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Model Based Development: From system engineering with Simulink to software specification with SCADE then to implementat

Model Based Development: From system engineering with Simulink to software specification with SCADE then to implementation. Thierry LE SERGENT FERIA May 4 th , 2004. Agenda. Model based development Simulink vs. SCADE Principles of Simulink Gateway. Context. System design with Simulink

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Model Based Development: From system engineering with Simulink to software specification with SCADE then to implementat

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  1. Model Based Development:From system engineering with Simulink to software specification with SCADEthen to implementation Thierry LE SERGENT FERIA May 4th, 2004

  2. Agenda • Model based development • Simulink vs. SCADE • Principles of Simulink Gateway Esterel Technologies, 2004

  3. Context • System design with Simulink • Goal: develop software for the Controller Plant to be controlled Controller: Software to be implemented HW interface HW interface Electronic system to be implemented Esterel Technologies, 2004

  4. Software development • Traditional method • Modelisation in Simulink for simulation • Hand coding of the software controller • Inconveniences • Coherence between Model and Code • Round trip is difficult Esterel Technologies, 2004

  5. Model based development • First solution • Code generation from the Simulink model • Advantages: model based a single reference: the Simulink model coherence, fast round trip, etc. • Inconvenience: Simulink model not a formal description (see next slides) • New solution • Assisted translation • From Simulink model • To formal description language SCADE • Then code generation from SCADE • Advantages: • Model based (fast round trip if translation automatized) • Formal software specification  No ambiguities, Formal verification, etc. Esterel Technologies, 2004

  6. Workflow System Engineering Software Specification Software Implementation SCADE Specification Simulink model SCADE Simulink Gateway SCADE Implementer SCADE implementation Engineering to specification Specification to implementation C code Esterel Technologies, 2004

  7. Different Tools for Different Purposes • SCADE and Simulink are both model based development tools, but they are targeted for different purposes • Simulink: Simulation environment • Primarily an environment for prototyping. Excellent at quickly representing graphically numerical equations/control laws, and simulating them • Extremely flexible. Requires no programming constraint • But not designed to generate safe code • SCADE: SW Design environment for critical control systems • SCADE has been designed from the beginning to meet the strongest embedded software requirements, in particular for safety critical systems in avionics • SCADE offers a fully integrated design environment from specification to safe embedded production code certifiable to strict industry standards (DO178B) Esterel Technologies, 2004

  8. Simulink SCADE C code generation & embedding From Simulink to SCADE • Modelling of environment (system) + controller • Simulation of the whole system • Validation of the controller model • Code generation • The translation must: • Explicit some implicit behavior • Filter unsafe constructs • Compute types and clocks

  9. Pb1: Simulink initial values • Initial values • Implicitly determined from the content of the sub-system • can lead to misunderstandings • On this model, only the Unit Delay has an initial value = 3Gain block has no initial value  Simulink sets the output to 0 3 * 2 = 0 !! Esterel Technologies, 2004

  10. Pb1: SCADE initial values • It is mandatory to explicitly set initial output values of an enabled sub-system • Independent of the content of the sub-system • No automatic change out of control of the designer, sono unexpected calculated values Initial value of the first output Initial value of the second output Esterel Technologies, 2004

  11. Pb 2: Unsafe Operators • Simulink • Some operators are not usable for the development of critical embedded software because they can result in non deterministic or misleading behavior • Simulink blocks: • Merge: indeterminist block, except in special cases • Goto/From, Data Store : equivalent to global variables, make the design hard to understand and not robust for enhancements • While loops: could lead to infinite loops • SCADE • SCADE has been designed from the beginning with safety objectives: only safe and deterministic operators exist • The SCADE language, based on Lustre academic languagemakes it impossible to create a non deterministic design Esterel Technologies, 2004

  12. Unsafe Operators: Merge • The Merge block combines its inputs into a single output line whose value at any time is equal to the most recently computed output of its driving blocks • On this example, both sub-systems are running in parallel and it is not possible to determine which output the Merge block will give, the square or the sinus • The Merge block is determinist when all its inputs are strictly exclusives, for example when generated by an action block of the If/Then/Else or Switch/Case blocks Supported by Simulink Gateway Esterel Technologies, 2004

  13. Pb 3: Modularity • Simulink • “Virtually” modular: only visual grouping • Subsystem behaviour depends on this usage within the system • No clear subsystem interface definition • A subsystem re-used in another project can behave differently, it must be re-validated • SCADE • Truly modular: a SCADE design is composed of independent node designed separately • A node always behaves in the same way, independently of where it is used • A SCADE node has a strong interface definition • A node can be directly re-used in another project without any additional work Esterel Technologies, 2004

