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Seamless Magento 2 Upgrade

Upgrade to Magento 2 effortlessly with ThinkSys Software. Experience a streamlined transition for enhanced e-commerce performance and scalability. Elevate your online store. To know more about their benefits and challenges visit :- https://thinksys.com/development/migrating-to-magento-2/

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Seamless Magento 2 Upgrade

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  1. Upgrade to Magento 2 with Confidence: ThinkSys Ensures a Seamless Transition and Enhanced Performance. Migrating to Magento 2 demands meticulous planning and execution. A single oversight could jeopardize months of hard work. Trust ThinkSys for expert assistance if you lack a dedicated team. Our step-by-step approach guarantees a seamless and stress-free migration for all clients. 1 Preparation and Planning ? Backup Data: We start by backing up your Magento 1 store data, including products, customers, orders, and configurations? ? Review and Audit: We evaluate your current store’s theme, customizations, and extensions. We also identify which ones are essential and compatible with Magento 2. 2 Data Migration ? Setup Data Migration Tool: We use Magento’s Data Migration Tool to map and transfer data from Magento 1 to Magento 2? ? Migrate Core Data: Then we transfer critical data such as products, customers, and orders to the new platform? ? Migrate Additional Data: After that we move other important data, including store configurations, tax rules, and sales data 3 Theme and Customization Migration ? Choose a Theme: We decide whether to adapt your existing theme to Magento 2 or select a new one. Our Magento 2 services offers responsive and mobile- friendly themes? ? Customize the Theme: We implement necessary customizations to align with your brand and user experience requirements? ? Update Custom Code: We rewrite or modify custom code to ensure compatibility with Magento 2’s architecture and coding standards. 4Extension and Third-Party Integration Migration ? Assess Extensions: We identify which extensions are compatible with Magento 2 or find alternatives that provide similar functionality? ? Install and Configure Extensions: We install the necessary extensions and configure them to work seamlessly with your Magento 2 store? ? Integrate Third-Party Services: We re- establish connections with third-party services such as payment gateways, shipping providers, and CRM systems. 5 Testing and Quality Assurance ? Functionality Testing: We conduct thorough testing of all store functionalities, including browsing products, adding items to the cart, and completing transactions? ? Performance Testing: We ensure that the Magento 2 store performs optimally under various loads and conditions? ? Security Testing: We verify that the store is secure and complies with industry standards and best practices? ? User Acceptance Testing: We involve end- users or stakeholders in testing the store to ensure it meets their expectations and requirements. 6Go-Live and Post-Migration Support ? Launch the Magento 2 Store: After successful testing, we launch the Magento 2 store and make it accessible to customers? ? Monitor Performance: We continuously monitor the store’s performance, addressing any issues that arise promptly? ? Provide Ongoing Support: We offer support to address any post-migration challenges and ensure a smooth transition for users. 7Post-Migration Support ? Monitoring and Optimizing Performanc? ? Ensuring SEO Continuit? ? Training Staff on New Feature? ? Ongoing Maintenance and Updates +1 4086759150 info@thinksys.com

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