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2009-2010. Are you ready for the challenge?. What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do 2002.
2009-2010 Are you ready for the challenge?
What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do2002 We each remember the great teachers who touched our loves, kindled our interest and pressed us to do our best. We hold powerful images of such teachers. They exhibited a deep caring and love for children. They conveyed a passion for the subjects they taught, captivating their students with that passion. They approached their work with creativity and imagination, striving constantly to improve. As committed professionals, they were proud to be teachers.
Created in 1987 in response to “A Nation At Risk” and “A Nation Prepared” An independent, non-profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organization Receives funding support from foundations, corporations and the U.S. Department of Education NBPTS: Overview
Mission To advance the quality of teaching and learning by: • Maintaining high and rigorous standards for what teachers should know and be able to do • Providing a national voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards, and • Advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification in American education and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers®
NBPTS: Teacher- driven Practicing classroom teachers are involved in every aspect of our mission, including: • Serving on the NBPTS Board of Directors and staff • Developing standards and assessments • Scoring candidate performances • Promoting National Board Certificationandproviding candidate support • Advocating for education reform policy
The Five Core Propositions • Teachers are committed to students and their learning. • Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. • Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. • Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. • Teachers are members of learning communities.
National Board Certification What is it?
A Standards-based Performance Assessment • Standards are based on the NBPTS policy statement, What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do, and the Five Core Propositions • Standards are written by practicing classroom teachers, developmental experts and educational leaders in each respective disciplinary field, from across the country • Standards are widely disseminated for public review, approved by the NBPTS Board of Directors and made available online at no charge
National Board Certification • Candidates demonstrate in-depth content knowledge and teaching practices that are measured against high and rigorous standards • All candidates have up to three years to achieve certification • Certification is offered in 24 different certificate areas across 7 developmental age groups, covering more than 95% of preK-12 education.
AGE CATEGORIES Early childhood Middle childhood Early adolescence Young adulthood CONTENT AREAS Art Career and Technical Education English as a New Language English Language Arts Exceptional Needs Generalist Health Education Library Media Literacy:Reading-Language Arts Mathematics Music Physical Education School Counseling Science Social Studies-History World Languages Other than English Current Certificate Fields *Ages can be grouped together and are dictated by the content field.
What Are the Age Categories? www.nbpts.org
Eligibility Prerequisites Applicants must have: • At least 3 years’ experience as a preK-12 classroom teacher or school counselor in a public or private school • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution • A valid, unencumbered teaching license, or a license to practice as a school counselor, if applying for the School Counseling certificate
What Applicants Submit Preparation and submission of a portfolio requires the candidate to: • Describe, analyze and reflect on: • student work • professional practice • classroom interactions • Videotape their own classroom activities • Present student work demonstrating growth over time • Document accomplishments with students’ families and local/professional communities
Assessment Center Exercises • Respond to 6 computer-delivered prompts, each allowing up to 30 minutes for the candidate’s typed response • Demonstrate breadth and depth of content knowledge associated with the certificate field Candidates must also complete a half-day appointment at a computer testing center, requiring that a candidate:
Early Childhood Generalist Assessment Exercise Prompt (retired) • Mathematics • Introduction • In this exercise, you will use your knowledge of mathematical concepts and processes to apply these concepts to real-world applications. You will be asked to respond to 4 prompts. • Criteria for scoring • To satisfy the highest level of the scoring rubric you must provide clear, consistent, convincing evidence of the following: • A deep understanding of mathematical concepts and processes • An accurate identification of the student’s misconception/difficulty • A well-developed instructional strategy or learning experience that is clearly linked to real-world applications and appropriately addresses the child’s needs • Developmentally appropriate choice of materials to teach the mathematical concept and a rationale for your choice of these materials.
Early Childhood Generalist Assessment Exercise Prompt – Example “A kindergarten child is having difficulty with a math concept” Students were asked to mark an X on each triangle. • PROMPTS: • Identify the student misconception/difficulty on this student work sample. • What fundamental concepts are prerequisite for students at this grade level in order to learn these skills? • Based on real-world application, state your goal for a learning experience to help this student. Plan a learning experience based on this goal that would further student understanding of this mathematical concept . • What materials would you use to teach this concept to this child. What is your rationale for your choice of materials?
National Board Certification Who has it?
