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ATTENDANCE LAW AND POLICY Chancellor’s Regulation A-210. ATTENDANCE LAW Children between the ages of 6 through 21 have the right to a free public education. Children between the ages of 6 through the completion of the school year in which they turn 17 are required to attend school .
ATTENDANCE LAW AND POLICYChancellor’s Regulation A-210 ATTENDANCE LAW Children between the ages of 6 through 21 have the right to a free public education. Children between the ages of 6 through the completion of the school year in which they turn 17 are required to attend school. ATTENDANCE POLICY Student attendance must be recorded and tracked daily. Student absences must be followed up with telephone calls, letters/postcards or home visits. Schools must make every effort to ensure the regular attendance of students and to address any problems or issues that inhibit regular attendance. Students who are being discharged or transferred to programs that will not result in a regular high school diploma must be provided with counseling about their educational options and must be informed of their right to return to school through the school year in which they turn 21.
BEST PRACTICES This will be discussed in two parts - As School wide Policy - As Operational Procedure
Attendance is scanned daily Regular attendance committee meetings are conducted Effective School Attendance Program 407’s are Investigated, documented and resolved if possible within 10 days There is an attendance coordinator monitoring the program Attendance reports are generated and reviewed regularly All resources available to the school, are utilized. Incentives are rewarded to students
COMPONENTS OF A SUCCESSFUL SCHOOL ATTENDANCE PROGRAM • Identify absent students on a daily basis and make home contact early in the day • Clear registers in September • Ensure the accuracy of telephone numbers and contact information • Develop an effective attendance committee • Monitor the school attendance rate on a daily basis • Compare current attendance rates with those of previous years • Set attendance goals • Make attendance a priority • Involve the entire school staff in attendance improvement
Best Practice - Policy • The school has a current comprehensive attendance plan that is reviewed regularly, distributed and discussed with all staff. • The school has a designated attendance coordinator who is given adequate time to oversee the attendance program. • The school has an attendance committee that is comprised of the principal, assistant principals, teachers, attendance teacher, guidance counselors, family assistants, social workers and school aides who meet regularly to discuss progress in attendance and plan strategies for improvement. The committee will also discuss specific cases and attendance issues. All attendance committee members should be familiar with: • Chancellor’s Regulation A-101, 210 and 240 • Transfer, Discharge and Graduation Code Guidelines
Best Practice – Policy (ctd.) Establish an effective attendance outreach program to contact absentees. Outreach efforts such as telephone calls, letters, postcards and home visits should be coordinated and implemented in a timely manner. The school should have an effective attendance incentive program The school attendance coordinator should provide on-going professional development sessions for school staff on attendance procedures and effective attendance improvement strategies. The school has a process in place to appropriately address and document lateness. All open 407s are investigated and, wherever possible, interventions are provided by school staff for resolution of the Form 407 The school has a program for supporting and integrating students in temporary housing
Attendance Initiative Elementary and Middle School - Attendance Improvement Initiative - Chronically Absent Students – Report, The New School Center for New York City Affairs (Strengthening Schools by Strengthening Families October 2008)
Recommendations Review monthly attendance with students Distribute to parents the school calendar and a letter referring to the negative impact of extended vacations Refer to Chancellor Regulations • A-101, A-210 http://schools.nyc.gov/RulesPolicies/ChancellorsRegulations Use the Attendance Rate Chart to demonstrate to students, parents and staff the negative impact of absence on school success.
Attendance DistributionYTD Attendance Interval Report (RYIS)Use this report to target specific group of students
STAFF ROLE in the Attendance Process • Attendance Procedure • Staff Role
Best Practices – Operational Procedures Staff Roles in the Attendance Program Principal – Responsible for implementing an effective attendance program in the school Assistant Principal – Oversees daily operation of the attendance program Attendance Coordinator – Implements the attendance program School Counselor – Provides the connection between the students and the attendance program Classroom Teachers – Supports and nurtures excellence in attendance and school achievement Pupil Accounting Secretary – Maintains student records and enters admissions and discharges Family Assistant – Provides outreach and follow up services Attendance Teachers – Investigates and resolves attendance issues School Aide – Scans attendance, conducts outreach and generates reports
Operational Procedure – Attendance Office Daily • Distribute, collect and scan attendance sheets, generate appropriate reports. Update student biographical information and review reports Weekly • Conduct attendance meetings, review the open 407s and appropriate attendance reports, discuss plans for addressing attendance improvement. Provide training to staff on various aspects of attendance procedures. Monthly • Review the names of students in LTA classes and monthly attendance reports, generate the Period Attendance Report (RPAR) review information and sign off on it. Identify the students to receive attendance awards.
