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Cognitive Technologies_ Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution

Cognitive Technologies is a Russian software corporation that develops corporate business- applications and also AI-based advanced driver assistance systems.<br>This Technologies that are able to perform cognitive functions like planning, reasoning, learning, decision making etc.<br>

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Cognitive Technologies_ Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution

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  1. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution ENGINEERING COGNITIVE TECHNOLOGIES: SIMPLIFYING COMPLEX NETWORK SOLUTIONS TO USHER IN A TECH-REVOLUTION The name, cognitive technology spells communication vistas, possibilities, and a ?uidity that makes one expectant. And, that is just the tip of the iceberg with all that cognitive technology offers. So, what is cognitive technology? Cognitive technology is a ?eld of modern science that imitates functions of the human brain. How did Cognitive Technology come into being? The ?rst blossoms of the ?eld of cognitive technology began in the late nineteenth century with the work of the mathematician George Boole. His book The Laws of Thought is a landmark in cognitive technology. On May 11, 1997, the IBM Computer Deep Blue defeated the renowned Chess Grandmaster, Gary Kasparov. Other mathematicians Charles Babbage and George Boole contributed to the creation of what he termed ‘an analytical engine’. The impossibly amazing creations date back to ancient times but cognitive technology started taking center stage in our lives only 30 to 40 years back. Thus, did cognitive technology emerge as a major ?eld of AI and futuristic human activity. Let us dive into how cognitive science has augmented the IT and telecommunications industry. Bene?ts of Cognitive Technology Cognitive Technology has widespread present and great future uses. They are: Arti?cial Intelligence (AI) Some of the basic tenets of cognitive computing have been derived from AI, especially, in terms of algorithms that can be used through data management systems – Big Data, to be precise. This is to gain a deeper understanding and control of the vast amounts of data welling up in modern organizations. https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 1/7

  2. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution Natural language processing, decision automation, cognitive science, computational intelligence, machine learning, statistical intelligence modeling, and cognitive simulation are all related to cognitive intelligence. These are software-based technologies that strengthen the velocity, volume, and variety of big data. These technologies are generated by next-generation networks to intelligently develop outcomes of speed, cost, and quality. Combining domain knowledge with algorithms, cognitive technologies transform operations to enable complex and diverse business goals to be delivered. These cognitive networks use big data and compute abilities that are forever taking on newer domains and spreading to every ?eld of activity. They can do the tasks that only humans are capable of doing; and, hence, have immense possibilities. That is why they have the potential to replace human intelligence in the future. They further have uses in computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, speech recognition, and robotics. Modern Business Solutions Today’s service providers and business owners or entrepreneurs are faced with a lot of complexities. Cognitive technologies and cognitive networks solve these complexities. How? They present a lot of opportunities for the businesses concerned, the technical experts, the market, the customers, and others involved. They blend big data with distinctive network domain competence that leads to unprecedented speed, scale, and accuracy in emerging intent-based network operations. These cognitive technologies also herald new ways of doing business. They use deep natural language processing (NLP) and understanding to launch work?ows, answer questions and proffer recommendations. We can perform strategic network investment decisions predicted in a network and not simply retaliate to bottlenecks that have occurred. This is called Network CAPEX Planning. We can utilize network crowd-sourced data for remote veri?cation and accept newly deployed equipment without dispatching engineers or driving tests to the site. Cognitive Networks also facilitate proactive network optimization which entails ?nding out and solving network aberration. This ensures that user experience degradation does not take place. With in?nite 5G opportunities on the horizon, communication service providers (CSPs) can gain an edge through AI-powered, data-driven network optimization technologies. A bad cell optimization process against a restricted number of network metrics is a pitfall. This is avoided in this process. Examples include tra?c shaping, data caching, data compression, etc. Provision of voluminous data and rapidly-?owing network streams These are hyper-connected environments and they provide a customer excellent experience by combining voluminous data and rapidly ?owing network streams. With the market rushing towards the provision of speed and large data volumes these technologies are the next- generation answers to many business and technology needs. https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 2/7