WA 2718 NH 18 VT 110 MT 74 ME 474 ND 30 MN 319 OR 227 ID 347 NY 879 MA 429 SD 66 WI 589 MI 275 RI 337 WY 199 CT 132 PA 497 IA 626 NE 70 NJ 173 NV 384 OH 2932 IL 3189 IN 141 DE 430 UT 161 WV 422 CO 398 MD 666 CA 4240 VA 1765 KS 297 MO 492 DC 47 KY 1606 NC 14212 TN 338 AZ 557 OK 2307 NM 388 AR 1116 SC 6501 AL 1546 GA 2506 MS 2896 TX 474 LA 1387 AK 103 FL 12665 HI 203 National Board Certified Teachers - 2008 73,481 Guam – 1 Virgin Islands – 1 Armed Forces – 11 Foreign Addresses - 79
National NBPTS Support • Wisconsin - $2500/yr + $2500 if in a SIFI School • Hawaii - $5,000 annual stipend + $5,000 if in SIFI School • Washington - $5,000 bonus + $5,000/year • California - $20,000 bonus @ $5,000/year if in SIFI School • New Mexico - $5,166 annual stipend (variable rate) • Idaho - $10,000 bonus @ $2,000/year • Oklahoma - $5,000 annual stipend • Louisiana - $5,000 annual stipend • Mississippi - $6,000 annual stipend • Wyoming - $4,000 salary increase • Alabama - $5,000 annual stipend +$5,000 1st year • Florida - 10% salary increase + 10% for mentoring • South Carolina - $7,500 annual stipend • North Carolina – 12% salary raise • Virginia - $5,000 bonus + $2,500 annual stipend • New York - $10,000 bonus/3 years • Delaware – 12% salary raise
License PortabilityAs of 5/1/08 • Alabama • Arkansas • California • Colorado • Connecticut • Delaware • District of Columbia • Florida • Georgia • Idaho • Illinois • Indiana • Iowa Kansas Kentucky Maine Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Texas Utah Vermont Washington West Virginia Wyoming
A distinction that matters for… WISCONSIN
589 Wisconsin NBCT’s1994-2008 Number of NBCT’S Year
Wisconsin NBCTs by Certificate Area - 2008 Number of NBCT’s
Wisconsin NBPTS Support/Rewards Currently, 103 public school districts support or reward teachers pursuing NBC Top Wisconsin Districts • Manitowoc: 10% pay increase/10 years (Could be $6500 per year!) • Rubicon: $4,000 yearly stipend • Greendale: $3,000 yearly stipend • Howard’s Grove: $2,500 yearly stipend/10 years • Green Bay: $2,500 annual stipend/10 years • Menomonee Falls: $2,000 yearly stipend • Sun Prairie: $2,000 yearly stipend • Ashwaubenon: School Board recognition with engraved leather portfolio, 1 professional day and $2,000 yearly stipend/10 years • Marathon: $1,500 one-time award with paid substitutes to work on portfolio • Madison: $1,500 yearly stipend • Wisconsin Dells: $1,500 yearly stipend • Little Chute: $1,000 annual stipend and professional work release • Mosinee: $2,000 one-time bonus
Monthly candidate support workshops are held in these areas of Wisconsin: WEAC Sponsored Candidate-Centered Support Workshops Check the WNBN websites for dates, times and locations of workshops 1) http://wnbn.groupsite.com 2) http://www.weac.org/professional_resources/ certification/index.aspx
Dare To ThinkWriting Retreats Wisconsin is proud to offer 2 week-end retreats in early 2009 to provide valuable candidate support. • Dare to Think 1 • January 23-25, 2009, Country Springs Inn, Waukesha • Contact Jo Christianson – christiansonj@jefferson.k12.wi.us • Dare to Think 2 • February 27-March 1, 2009, Milwaukee • Contact Wendy Sondrol -sondrwe@mukwonago.k12.wi.us
National Board Certification Why do it? Why support it?
Benefits for Teachers • National Board Certification: • Advances student learning, as shown by independent research studies • Offers an opportunity for professional growth • Recognizes and rewards accomplished teaching • Elevates teaching as a profession • Promotes teaching as a lifelong career • Empowers teachers to participate in education reform efforts
Benefits for Superintendents, School Administrators and Principals • National Board Certification: • Measurably improves student learning • Enhances and builds a community of learners within schools • Satisfies (in many states) the “highly qualified teacher” requirement of No Child Left Behind • Elevates teaching in a way that can inspire and excite the school community • Positively impacts recruitment and retention
Benefits for Parents • National Board Certification: • Places emphasis on student learning • Values collaboration with families as an important way to enhance student learning • Requires teachers to demonstrate their practice in the classroom • Recognizes accomplished teaching in schools
Benefits for Policymakers • National Board Certification: • Advances student learning, as shown by independent research studies • Is a rigorous assessment of pedagogy and content knowledge • Is a sound investment of public funds • In many states, helps to satisfy the “highly qualified teacher” requirement of No Child Left Behind
Benefits for Business Leaders • National Board Certification: • Is a successful school reform strategy grounded in research • Contributes to the advancement of workforce development • Is an investment in the community Worth Magazine identified NBPTS as among America’s top 100 nonprofit organizations.
