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Electrical Testing Adelaide is a family owned business in Adelaide, which has been operating since January 2016. In that time we have serviced many businesses who have anywhere from 1-10 items, right up to 5000 items. Recently we have introduced Fire Equipment Testing and our clients now see us as a u201cOne Stop Shopu201d for all their Electrical & Fire safety needs. Visit us: https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/electrical-testing-adelaide/
Taylor'sTest& tag BestExitLightTestingAdelaide https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/
ExitLightTestingAdelaide Our exit light testing Adelaide is absolutelyessentialforthesafetyofyour stafforcolleagues.Sonexttimeyouwalk intoyourworkplace,makesureyouraise the question—when did you last have themchecked? It’sactuallyalegalrequirementtohave all emergency lighting and fire safety equipmentcheckedevery6monthsin alignmentwiththeAustralianStandard AS/NZ2293. Our team will carry out and exit light testing Adelaide to ensure everything is fully functional, beforeaddingtheappropriatetaggingusingourQ-codingsystem.Ourtagsclearlydisplaydatasuch as the date, safety status of the appliance, the person who tested your equipment and the required re-testdatetohelpyoustayaheadofOH&Sregulations. Ourteamwillthenproduceacomprehensivereportdetailingalltheworkthatwascarriedout beforeissuingaCertificateofComplianceforyourrecords.
WhyShouldYouBotherGetting Your ExitLightingTested? No different to wearing seatbelts when driving a car, exit light testing Adelaide is a standard safety requirement in any commercial setting. Exit lights are heavily depended on to co-ordinate large groups in emergency situations.Andthisdoesn’tjustapplytosituationswhereafirehasbroken out,they’realsoasafetyresourceduringpoweroutages. While it might appear that your exit lighting is functioning okay, professionalsaccountforanumberoftechnicalelementswhenassessingand testing the performance. Failure to comply with the testing regulations outlined in the AS/NZ 2293 Standard won’t only result in a penalty, but you couldbejeopardisingthesafetyofthoseworkingwithinyourpremises. That’saburdennoonewantstocarry.Letustakestressoutoftheequation byschedulingyouinforregularexitlighttestingAdelaide!
WhyChooseTaylor’sTest&Tagfor Your ExitLightTestingAdelaide? Why should you just bite the bullet and get your exit light testing Adelaide done? Safetyisonethingthatshouldneverbecompromised,sothat’swhyTaylor’sTest& Tag have simplified our service to entice more business owners to maintain the performanceoftheirequipmentandelectricalappliances. Thisincludeseverythingfromsmokealarmsandfireextinguishers,rightthroughto cords, microwaves, and even 3-phase equipment at no extra charge. Ultimately, we’re considered a one-stop-shop in our field. That’s one of the factors behind the long-standingrelationshipswebuildwithourcustomers. If need be, we’re qualified to provide on-the-spot plug top replacements which meanslessinterruptiontoyourdailypractice!We’realsooneofthemoreaccessible businesses—extendingourservicerightacrossAdelaideandMetropolitanareas.So, ifdependabilityiswhatyou’relookingfor,chooseTaylor’sTest&Tag!
Address PhoneNo. Website Emailid Adelaide,SouthAustralia +61428272259 https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/ taylorstestandtag@gmail.com ContactUs