ENERGIZE YOUR ATTENDANCE PROGRAM • Raise the consciousness of staff and students • Discuss attendance improvement approaches on a regular basis • Share attendance reports and identify critical data and percentages with staff
Class Scheduling Principal, Guidance Counselors/Grade Advisor, Pupil Accounting Secretary. CREATE Official Class • Official Class List – list of students (ROCL) • Class Information List (RACL) • Appropriate Special Ed LTA class No student should be in the 000 Class - Interclass transfer
Attendance Procedure/Process ALL Students have been : • admitted. • placed in appropriate class/grade level Official Attendance (Daily Scan sheet)
Official Attendance – Primary Attendance Official Attendance Attendance scan sheets are distributed to teachers before first period. If a substitute teacher is covering a class, an attendance instruction sheet will accompany the attendance scan sheet. Schools taking attendance in the afternoon will distribute the rosters at the designated period to the teachers. Attendance is to be recorded on the scan sheets(NO erasure). Schools taking period attendance will distribute the attendance rosters every Monday. Attendance scan sheets are collected and accounted for after the morning attendance taking period. Correct bubbling and signatures are checked before scanning Schools taking attendance in the afternoon will collect the attendance rosters in time to scan attendance before the end of the day
Official Attendance After Scanning RUN the non compliance report – RNOC This report should indicate if all sheets (roster) have been scanned, if the report indicate that they are un-scanned or missing sheets (rosters) those should be collected and scanned.
Attendance Reversal Attendance reversal Policy is to be implemented The late forms are collected and students’ attendance is changed from absent to late on the CIND screen. These signed forms are filed with the appropriate attendance scan sheets Separate notes from the teachers regarding attendance changes or class changes should be corrected as soon as possible. File the attendance rosters and Change of Attendance sheets together with the RSAL report for the day
Missing Attendance Due to Retroactive Admission (RRAI) Run/Print the RRAI report - If students exist in this report the attendance should be entered immediately using the CIND function WARN Screen/Report Pending discharges are indicated on the (WARN) screen, must be reviewed by the pupil accounting secretary or assigned staff who should respond to this function immediately
LTA ( Long Term Absence) Any student who has been absent for the entire month is identified as an LTA for that month. Create appropriate LTA class – inter class transfer LTA students to the appropriate LTA class. Special ED students must be transferred to Special ED LTA class Monitor the LTA classes to ensure the following: - Students are appropriately placed in these classes, by grade level, General ED and Special Ed - Accurate attendance is recorded, if students returned that should be verified and students are interclass transferred appropriately
FORM 407 A Form 407 Attendance Follow-up and Outreach Referral automatically generates at the school under the following conditions: a) When a student has been absent for: · 10 consecutive days · 20 aggregate days (over a 4 month period) · 8 consecutive days (if there has been a prior 407) b) 30 days after a student has been discharged as “Address Unknown” (Code 12), a second Form 407 generates in order to re-investigate the status of the discharge to ensure that no new information concerning the student or family has become available. c) In September of the new school year, any student who was discharged during the previous year as “Under 6 Years Old” (Code 04), who will turn 6 years of age in the current year (by December 31) and does not appear as active on a school register, requires the generation of a 407 to ensure investigation of his/her status.
407 Procedures for Students in Grades Pre-K through 8 Schools are to complete the attendance investigations for pre-k through grade 8 within 10 days after issuance of a 407. If case can be resolved, the 407 is closed at the school level. All 407s closed at the school level must be reviewed by the attendance coordinator Complete investigation of all Pre-K – 8 cases within 10 days
School Absence Alert Updated 01-29-09 33 33
School Absence Alert Every Monday, schools automatically receive a “School Absence Alert” that provides a list of names of students in grades pre-k through 8 who have 407s open for over 10 days.
