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Divorce Lawyer in Fort Worth - Bailey & Galyen Attorneys at Law

Looking for a reliable divorce lawyer in Fort Worth? Our team specializes in family law, including child custody and divorce cases. With years of experience, we offer compassionate guidance and legal expertise. Contact us today for free legal consultation.<br>Read More : https://issuu.com/thetexasattorney/docs/divorce_lawyer_in_fort_worth.docx

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Divorce Lawyer in Fort Worth - Bailey & Galyen Attorneys at Law

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  1. DivorceLawyersinFortWorth Alt Text-DivorcelawyerinFortworth • LetBailey&GalyenBeYour TrustedDivorceLawyers • Areyouin needofexpertlegalguidanceduringachallengingtime? Looknofurtherthanthe skilled divorce lawyer in Fort Worth, who are dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities ofdivorceproceedingswithcompassionandexpertise. • You’ve triedtowork things outwithyourspouse,butyourdifferencesare just toogreat. You may ormaynothaveamicablerelations,butit’sclearthatyouneedtogoyourseparate ways. Inmostinstances,that’salotmore complicatedthan itsounds.Toensurethat yourrightsare fullyprotected,youwant anexperiencedandknowledgeableattorney,someone whocanhelp you: • Iron out a custody and visitation agreement that promotes the best interests of your children,butthatalsoaffordsyouameaningfulrole intheirgrowthanddevelopment • Ensure that your child support order is fair, considering all forms of income and assets, as wellas anyspecial expensesrelatedtothe child • Determine whetheralimonyorspousalmaintenance isnecessaryand,ifso,whatthat shouldlook like

  2. Dividemaritaldebtsandassetsunder the Texascommunitypropertylaws • The FortWorthdivorceattorneysat Bailey&Galyencanhelp. • Weofferafreeinitialconsultation toanyonecontemplating orplanningonfilingfordivorce. To set upanappointment witha compassionate andknowledgeable Fort Worthdivorce • lawyer,contactBailey& Galyen onlineorcallourofficesat844-402-2992. • WhatIsthePurposeofDivorceinTexas? • In Texas, as in other states, a divorce is a comprehensive legal proceeding whereby the court legallyends amarriage,typicallyresolvingissuesrelatedto: • Childcustodyandvisitation,knowninTexas as “managingconservatorship”and “access/possession” • The necessityforandpotentialamount ofany childsupport • The need, by either spouse, for alimony or spousal support (and a determination of how muchwill be paidandforhowlong) • Howthemaritaldebtsandassetswillbedistributedunderthestate’scommunity property laws • How LongDoesIt TaketoFinalizeaDivorceinTexas? • That depends—thedurationofdivorce proceedings willbeimpactedby avarietyoffactors, includingthe extenttowhichoneorbothofthepartiesseekstocontest anyofthe issues involved, suchas custodyorvisitation, childorspousalsupport,orproperty division. Under Texas law, a divorce may not be finalized for at least 60 days, once the divorce complaint has been filed. If the divorce is essentially uncontested, it may be completed within three to four months. When there are fundamental disagreements, though, a divorce can take months or years tobe resolved, basedonthe complexityofissuesinvolved.

  3. WhatIstheDifferenceBetweenNo-Fault vs.At-FaultDivorcein Texas? • In Texas, like every other state, a party may file for divorce without stating specific grounds, simplybyallegingthatthe partieshaveirreconcilabledifferences.Suchafilingisknownas a “no-fault”divorce. A spouse may alsobeentitledtoa“no-fault” divorceif heorshehas lived apartfortheotherspouseforat least three years. • If a spouse can show, however, that the other party “caused” or was “at fault” for the divorce, heorshe may be abletogetalargerproperty settlement. • Beadvised,though,that a“no-fault”divorceisnotthesame thingasan“uncontested” divorce. Anuncontesteddivorcesimplymeansthatthepartyuponwhomthedivorcecomplaintis servedchoosesnot tochallengeanyoftheallegationsinthe complaint. Anuncontesteddivorce may stillinclude allegationsoffault. • Under WhatGroundsMaya PersonFilefor DivorceinFortWorth? • An“at-fault”divorcecomplaint inTexasmay statea range offactorsas thecauseofthemarital breakdown: • Adultery ormarital indiscretionbytheotherspouse • Mentalorphysicalcrueltythatmakescohabitationunbearable • Imprisonmentforatleast one yearonafelony conviction • Confinementinapsychiatrichospitalorfacility forat least three years • Abandonmentby theotherspousefor 12monthsorlonger

  4. How Soon Can a Person Remarry in Fort Worth after a Divorce is Granted? UnderTexas law,apersonmay notgetremarrieduntilthe 31stdayafterthecourt signshis or herdivorcedecree. Ajudge hasthediscretion, however,towaive the waitingperiod. WhatAretheLegalRequirementstoQualifytoFileaDivorceinTexas Tobe eligible tofile adivorcecomplaint inTexas,youmust have residedinthestate fora minimumofsixmonthspriortothe filingofyourpetition.Furthermore,youmust havebeena resident ofthe countywhere youfile foratleast 90daysbeforethe date offiling. Do I ReallyNeedtoHireaLawyerforMyDivorceCasein FortWorth? You may be tempted to handle all matters on your own, saving money in the process. That wouldbe a mistake.Thedivorceprocessiscomplexand potentiallyconfusing.Furthermore, even in an amicable breakup, a divorce can stir up powerful emotions, compromising your ability tomake rationaldecisions. Yourattorney willknow whatyouneedtofileandwhenyouneedtofileit, soyoudon’t miss criticaldeadlines.Yourlawyercananticipatethe tacticsandstrategiesofopposingcounseland helpfully protect yourrights.Anattorneycanalsoreviewanychildsupport orproperty settlement ordertoconfirmaccuracy andcompliance withTexaslaws. How Can I ChoosetheRight Fort Worth DivorceAttorney Inanylegalmatter,includinga divorceproceeding,there’sgenerallynothingmoreimportant thanexperience.Youwantanattorneywhohashandledcasesjust like yours,whohas successfullyhelpedothers getthe outcometheywant.AtBailey&Galyen,we’ve consistently obtainedpositiveresultsforourdivorceclients formorethan40years.

  5. NeedHelpwith YourDivorce?Schedulea FreeInitialConsultation At the law offices of Bailey and Galyen, with offices across the Lone Star State, we are committedtohelpingyouget theoutcomeyouwant. Ourphonesare answered24hoursa day, sevendays aweek.We canscheduleanappointmentin the evening oronthe weekend,if necessary,andcantraveltomeet withyou. Toset upaconsultationtodiscussyourconcernsabout adivorce,call ourofficesat844-402- 2992orcontact usbye-mail.

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