  14. Pb 4: SW Simulation • Simulink • The model is interpreted as a Mathematical set of equations, an Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE), solved at each simulation step by the solver • Simulation results are highly dependant of the solver (integration algorithm) resulting in different behaviors for different solvers • Discrete time does not exist, it is interpreted as piece wise constant continuous time: this is different from SW behavior • SCADE • Everything in SCADE is based on a cyclic logical time, counted as discrete instants which enables exactly the same behavior as a SW application • This is an execution of the generated code (Software In the Loop simulation) • No difference between simulation and generated code Esterel Technologies, 2004

  15. Simulink to SCADE translation • Filtering unsafe constructs • Unsafe blocks translated into undefined imported nodes • Interpretation of the Simulink model • Discrete time, fixed-step solver • Translation of the Controller of the Simulink model a SCADE model with same interface • Structure kept: Subsystem  Node • Graphical look kept: Simulink net view  SCADE net view • Names kept: variables, operators, … • Mapping: Simulink predefined operator  SCADE node • Configurable mapping to SCADE librarie node(generated node for a few specific cases) • Mapping dependant from datatype computed Esterel Technologies, 2004

  16. Simulink model example Esterel Technologies, 2004

  17. Simulink model format • Simulink .mdl files: • Basically 3 kind of objects: • System {…} • -> Hierarchy • Block {…} • List of: “AttributeName” = “value” • First attribute: “BlockType” • Line {…} Esterel Technologies, 2004

  18. .mdl example System { Name "sys NOT" Location [107, 120, 513, 367] … Block { BlockType Constant Name "Constant" Position [25, 40, 130, 80] Value "2.5 * AA" } … Block { BlockType Logic Name "Logical\nOperator" Position [185, 34, 280, 86] Operator "NOT" … } … Line { SrcBlock "Logical\nOperator" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Out1" DstPort 1 } Esterel Technologies, 2004

  19. Type inference • Simulink • No data type specified, i.e. all data flows are of type « double » • Flat vectors possible almost everywhere (vectorized blocks) • Scade: all flows must be typed; • Basic types: bool (noted b), int (i), real (r) • Tuples • For precise software specification, SCADE types must be computed • For formal verification, an « int » is very different from a « real » • Note: In Simulink, it is possible to specify very precise datatype such as int8, uint16, etc. for code generation • This coding step should be handled after the software specification phase • This step is handled by the new SCADE implementer tool Esterel Technologies, 2004

  20. Principles • Always compute the smallest types (bool < int < real) • Start from the value of the static expressions (also for Matlab variables) • “Propagate” the types on the flow • Show the result on a decompiled, annotated Simulink model Esterel Technologies, 2004

  21. Configuration file • For each Simulink block • How propagate the types ? • Translation to which SCADE node ? • Depend of • The BlockType, and attributes of the block (ex: “operator”=“NOT”, or…) • The types inferred for the input • First example from Main Configuration File: ( "BlockType" = "Logic", "Operator" = "NOT" ) { Interface( 1, 1) Type( b -> b) {"SC_ECK_NOT"} // SCADE predefined NOT operator Type( i -> b) { "LibSimulink", "SMLK_NotI"} Type( r -> b) { "LibSimulink", "SMLK_NotR"} } Esterel Technologies, 2004

  22. Resulting SCADE model • Note: Parameterization with Matlab variable AA kept • Each Matlab variable translated into a SCADE constant Esterel Technologies, 2004

  23. Set of mapping rules • When the types input does not match CF rules • Choice of the « nearest » rule with larger types • Introduction of explicit cast: always from a smaller type to a bigger one • Example: • SCADE model Esterel Technologies, 2004

  24. Set of mapping rules ( "BlockType" = "Switch") { Interface( 3( "Threshold"), 1) Type( b, r, b ( r) -> b) { "LibSimulink", "SMLK_Switch"} Type( i, r, i ( r) -> i) { "LibSimulink", "SMLK_Switch"} Type( r, r, r ( r) -> r) { "LibSimulink", "SMLK_Switch"} } • The « nearest rule » must be unique ! • Non coherent example: • Problem if (i, i) inferred for the inputs. The 2 rules are “equally near” • A set of rule is « coherent » if the min of any 2 rules is in the set • Min computed with b < i < r input per input • Error message: add rule « type…. » or remove one of rules « type… », « type… », … Type( i, r -> i) { "Lib1", "N1"} Type( r, i -> r) { "Lib2", "N2"} Esterel Technologies, 2004

