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Discover the perfect Navratri Jewellery Collection to complement your festive attire. Explore our stunning collection of jute earrings, cowrie earrings, handcuff sets, mirror choker necklaces, handmade beaded necklaces, long pearl necklace sets, and handcrafted jhumkas.<br><br>
Get15%offonfirstorderUseCode-Kaftan15 INR Account Search Cart Women MenMaternity KidsAccessoriesClearanceRewards Must-Have NavratriJewelleryCollectionForYour PerfectNavratriLook Theairisfilledwith excitementandjoy,andthe reason isprettyclear.ItisNavratritime,atime when everyone,fromlittlekidstooldones,enjoysthemselvestothe fullest.Onemore reasontoenjoytheseninereligiousdaysiswearingthebeautifullehenga-choliandthejewellerythatgoeswiththem. India is known for its exuberant and colourful clothing, and when you give them a festive reason, then nobody puts their feet backward. Although clothing and jewellery both go hand in hand, today our main focus will be theNavratri jewellery collection. In this blog, we will give ideas that will help you in deciding which jewellerypiece will go wellwith you andhowyou shouldstyle them.Thiswillalsosaveyourtime bygivingyou an easyway.Allyouneedtodoisjustgo through this blogandfollowtheideasgiven. GetReadyWithUs! When it comes to celebrating Navratri, your outfit isn't complete without the perfect jewellery to complement it. Let’s check out some items that’ll spice up your festive styleandhelpyoushineduringtheninenightsofcelebration. JuteEarrings:ADashOfEco-FriendlyStyle ShopNow For all the fashionista out there, who wants to be bold yet responsible, jute earrings are the best option. These easy-to-wear and eye-catching add-ons instantly add an earthy touch to your casual wear. Pair them with a plain cotton saree or a simple draped anarkali, and you will nail the carefree bohemian look, which is sophisticated andstylishyetgreenatthesametime. Such loud yet stylish earrings are available in different varieties, right from the simple hoops to intricate hanging ones. Go for ones that feature colourful thread work or little mirrorstoreallypopinyourNavratrioutfit.Andguesswhat?They’recomfyenoughtowearallnightwhile youdanceandcelebrate. Cowrie Earrings:WhereBeachVibesMeetFestiveGlam ShopNow Who says you can’t add a splash of coastal flair to your Navratri style? Cowrie earrings are seriously trending right now, and they’re a fun way to give your festive outfits aunique twist.These shell-inspiredgemscreatealovelycontrastwithtraditionalattire,addinga fresh andcontemporarytouchtoyourlook. Goforcowrie earringsingoldorsilvershadestokeepthe festivevibe alive.You’llfindstylesthat mixincolourfulbeadsortasselsforanextrafun twist.They’re perfect withbothmodernandtraditionaloutfits,makingthemago-to choice forallninenightsofNavratri. HandcuffSet:Elegance AtYour Fingertips ShopNow Want to stand out this festival? Then you got to check out a fabulous handcuff set. These eye-catching accessories not only beautify your hands and wrists, but they alsograbattentionasyou danceduringdandiyaandgarba.Agreathandcuffsetcantakeeventhesimplestoutfitandmakeitsuperglamorous. Keepaneyeoutforsetswithdetailedmetalwork,maybewith some enamelortinygemsforthatextrashine.Some handcuffsetseven come withmatchingfinger rings,makingyourwholelookfeelroyalandpolished.Keepin mindthattheseaccessoriesareallaboutmakingastatement,sodon’tholdback! MirrorChokerNecklace:ShowOffYour InnerSparkle ShopNow You can’thaveaNavratrijewellerycollection withoutafabulousmirrorchokernecklace.These traditionalgemshave beenfresheneduplately,makingthemsuper versatileandeasytowear.Amirrorchokerinstantlyboostsyouroutfit'sglam,reflectinglightasyou grooveandmove around. Goforachokerthat mixesmirrorswith colourfulbeadstomatchyourlook.The shinymirrorswillnotjustenhance youroutfitbutalsocapturethefestivevibe of Navratri.TeamitupwithadeepV-neckcholiorabacklessblouse toreallyshowoffthisstrikingaccessory. Handmade