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Testing and Tagging Adelaide is a family owned business in Adelaide, which has been operating since January 2016. In that time we have serviced many businesses who have anywhere from 1-10 items, right up to 5000 items. Recently we have introduced Fire Equipment Testing and our clients now see us as a u201cOne Stop Shopu201d for all their Electrical & Fire safety needs. Visit us: https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/test-and-tag-adelaide/
Taylor'sTest&tag ADELAIDE'STOP CHOICEFOR ELECTRICAL TAGGING https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/
ELECTRICALTAGGINGADELAIDE Taylor’sTest&Tagisafamilyownedandoperatedbusiness that specialises in electrical tagging Adelaide. Since 2016, we’ve extended our service to hundreds of homes and businesses to check the safety and performance of their equipment.Ourcoreservicelistincludes: Emergencysystemstesting Safety Switch testing Microwavetesting Computer, laptop and monitor inspections Singleand3phaseappliancestestingplusmore! At the end of our service, we provide our clients with a comprehensivereportandcomplianceletterfortheir records. This letter certifies that your workplace has been assessed by qualified tradesmen, and that it meets the AustralianOH&Sstandards.
ELECTRICALTESTANDTAG ADELAIDE At Taylors Test & Tag, we can help ensure the safety of your familymembersorworkcolleagueswithourreliableelectrical testandtagAdelaideservice. Electrical safety within your home or work place is not a situationtobetakenlightly;asahomeorcommercialbusiness owner,itisimperativethatyouimplementtheappropriatesteps toensurethatyourelectricalequipmentisregularlytestedand tagged. Ourexperiencedtradesmenarequalifiedtotestawiderangeof electrical equipment in any residential, commercial and industrial spaces; from electrical cords to power tools, computers,monitorsandlaptopchargers,ourvisualinspection, testingandtaggingservicewillensurethatanyandallelectrical itemsareinworkingorder.
ELECTRICALTESTINGADELAIDE WhenitcomestoelectricaltestingAdelaide,there’sonlyone number you need to keep on your fridge—and that’s Taylor’s Test & Tag. Firstly, we extend our service right across the metropolitanareatoensureeveryonehasaccessto safe and reliableworkmanship. Weuseadvancedelectricaltestingtechnologytobackupour visualinspections,and havetheabilitytotest3-phase equipment at no extra charge! Additionally, we’re qualified for on-the-spot plug top replacements which makes our serviceevenmoreconvenientforbusinesses. After we’ve carried out our comprehensive assessment, we use our clear tagging system to help our customers identify the date,person who servicedtheir appliance, and the renewaldate.Allthedetailsareoutlinedinafreereport,and weevenissueacomplianceletterforyouraccreditation.
CONTACTUS PhoneNumber +61428272259 EmailAddress taylorstestandtag@gmail.com Website https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/