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Our lawn maintenance services team talks about leaf cleanup

Tender Care Lawn Service is one of the fastest growing landscaping companies in southwest Louisiana that provides grass cutting, landscape maintenance, and other lawn care services across the country.

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Our lawn maintenance services team talks about leaf cleanup

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  1. Our lawn maintenance services team talks about leaf cleanup BY http://tendercarelawnservice.com

  2. • Ah, it’s autu?? a?d that ?ea?s ?oole? ?eathe?, fall ?olo?s, a?d ?ozy e?e?i?gs. Landscaping companies know that autumn also brings with it the fall of the leaves as the trees prepare for the coming winter. This is the time when many of our customers call our lawn maintenance services team for our leaf cleanup service. Why it’s i?porta?t to clea? up the falle? leaves • As your grass starts preparing for winter, fallen leaves can be a hindrance to essential sunlight a?d ai? that’s ?eeded. A laye? of lea?es ?a? also ?lo?k a??ess to ?ut?ie?ts a?d ha?pe? the healthy growth of your grass. • It can also reduce the evaporation rate and trap water between the leaves and the soil which can lead to other problems such as mold, fungus, brown patch, and other diseases in the leaf blades. • To ?o?pou?d thi?gs, g?ass that’s ?o?sta?tly da?p also is a? ope? i??itatio? to ?os?uitoes which can really put a damper on your evenings in your garden. • Come spring, you could be dealing with having to nurse your garden back to health rather than it coming back to life naturally.

  3. • What our lawn maintenance services team does with the leaves • It’s i?po?ta?t to pla? you? la?? ?a?e se??i?es e?e? i? the fall. Beyo?d ha?i?g p?e- and post-e?e?ge?t a?d potassiu? applied to you? la??, it’s good to ha?e your lawn maintenance services team handle your fallen leaves. • It may be tempting and fun to make a leaf pile for the kids to dive into, but once that’s do?e, you still ha?e so?e ?lea?up to deal ?ith. • Another option is to rake all your leaves, bag them, and wait for trash collection day.

  4. • Instead, our lawn maintenance services team recommends mulching or composting the leaves as an eco-friendly option. • Mulching requires a lawn mower with the added functionality of mulching down the leaves. The leaves then re-cycle their nutrients back into the soil and feed the grass and other plants. Leaf mulch like others helps regulate the temperature of the soil du?i?g ?i?te? a?d also de??ease the ?ha??es of ?eeds. It’s i?po?ta?t though that the leaves are disease free to avoid spreading disease to other plants in your garden. • To use the leaves as compost, our lawn care services team bags the leaves during mowing which makes it easy to add to your compost pit or pile and convert them into nutrient rich soil for your plants and trees. Not only are you ridding your la?? of st?e?? lea?es, you’?e putti?g the? to good use fo? the ?est of you? pla?ts.

  5. Contact us: Lawn care services Address : 2315 Gaylynn Dr. Sulphur, LA 70665 Fax: 337-313-0489

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