THE REPORT INCLUDES Student biographical data- Name, ID#, Grade Code & Level , Class Code Investigation Complete - an indicator to designate if the investigation is completed (default is “no”) and the date entered on the system Comment Code- explaining the finding of the case i.e., student is ill, reported to ACS State Central Register (SCR)- an indicator to designate if the case has been reported to the State Central Register for educational neglect (default is “no”) 407 Issue Data- 407 Register Number, 407 Date Issued, Days Open 407 History- information about previous 407s issued during the current year along with discharge code and date Number of weeks student’s record was listed on the report Summary by grade of the number of students listed on the report along with a grand total and the school’s register number.
SCHOOL ABSENCE ALERT Schools must make every effort to complete the attendance investigation for Pre-K through grade 8 students within 10 days after issuance of a 407. Investigations that are not completed are to be actively followed up on until possible closure. If the case remains open, and the school has completed the investigation and/or provided support and interventions; but the student has not returned to school, a report should be made to the State Central Register when appropriate. The date of the report to the State Central Register will be entered into ATS, on the U407 file.
407 Case Remains Open, Investigation Is Complete If the 407 case has not been closed, but the school has completed the investigation (the school knows why the student is absent) and/or provided support and interventions, the following information is entered on the U407 screen: A “Y” is entered in the Investigation Complete(IC) column along with a Comment Code in the CMT column. If the case was reported to the State Central Register, a “Y” is entered in the SR column along with a date in the Report Date column. Please note that a report to the State Central Register can be made at any time. It is not necessary for the investigation to be completed.
IF THE CASE REMAINS OPEN, BUT THE INVESTIGATION IS COMPLETE U407 (UPDATE 407) SCREEN SCHOOL NUM: 400 407 REGISTER NUMBER: ____ STUDENT ID: ___ ___ ___ YEAR: ____ - __ GRADE LEVEL: __ GRADE: ___ OFFICIAL CLASS: ___ (BLANK FOR ALL) ----DATES----- RS I S REPORT SEL NAME STUDENT ID PR DC GRD GL CLS REG# ISSUED| CLOSED CD CMT C R DATE = ============= ========= == == === == === ==== ======= ======== == === = = === _ MC, ANTHONNER 222222222 Y 210 11 505 0000 010909| __ __ __ __ NEW _ N _ PARKER, RONN 222222222 Y 962 09 180 0000 010909| __ __ __ __ LILY _ PEREZ, PERE 222222222 Y 200 10 307 0000 010909| __ __ __ __ LCIY Y 122208 Enter the Comment Code. Enter a “Y” if the investigation is complete. Enter a “Y” if the case was reported to the State Central Registry. Enter the report date to the State Central Registry. If the case is closed, enter a close date (CLOSED) and a Resolution Code (RS) in the appropriate fields on the screen.
5 and 10 Day Absence Report As of the 2008-2009 school year all schools receive a weekly report which provides the names of students who have been absent for 5 aggregate days and for 10 aggregate days. This report is sent to each school’s ATS printer on Wednesday. Schools should review these reports and contact parents immediately to discuss their child/ren’s attendance.
PLANNING INTERVIEWPROCESS and PROCEDUREPrincipal’s Weekly, Attendance Memo, 09-03-2008 It is our goal to ensure that all students who are discharged and/or transferred prior to attainment of a regular high school diploma are provided with appropriate intervention services, counseling and support to encourage them to remain in school or to facilitate their return to school at a future date. • A planning interview must be provided to all students who leave school without having attained a diploma. • Each school with students 16 years of age or older must designate an assistant principal or identify guidance counselors to conduct the planning interviews and to be responsible for discharges. • The principal is responsible for ensuring that all planning interviews are conducted according to requirements. • All planning interviews must be approved by the borough Senior Youth Development Director prior to discharge.
