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LEADS-4-NDP. Carly Schanock , Project Manager. What does LEADS 4 NDP stand for?. L- Library and Information Science (LIS) E- Education A- and D- Data S- Science. 4- For N- National D- Digital  P- Platform. What is NDP?.

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  1. LEADS-4-NDP Carly Schanock, Project Manager

  2. What does LEADS 4 NDP stand for? L- Library and Information Science (LIS) E- Education A- and D- Data S- Science 4- For N- National D- Digital  P- Platform What is NDP? National Digital Platform: combination of software applications, social and technical infrastructure, and staff expertise that provides content and services to all users in the United States

  3. Improving Library Data Intelligence Through the Leads program Carly Schanock; Jane Greenberg; WeimaoKe; Xia Lin; Il-Yeol Song; Jake Williams Metadata Research Center | Drexel University, College of Computing and Informatics ABOUT LEADS The LEADS-4-NDP program is  supported by Institute of Library and Museum Services (IMLS) Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. LEADS-4-NDP, will prepare next generation LIS faculty so they may meaningfully integrate data science and LIS education. This program gathers PhD students from across the United States and they then are partnered with a NDP site. These fellows and a mentor at their NDP site work together on a project. Some NDP sites include the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA), the OCLC, and University of Pennsylvania. Besides an in-person boot camp that takes place at the beginning of summer, the 10 week fellowship is done completely virtually Homepage: https://cci.drexel.edu/mrc/research/leads/

  4. Project Outcomes

  5. QUAD Slide At the end of the fellowship, fellows were asked to create a "QUAD"slide which required them to share 1) Description, 2) Objectives, 3) Outcomes, and 4) Visualizations

  6. My LEAD's experience • Maintain 3 listservs: Mentors, Advisory Board, and Fellows. And facilitate communication amongst them and the PIs • Create a blackboard shell for the educational boot camp and the schedule. Also attended the camp • Design in HTML and maintain a wordpress site hosted on the Drexel CCI website • Help write reports on the program • Attended International Data Week in Botswana, Africa in November 2018

  7. Changes for 2019/2020 Microsoft may join as a partner New cohort of fellows New PI (Erjia Yan) Leaving position and training a new project manager

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