Involvement of Higher Education Over 1/3 of all schools of education in the United States have aligned their standards with those of NBPTS. In addition, many of these institutions: • Incorporate NBPTS standards in their pre-service and graduate program curricula • Offer NBPTS candidate support programs and/or courses • Conduct research • Invite NBCTs as adjunct professors
Teacher Quality Continuum Advanced Certification (NBPTS) Master Educator License Initial Licensing (INTASC) Teacher Education Accreditation (NCATE) Professional Licensing 5 year Renewable Taken from: National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future (NCTAF)What Matters Most: Teaching for America’s Future
Approved for Graduate Credit The American Council on Education (ACE) is the major coordinating body for higher education in the United States. Based on an independent review of the certification process, ACE approved the following: • Teachers who achieve National Board Certification are eligible to receive a transcript for 6 graduate credit hours in education • Teachers who receive a total weighted scaled score, but who do not achieve certification, are eligible to receive a transcript for 3 graduate credit hours in education
National Board Certification Does it make a difference?
NBPTS: Grounded in Research • Assures the technical measurement quality of the assessments • Demonstrates the impact of National Board Certification • Collects and disseminates data and information to stakeholders and the public NBPTS has long supported an independent research agenda that:
Research ResultsStudent Achievement Gains • Students of National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) experienced year-end testing improvements that averaged 7 to 15 percent more than peers whose teachers did not hold the certification. (University of Washington and the Urban Institute, 2004) • Students of NBCTs did a measurably better job than other 9th and 10th graders on year-end math tests in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. All else being equal, teachers who had achieved National Board Certification helped their students achieve greater testing gains than did colleagues without the certification. (The CNA Corporation, 2004) • Students of NBCTs outperformed students of non-board certified teachers on the Stanford-9 Achievement Test, with learning gains equivalent on average to spending more than an extra month in school each year. (Arizona State University, 2004)
Research ResultsClosing the Achievement Gap • NBCTs are particularly effective with students who have special needs, and there is some evidence that Black and Hispanic students may also receive extra benefits. (The CNA Corporation, 2004) • Students of NBCTs experienced year-end testing improvements that averaged 7 to 15 percent more than peers whose teachers did not hold the certification. This performance differential was most pronounced for younger and lower-income students whose gains were as high as 15 percent. (University of Washington and the Urban Institute, 2004) • Intense group support sessions had the greatest positive impact on the NBPTS assessment scores of African-American teacher-candidates and candidates from high-poverty schools.(The Finance Project, 2005)
Research ResultsHigh Quality Professional Development • Teachers who pursued National Board Certification showed significant improvements in their teaching practices, whether they achieved certification or not. (Lustick/Sykes, 2006) • National Board for Professional Teaching Standards’ assessment and certification process is an effective method of professional development and is more cost effective than other comparable methods such as advanced degrees. (Cohen C., 2005) • NBCTs scored higher on all 13 dimensions of teaching expertise than did teachers who sought but did not achieve National Board Certification. The differences were statistically significant on 11 or the 13 dimensions. (University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2005)
Research ResultsHighly Qualified Teacher • Students of National Board Certified Teachers exhibited deeper learning outcomes more frequently than students of non-certified teachers. (Appalachian State University, 2005) • NBCTs had greater consistency in their focus on student assessment, their tools to collect data on student achievement were rated as significantly better, and they reported more practice of matching assessments with student learning goals. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004) • NBCTs had dispositions and skills that were in alignment with high-quality teaching. Researchers also found a positive relationship between teacher efficacy and student achievement. (George Washington University, 2005)
Research ResultsSustained School Improvement • Virtually all NBCTs, 99.6 percent, are engaged in at least one leadership activity to improve the quality of teaching or boost student learning in the nations’ classrooms. (Yankelovich Partners, 2001) • Candidates felt that the National Board Certification process has led to positive interaction with teachers, administrators and communities. (NBPTS, 2001) • NBCTs demonstrated a desire to serve in leadership roles that include being professional development leaders, supervising student teachers and serving as team leaders and mentors. (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003)
Cost of National Board Certification • $65 initial online application processing charge • $500 non-refundable registration fee • $2,000 assessment fee • Renewal fee: $1,150 ($300 non-refundable) ** There are low-interest NEA loans available ** There is an online extended-payment charge card plan available
Wisconsin NBPTS Support DPI: • Candidates applying to DPI or MPS Representative before December 15th receive $1,250 stipend to offset costs of registration • State awards up to $2,000 reimbursement of first year expenses after certification (SAVE RECIEPTS) and $2,500 each year for 9 years. An additional $2,500 is given to teachers who teach in high poverty (60% free/reduced lunch) schools. • Wisconsin NBCT’s receive Master Licensure Governor: • Each year NBCT’s are invited to a reception at the Governor’s Mansion hosted by Jessica Doyle and Elizabeth Burmaster
MPS Teachers MPS teachers please contact: Nicole Peters-Freeman Phone: (414) 438-3645 Email: petersnt@milwaukee.k12.wi.us