  25. Vectorization • When the input types are vectors • Vectorization of the mapping rule • Automatic introduction of SCADE textual capsule that apply the operator as many time as necessary, and build the vectors to output Esterel Technologies, 2004

  26. Vectorization capsule node S2S_Vect_3_DeadBandUnSymm( Input1 : [bool , int , real] ; hidden Input2 : real ; hidden Input3 : real) returns ( Output1 : [real , real , real]) ; var …. let equa S2S_Vect_3_DeadBandUnSymm[ , ] _L0 = Input1[1] ; _L1 = Input1[2] ; _L2 = Input1[3] ; _L3 = BoolToReal(_L0) ; Out_1_1 = DeadBandUnSymmetrical(_L3 , Input2 , Input3) ; _L4 = real (_L1) ; Out_2_1 = DeadBandUnSymmetrical(_L4 , Input2 , Input3) ; Out_3_1 = DeadBandUnSymmetrical(_L2 , Input2 , Input3) ; Output1 = [Out_1_1 , Out_2_1 , Out_3_1] ; tel ; Esterel Technologies, 2004

  27. Type inference algorithm • Fix-point algorithm to propagate throughout the model - the arities (size of the vectors),- the types,thanks to the « main » and « user defined » Configuration Filesspecifying mapping rules. • Problems: the loops in the data flow • Message « ATI failed » • Workaround: the Configuration Files:it is possible to « force the types » thanks to rules in CF • Example: • Vérimag is working on another strategy • Constraints resolution algoritm (« propagation » in both direction of the data flow) “Controller”/ "UnitDelay"{ interface(1,1) ArityType(r -> r) } Esterel Technologies, 2004

  28. Clock inference (1/3) • Simulink • Discrete operators: execution based on “sample time” • Value representing an actual delay • "-1" to represent inheritance of the sample time from the input flow • Enable subsystems • Excuted while condition signal > 0 • Triggered subsystems • Executed on rising/falling edge of condition signal • SCADE • clocks derived from a basic clock • Condact operator on node • Executed if condition signal = TRUE Esterel Technologies, 2004

  29. Clock inference (2/3) • Simulink Gateway • computes the rate of the SCADE basic clock: • GCD of the sample time values.Example: ST1=1.75, ST2=(2.25, 0.5)  Basic Clock=0.25 • generates all required derived clocks • SCADE node SMLK_ClockGen(period,offset)  (period,offset) = (9,2) for the block with ST2 • Encapsulates the SCADE node corresponding to Simulink discrete block with condact activated by the correct generated clock Esterel Technologies, 2004

  30. Clock inference (3/3) • Enable and trigger handling • Encapsulate the SCADE node with condact activated by signal computed from the condition • E.g.: GeneralTrigger = RisingEdge(condition); • Caution: the generation of the derived clock (by SMLK_ClockGen) must be done OUTSIDE Enabled or Triggered subsystems;The « global time » runs always at the same speed • Derived clocks generated in a textual capsule at the root node of the model • Propagation of the clocks to the discrete blocks through additional parameters to the nodes Esterel Technologies, 2004

  31. From SCADE to Simulink: Simulink Wrapper Back box Simulation Simulink Gateway Original Simulink model “Hybrid model” SCADE CG C files MEX Simulink Wrapper S-function DLL Generated SCADE model Wrapper code (C) Esterel Technologies, 2004

  32. Simulink Wrapper • The SCADE model is integrated into Simulink as an “S-Function” • The S-Function is automatically generated : • C code generated by the SCADE Code Generator • Capsule code generated by the Wrapper • Simulation under Simulink: • The SCADE node is a black box • Next release: also white box co-simulation with SCADE simulator • The embeddable code interacts with Simulink environment • May be used Independently or coupled with Simulink translator Esterel Technologies, 2004

  33. Simulink Gateway project summary • Started: February 2000 • under European project SafeAir (SNECMA, Airbus, Vérimag, …) • Pursued under European project RISE (Audi, TTTech, Vérimag) • Matured tool used on industrial projects • Example: New Rafale engine developed by Hispano Suiza • Several thousands of Simulink blocks • Code generated by SCADE KCG for certification this year Esterel Technologies, 2004

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