Beaded Necklace:ASplashOfColour ShopNow If you’re into colourful styles, a handmade beaded necklace is totally a must-have. These eye-catching pieces let you mix and match different colours in your outfit, bringingyourNavratrivibe togetherperfectly.Thecoolthingabouthandmadejewelleryisthateach piece isunique—you won’tfindtwothatarethe same. When shopping for necklaces, look for a combo of various-sized beads and maybe some metallic accents to spice things up. You’ve got styles that range from pretty simplesingle-strandpiecestodaringmulti-layeredones.A beadednecklacereallystandsoutwhen pairedwitha solidoutfit,lettingyourjewelleryshine. LongPearl NecklaceSet:Timeless Elegance ShopNow Thinkingaboutsteppingupyourstyle thisNavratri?Alongpearlnecklacesetmightjustbewhatyou need.Pearlsare alwaysin fashion,andalongstrandgivesyou lotsofoptionstowearit.You canrockitasa singlelongpiece,doubleitforthattrendylayeredvibe,oreventwistitaroundyourwristanduse itasabracelet. Be on the lookout for sets that come with matching earrings to keep everything looking sharp. While classic white pearls are a safe go-to, feel free to experiment with colourful pearls in soft pastels or even bright shades to complement your outfit. A pearl set really adds some class to your festive look, making it just right for those specialNavratrieventsorpujas. HandcraftedJhumkas: TheUltimate Festive Essential ShopNow No discussion of Navratri jewellery would be complete without mentioning handcrafted jhumkas. These quintessential Indian earrings are required for each and every celebration, including Navratri as well. The artistry involved in making jhumkas can be appreciated the most in the detailing and in the efficacy of the artisan who perfectsthe craft. Stick to the jhumkas that fit the colour and pattern of your clothing. For instance, choose from elegant antiqued gold-toned jhumkas that have intricate filigree patterns. For the more daring, who wish to be more adventurous, go for designs that have come up with colours, stones, and pearls or even fabric dangling tassels. Wearingjhumkaslightlyfillsthe jollyaurawitheverymovementcaptivatingboth theeyesandtheears. FindingTheRight StyleCombination All of these individual jewellery pieces look stunning, but the secret to mastering the perfect Navratri look is in the way they are combined. Here are some pointers for mixingandmatching: Tip the scales somewhere: If there is a heavy mirror choker, then the person should ideally wear fewer ornate earrings in order to avoid overloading the entire look. Experimentwithvarioustextures:Incorporate variousmaterialssuch asjute,beads, metals,andotherstocreate some zest in youroutfit. Harmonizingshades:Wearjewellerythatcompletesorwonderfully opposes yourdresstoachieve a stunningeffect. Considerthehairstyle:Ifit isan elaborate updo,theneye-catchingearringssuch asjhumkasorcowrieearringsshouldbeworn. Don’tskiptheblingforyourhands:A prettyhandcuffsetcantotallylevelupyourNavratrioutfit. AndYouAre Ready! Gottheideasyou're lookingfor? At times,itbecomesdifficult forpeopletodecide whichjewellerytowearandhowtowearit. This blogishere toaddressthat problem. Ifyoudon’tknowwheretobuybeautifulandtrendyjewellerythisNavratri,then you areattherightplace.Check outournewjewellerycollection atTheKaftan Companywebsite thatgoeswellwithanyfestivalaswellas day-to-dayuse. Share October01,2024—MarketingTeam Tags:Cowrieearrings,Handcraftedjhumkas,Handcuff set,Handmadebeadednecklace,Juteearrings,Long pearlnecklaceset,Mirrorchokernecklace,NavratriJewelleryCollection OlderPost BacktoLatestKaftanArticles FreeDomesticShipping CodAvailable LoyaltyProgram EasyExchangeAndReturns JoinTheKaftanClub! Join The Kaftan Club and unlock a world of exclusive privileges, promotions & offers. Earn reward points each time you make a purchase and redeem these points for your future kaftan purchases. 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