  3. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution Cognitive Technology is playing a leading role in automation building. The intensely complex and intricate networks that are the cornerstones of today’s communication are catered to by cognitive network solutions and cognitive technology solutions. For example, the use of intelligent automation to speed up production or minimize the chance of human mistakes in an automobile factory and a pharmaceutical or life sciences company using it to save costs and obtain resource e?ciencies when repetitive procedures occur. Communication – Mobile Technology As we speak of communication we need to approach the domain of 5G network communication which is a tangible possibility today. Cognitive Network is an avenue that helps us to explore and put to task the complexities of communication that are opening up before us. After the nascent 1G, 2G, 3G, or 4G, the next-gen 5G technology has higher data transfer rates and provides us with video access with minimum latency and the many connected devices that we experience today. Such facilities are present in smart cities, autonomous vehicles, sports broadcasting, 5G drones, etc. Mobile technology uses data to create predictive algorithms that look for and resolve problems before they affect the end-user experience. We are now looking ahead to wonderfully evolved networks and accessibility. Cognitive Technology and the Frontiers of Space If we imagine the future of our world, tapping on to the endless space around us, the huge area of unexplored territory offers vast possibilities, too. Vistas of cognitive technology like AI are being used in the creation of AI-based assistants and robots (empathetic robotic assistants) to help astronomers in long space travel, automate image analysis for a galaxy, planet, or star classi?cation, create intelligent navigation systems e.g. the development of an AI system that aided astronauts to ?nd their way on the planets with the help of Intel. Let us discuss the future and look at a few stats that may shape the course of cognitive technologies. Cognitive Technology and the Road Ahead All the above-mentioned bene?ts were the stuff of science ?ction a few decades back. As most such path-breaking technological trends have a lot to look forward to it is evident that cognitive technologies have a future to look forward to. We have already looked at the possibilities in business solutions, communication, space technologies, etc. Cognitive Computing is going to emerge as the next-generation computing system and they will converse in human language. https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 3/7

  4. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution The cognitive technology market is expected to grow at a CAGR OF 34.2% and is expected to reach a market value of $36,000 million by 2023. These technologies will be operational in chatbots, sentiment analysis, face detection, risk assessment, and even fraud detection. It is expected to occupy a 37% portion as against other emerging technologies of the future. 65% of early adopters viewed it as very important to their organization’s strategy and success, 58% of early adopters said it was essential for digital transformation and 58% said that it will become a must-have to remain competitive in the next few years. The Challenges of Cognitive Technology Talking about possibilities, we must remember that possibilities are always accompanied by challenges that must be overcome. For example: ● Cognitive systems cannot analyze the risks not found in unstructured data. Cognitive systems make it possible to comprehend complex content, be involved in dialects in natural language, analyze unstructured information along with structured data, derive inferences or take decisions based on structured or unstructured inputs such as reasoning, senses, and verbal cues to arrive at the most probable. It needs laborious training before being used. For example, WellPoint’s ?nancial management is facing a similar situation with IBM Watson – an AI tool that helps organizations automate complex processes, predict future outcomes and optimize employees’ time. ● The purview of cognitive technology is limited to engagement and decision. instead of arti?cial intelligence. It supplements human thinking and analysis but cannot take critical or strategic decisions. Final Thoughts Jordan Bernt Peterson, a Canadian Clinical Psychologist, YouTube Personality, Author, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto has said, “The multiplication force of technology on cognitive differences is massive.” And, rightly so, Cognitive Technology holds for us endless possibilities just as our inner world holds opportunities for endless exploration. So, we are looking ahead to great opportunities in cognitive technology. About Techwave Techwave specializes in Enterprise Digital Services, Enterprise Applications, and Engineering Services. The core team provides unprecedented technical knowledge and analytics that provide quantum leaps and real comprehension of the consumers of today. The company began by providing SAP Solutions and Services and quickly took up positions of importance in this sector in many corners of the world, providing end-to-end software and digital transformation services. https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 4/7

  5. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution PREVIOUS POST Helping IT Leaders Move Fast: All you need to know about 5G edge computing NEXT POST How To Implement A Successful Healthcare Supply Chain Following Covid-19? Search here.. RECENT POSTS Modern EPM Solution and Why Businesses Must Adopt It How will deploying to SAP commerce cloud transform your digital business Understanding the then and now of Enterprise Management Systems Restoring the SCM e?ciency and resilience balance in the post-COVID era How to Reduce Cloud Costs and Improve E?ciency CATEGORIES AMS Analytics Arti?cial Intelligence AWS Big Data Blockchain BPO https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 5/7

  6. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution Cloud Company Announcement CRM Digital Digital Transformation EIM EMI Engineering EPM ERP Events Featured Fintech IoT IT infrastructure SAP SAP AMS Validation ABOUT TECHWAVE Techwave is a leading global IT and engineering services and solutions company revolutionizing digital transformations. We believe in enabling clients to maximize the potential and achieve a greater market with a wide array of technology services, including, but not limited to, Enterprise Resource Planning, Application Development, Analytics, Digital, and the Internet of things (IoT).  SERVICES Enterprise Digital Ser ices https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 6/7

  7. 9/14/22, 6:02 PM Enterprise Digital Services Cognitive Technologies: Simplifying Complex Network Solutions to Usher in a Tech-revolution Engineering Services Enterprise Business Services PLATFORMS SupplyVu™ Autonetics Platform Hybrid Cloud Management COSMOS IoT GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 13501 Katy Fwy Suite 1000, Houston, TX 77079, USA. Ph:+1 281 829 4831 info@techwave.net FOLLOW US  Techwave © 2022 All Rights Reserved. | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | https://techwave.net/cognitive-technologies-simplifying-complex-network-solutions-to-usher-in-a-tech-revolution/ 7/7

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