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While our soundproofing walls are used widely, we often recommend them for social venues that host live music to manage noise complaints from surrounding businesses and residents. Alternatively, we can install soundproofing technology that simply manages the sound to create a welcome ambience by reducing reverberation; facilitating better conversation inside. No one wants to have to yell at their friends, but loud sound can be integral to maintaining the good atmosphere.
Soundproo?ngWalls The Silencer provide a huge range of soundproo?ng walls and other solutions to e?ectively manage unwanted noise at any home, workplace, or social venue. Our business was founded by Peter Mathew, and we’ve since built a large portfolio of happy clients through mediating diverse noise issues. Whether it’s in the home or at a loud construction site, we’ve got a number of water, ?re, and dust proof products that are designed to counter speci?c issues. That’s why it’s important have an educated advisor to help you make the smartest choices, while using the best value for money alternatives. The Silencer continually follow the latest trends and developments in soundproo?ng to make this attainable. While we’re based locally in Modbury North, we operate Australia-wide due to the high demand for holistic service and premium supply. If you need help controlling sound in an environment, enquire about our soundproo?ng walls today!
Soundproo?ngtreatmentsforsocial venues While our soundproo?ng walls are used widely, we often recommend them for social venues that host live music to manage noise complaints from surrounding businesses and residents. Alternatively, we can install soundproo?ng technology that simply manages the sound to create a welcome ambience by reducing reverberation; facilitating better conversation inside. No one wants to have to yell at their friends, but loud sound can be integral to maintaining the good atmosphere. To accommodate this demand, some of the products we can install include: Acoustic panels for walls and ceilings Wall, ceiling and ?oor soundproo?ng to reduce noise transfer between rooms Bass traps to absorb low frequency band music. High performance sound proo?ng is more than throwing up some insulation. In fact, the wrong products in the wrong places can do a lot more harm than good! Chat to us about soundproo?ng walls to help you manage sound within your venue. Productsweuseforsoundproo?ng walls The Silencer only use products we know and trust for soundproo?ng walls. We’ve hand-selected the most e?ective and durable options on the market to ensure long-term results. We also opt for products that are ?reproof. He Wavebar: One of the popular products we install is the Wavebar by Pyrotek. It’s a low-cost, long-lasting product that o?ers superior acoustic transmission loss. The ?exible nature of this mass-loaded product makes it easy to install in awkward places. It has a dense core mass layer re?ects and absorbs the transmission noise through walls, reducing critical frequencies. Stratocell Whisper: This product has been deemed the perfect acoustic solution. It has fantastic sound absorption, a washable surface, great transmission loss, a strong yet lightweight structure, and is UV resistant. It comes in the form of panels with closed-cell laminated polyethylene foam,
which is carefully engineered to suit both indoor and outdoor environments. Ifyou’relookingtoimprovesoundmanagementatyourhome, workplaceorsocialvenue,soundproo?ngwallscouldbetheideal solutionforyou!CallTheSilenceron0468356600orsendyour enquiriesthroughtoinfo@thesilencer.com.au. TalkToAnExpert. CONTACTUSNOW WhyChooseUs Experienced Crew Fast & Smooth process
Over 8 Years in Business Read More CALL US 0468 356 600 EMAIL US info@thesilencer.com.au VISITS BY APPOINTMENT 68 Carruthers Dr, Modbury North SA 5092 QuickLinks Home Residential Soundproo?ng
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