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Medical Summary Examples<br><br>Medical summaries are almost always customized to client needs. We develop formats based on specific application. These samples illustrate some general examples of summaries. With over 100 types of summaries produced, we offer these only as examples for ideas you may explore. When delivered each medical summary is referenced into the medical file for each extracted medical event by source page. <br /> For mode details visit our page : <a href="https://www.telegenisys.com/medical-summary-examples/"> https://www.telegenisys.com/medical-summary-examples/ </a>
Telegenisys is an ISO certified Business Process Outsourcing provider, specializing in healthcare services suchasmedicalchronology,medicalsummariesandmedical recordretrieval. AboutTelegenisys
Medical SummaryExamples Medical summaries are almost always customized to client needs. We develop formats based on specific application. These samples illustrate some general examplesofsummaries.Withover100typesofsummariesproduced,weoffer these only as examples for ideas you may explore. When delivered each medicalsummaryisreferencedintothemedicalfileforeachextractedmedical event by sourcepage.
ConditionSpecific Socialmediaaccountsdon't receivealotofengagement. Conditionspecificsummariesareusedforacaseand patient evaluations. They show medical conditions affecting the patient displaying both diagnosis and treatment. Summaries include treatment plans for evaluation and provide a view of inter-related conditions, medication use, pain studies, pathology review, lab result chronologies, and other case- specificdata.
Deep DocumentReference Deep document references are used for legal uses when conclusions must be sourced back to original document sources highlighting if any records appear to be missing. The dense tabular layout of such summaries requires more careful review as data is laid out with additionalcolumns. These summaries are suitable for litigation and sometimes used in medicalresearch.
DisabilitySpecific Disability-specificsummariesoutlinethenature of the disability, its causes, the method of diagnosis, treatment history, and future treatment plans. These summaries are used in claim management, claim litigation, malpractice action among other uses. Disability summaries are one of the common formats our client’s request. Any of these samples can be customizedforspecificuse.
MalpracticeIncident Deep document references are used for legal uses when conclusions must be sourced back to original documentsourceshighlightingifanyrecordsappear to be missing. The dense tabular layout of such summaries requires more careful review as data is laid out with additional columns. These summaries are suitable for litigation and sometimes used in medicalresearch.
NarrativeTabular Narrative summaries are used to build upon medical events explaining all components of a medical intervention. Covering cause, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, prescription, lab results, radiology and treatment plans, these summaries explain to legal professionals and other nonmedical professionals the nature of the events cohesively. Narrative summaries tell a story of patient eventchronology.
ConditionReferenced Condition referenced summaries display a deep reference view of medicalconditions. When dealing with injury these summaries are indispensable in evaluating cost based on ICD billing codes, correlatedreferences to radiology, labs, therapy, surgery and other condition related medicalevents.
Other Types of Summaries and Medical Data Extraction We perform custom data extraction on specific use medical records for insurance, pharma, healthcare, and legal applications. We generate pain indication studies, impairment studies among a broad variety of custom data extractions. Reach out to us and we will be happy to evaluate your need and generate a free sample of work foryou.
CustomFormatsAndDemosForEvaluation Deep document references are used for legal uses when conclusions must be sourced back to originaldocumentsourceshighlightingifanyrecordsappeartobemissing.Thedensetabularlayout ofsuchsummariesrequiresmorecarefulreviewasdataislaidoutwithadditionalcolumns.These summariesaresuitableforlitigationandsometimesusedinmedicalresearch.
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