyconsumptionadvice? Ans-Providingtheinformationtothesupplieraboutourconsumption
41.WhatistheSubinventorytransfer&MovementRequest? Ans- 1) Subinventory Transfer: transfer material within your current organization between sub inventories,or between two locators within the same subinventory. 2) Movement Request: Request for the movement of material within an inventory organization suchas a warehouse orfacility with proper documentationand approvals. 42.Whatareimportantitemattributes? Ans-i)Inventoryitem-yes/no,stocked,transactionenabled,reservable LotControl, startingprefix, startingnumber, Lotexpiration, Lotsplit ormerge, Serialcontrol-generation,prefix,startingnumber Cycle count, Shippable, Returnable, Invoiceable, Purchasing, and Customer ordered etc. totally290+ attributes are there. 43.WhatismeantbySubinventory? Ans-Subinventoriesareuniquephysicalorlogicalseparationsofmaterialinventory,suchas raw inventory, finished goods, or defective material. All material within an organization is held in asubinventory. 44.WhatareInventoryTables? Ans- 1) INV_MATERIAL_TXNS, 2) INV_ONHAND_QUANTITIES_DETAIL, 3) INV_SERIAL_NUMBERS,4)INV_LOT_NUMBERS, 5)INV_RESERVATIONS 45.WhataretheInventoryRoles? Ans- warehouse manager,warehouse operator, inventorymanager, receivingagent, supply chainoperation manager
46.Whatis the difference betweena duty andprivilege? Ans-Duty iscollection ofPrivileges and Privilegeis theaction allowedto perform. 47.WhatissignificanceofLDAPPROGRAMS? Ans-Tosync Rolesand Securityinformation betweenLDAPdirectoryand Fusionapplication. 48.WhatisthepurposeofReferenceDataSet? Ans-Reference datasets areused to sharecommon setupsacross thebusiness units. 49.What isthe difference betweenKFF &DFF? Ans- KFF->Oracle provided > capture mandatory information ->it’s a mandatory-> data stored in segments DFF->UserDefined >captureadditional information->optional ->datastored inattributes 50.WhataretheLotrelatedItemattributes? Ans- Lot control, starting prefix, starting number, maturity days, hold days, Lot expiration, Lot split,Lot merge, Lot translate, Default Lotstatus. 51.What isthe difference betweenAbstract role &Job role? Ans- 1) Abstract roles represent users in the enterprise independent of the jobs they perform 2) Jobroles represent the jobs that usersperform in an organization
52.Whatis therolerequiredtoManageESS Jobs? Ans- ESSAdministrator 53.What isthe difference betweenPhysical Counting &Cycle Counting? Ans- Physical Counting performed once or twice in a year, no item classification and no scheduling. Cycle Counting performed frequently by classifying the items, important items can be scheduled to count on daily/weekly basis and least important items can be counted on quarterly oryearly basis. 54.CycleCountingAdjustmentApprovalsareavailableinFusion? Ans-No 55.WhataretheReplenishmentMethodsavailableinFusion? Ans-Min-Maxplanning,Suppliermanaged,ReorderPointPlanning 56.Infusiondoesrecordhistoryavailable? Ans-Yes 57.CanyoupleaseelaborateFBDIProcess? Ans- Download Spreadsheet from Oracle Site - Public Url > Fill the data & Validate the Data > Convertthe spreadsheet into CSV and .Zipfile > from File import andexport -Save file in UCM
Server (.Zip) >Run 'Load Interface file for import' > Run Import Items/Import Supplier/Import SalesOrder (based on which object youare loading) 58.Backdatedtransactionsallowedornot? Ans-MisReceipt,IssueBackdate allowedbutnotfuturedate 59.Isitpossible tomakean itembothserial/lotcontrol? Ans-Yes 60.Howare theattributesusedbymin-max planningcalculations? Ans-min max minimum quantity, min max maximumquantity, fixed lot multiple, minimum order quantity,maximum order quantity, round reorder Quantity Oracle Fusion SCM Online Training instructor Krishna has massive experience in understanding the students pulse and helping them with simple examples and business cases making the training one of the memorable experience that you have never seen before, once attend his classesand fall into the memorableonline training experience. Never stop learning, Enjoy the way of learning something new every day,AllThe BEST