LINK TO DOE WEBSITE Principal’s Weekly September 3, 2008 Planning Interview Guidelines and associated documents Attendance and Related Mandates:http://portal.nycboe.net/sites/FinanceAdmin/OSYD/SchoolPortal/Guidelines%20and%20Procedures/ATTENDANCE%20%20AND%20RELATED%20MANDATES%20MEMO%20%202008%208-28-08.doc
COMPLETION OF THE PLANNING INTERVIEW After the completion of the planning interview, the parent and student receives the completed Planning Interview Form, the Planning Interview Packet, the student’s transcript and Letter #2 if appropriate. The Senior Youth Development Director receives copies of the Planning Interview Form, student’s transcript, Letter #1 and Letter #2 if appropriate. Planning Interview Form _________________________ Name of School _____________________________ School Address _________________________ This form is required for codes: 02,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,43 STUDENT INFORMATION ________________________________ GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS _______________________________ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE ________________________________ ATTENDANCE HISTORY OUTREACH SERVICES______________________ SUPPORT SERVICES/ PROVIDED______________________ STUDENT TRANSCRIPT SUBJ CRSE SECT DESCRIPTION SCHL YEAR TERM SCHOOL SCORE P/F CRED EARND ----------------------------------------------- 5 FS2+ SPAN YR 1 2002-2003 A 72X470 080 P 2.00 2.00 6 BB1T 03 ENTRPSH1 2002-2003 1 72X470 075 P 1.00 1.00 1 E1T 03 ENG 1 2002-2003 1 72X470 070 P 1.00 1.00 9 GG2 01 GRP GUID 2 2002-2003 1 72X470 075 P 1.00 1.00 2 H5$T 03 AM HIST 1 2002-2003 1 72X470 070 P 1.00 1.00 3 ME1T 03 COLLMTH1 2002-20031 72X470 075 P 1.00 1.00 Letter #2 for either General Education or Special Education Students School Letter Head Date To: Parent/ Student Re: ________________ Name of Student Dear _________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STUDENT INTERVENTION SCREEN (ILOG) ON ATS SYSTEM The ILOG function on ATS is provided to allow schools to enter on a screen, the outreach and interventions that have been undertaken by school staff to return students to school. The purpose of this function is to provide greater coordination of interventions provided to students by allowing for a universal recording process among school staff who have interfaced with the student and or parent. Outreach events to be recorded include; telephone calls, mailings, home visits, and counseling. The school will also be able to enter notations regarding the outreach. Intervention Source are: Principal, Assistant Principal, Guidance Counselor, Attendance Teacher, Pupil Accounting Secretary, Supervisor, Instructional Teacher, Dean, Community Associate, Family Assistant, School Aide, Sapis/Spark Counselor, School Psychologist and Social Worker have access to this function.
Student Search functions - SPGN - Search Parent/Guardian Information - SSAP - Search Student Address/Phone • ANYWHO.COM • AOL Whitepages • Infospace.com • Verizon.com/utilities/reverselookup • www.schoolmatch.com
Attendance Reports RNOC – Non Compliance Missing scan sheets RRAI – Missing Attendance due to Retroactive Admission RSAL – School Attendance List RYIS – YTD Attendance Interval Report RDAL – School Absent List RSNS – No Show Report U407 - Form 407 Update Screen R4SS - 407 School Summary RSIV – Student Intervention Log Report RCUA – Cumulative Absence Report RISA – Individual Student Attendance Report RRSA – Aggregate Student Attendance Report
Summary Set goals for improving attendance Raise consciousness of all staff members Conduct regular attendance committee meetings Provide incentives Process discharges in a timely manner Review attendance reports regularly Complete investigations on time Conduct planning interviews Keep accurate attendance MAKE ATTENDANCE A PRIORITY!
Attendance Content Expert Contact Information • Bronx ISC Districts 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 • Andaye De La Cruz, Senior Youth Development Director • Antonio Guerrero, Content Area Expert • Brooklyn ISC Districts 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 23, 32 • Clarence Ellis, Senior Youth Development Director • Kampta Persaud, Content Area Expert • Manhattan ISC Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 • Dr. Brian Kaplan, Senior Youth Development Director • Kenneth Lowenstein, Content Area Expert