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Testing and Tagging Adelaide | Taylor's Test & tag in South Australia

Testing and Tagging Adelaide is a family owned business in Adelaide, which has been operating since January 2016. In that time we have serviced many businesses who have anywhere from 1-10 items, right up to 5000 items. Recently we have introduced Fire Equipment Testing and our clients now see us as a u201cOne Stop Shopu201d for all their Electrical & Fire safety needs. Visit us: https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/test-and-tag-adelaide/

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Testing and Tagging Adelaide | Taylor's Test & tag in South Australia

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  1. Taylor'sTest&tag THEBENEFITSOFHAVINGYOUR EQUIPMENTTAGGEDAND TESTED https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/

  2. YourLocalTestandTagExperts Electricalequipmenttestingandtaggingisthebestwaytokeepyourbusinessand home protected against potential fire hazards emanating from faulty electrical equipment.IfyouareinAdelaide,youcanprotectyourpremisesfromseveredamage and ensure the safety of your team through Taylors Test and Tag in Adelaide. You probably need all your electrical equipment to operate safely and efficiently. So, you needprofessionalelectricaltestandtagservicestogetaclearanddetailedpictureof theequipmentthatyouarehandling. This service will enable you to notice defects and faults in your equipment hence reducingtherisksforyouremployees.Manybusinessesandindustriesaredependent on electrical appliances in their daily operations. They must provide a safe working environmentbyadheringtotheAustralianOccupationalHealthandSafetystandards. TaylorsTestandTagcanhaveyourequipmenttaggedandtestedtoyoursatisfaction. Weprovidetheseessentialservicesataffordableratesforthebestsolutions.

  3. WorkEnvironmentSafety Testandtagservicesentailinspectionofyourelectricalequipmentbyaprofessional service expert. When conducting the process, you can identify defects and malfunctioning equipment and handle them before they cause accidents to your employees.Throughtagging,youdocumentthetestingresults,hencekeepingyour staff aware of the condition of each piece of equipment. In addition, you become compliantwiththegovernment’ssafetystandards,makingyourworkplacesafetodo business. On the other hand, failure to test and tag your equipment means you are non- compliantwiththesetrules.Forthisreason,youcanpayheftyfinesfornotprovidinga safe environment for your employees, in addition to risking their lives. At Taylors Test andTag,weadviseourclientstobesensibleenoughtohavetheirelectricalequipment testedandtaggedbyexpertstoavoidtheseproblems.Ifyouareanewclient,wewill provideyouwithadiscountifyougiveusachancetoserveyou.

  4. ProfiCientandMaintenanCe Through Taylors Test and Tag services in Adelaide, you can make your electrical equipmentmaintenanceasproficientaspossible.Thisisbecauseyoucandetectminor faults and defects early. As such, your equipment maintenance schedule remains up- to-date. If you have equipment with more significant issues, you need not worry. Our professionals can repair them before they cause any short-circuiting or destruction to your home or business premises. Besides, test and tagging is cheaper than handling thehazardscausedbyunsafeelectricalequipment. Many insurance companies have recently been keen on getting tests done to cover yourvaluableelectricalequipment.Forthisreason,ifyouroutinelytestandtagyour equipment,youcanrestassuredthatyouwillpaylowerpremiums.Therefore,youcan save money and your business’s operating capital by having your equipment tested andtagged.

  5. E-mail Website Phone Address ContaCtus: taylorstestandtag@gmail.com https://taylorstestandtag.com.au/ +61428272259 Adelaide,SouthAustralia,Australia

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