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PENGUINS Class Aves 17-18 living species 32 extinct species…. WHY? fossil records show increased number of seals and small whales Compete for the same food Penguins BECAME food! Fossil record date back 38-42 million years ago - 4-6 FEET tall - 198-298 pounds Habitat and distribution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PENGUINS Class Aves

  2. 17-18 living species • 32 extinct species…. WHY? • fossil records show increased number of seals and small whales • Compete for the same food • Penguins BECAME food! • Fossil record date back 38-42 million years ago - 4-6 FEET tall - 198-298 pounds

  3. Habitat and distribution • ALL found in Southern Hemisphere • Islands & remote continental regions – near nutrient rich cold water that provides an abundant supply of food • Range from tropical islands at the equator to Antarctica

  4. Physical characteristics • Sizes range from 16 inches – 4 feet • Fusiform/streamline body shape • Short wedge shapes tail • Webbed feet • countershading • Nictitating membrane

  5. Reproduction • Sexually dimorphic • Monogamous • Molt once a year after breeding • Male incubates the egg on his feet.

  6. Emperor Baby Penguins!

  7. Feed their young by regurgitating. A CLUTCH is a nest of eggs. They can live 15-20 years 50% starvation rate in the winter 90% mortality within the first year

  8. PREDATORS!! • Leopard seal • Sea lion • Sharks • Killer whales • Foxes • Snakes • Feral dogs & cats • Stoats (weasel family) • Predatory birds • Human interaction

  9. Bill shape varies according to prey – fish, squid, krill • Glands in the bill help eliminate excess salt • Can dive for 1-7 minutes as deep as 230 feet. Galapagos Penguin

  10. Adelie Rockhoppers Rockhopper Macaroni

  11. Chinstrap Fairy Emperor Royal Gentoo

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