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Reverse sides of paintings and x-rays

Portraits and Prayers: Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych National Gallery of Art November 12, 2006-February 2007. Reverse sides of paintings and x-rays.

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Reverse sides of paintings and x-rays

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Portraits and Prayers: Unfolding the Netherlandish Diptych National Gallery of ArtNovember 12, 2006-February 2007 • Reverse sides of paintings and x-rays

  2. Scoping Out What Lies Beneath: The Art of ScienceThe family romance of art restoration:Marriages, divorces, separations, and reunions of paintings.(like The Da Vinci Code’s use of Leonardo’s “The Last Supper” to “show” that Jesus was married and had a royal bloodline)

  3. Historicizing the Bayeux Tapestry: Victorian Gothic • Bayeux Tapestry restoration in the nineteenth century (1840-1860) takes place in the context of a debate between preservationists and restorationists, a debate that also concerns new media such as photography and the panorama, often viewed as a precursor of immersive cinema.

  4. Tapiserie de la reine Mathlide plaque • At the Centre Guillame le Conquerant

  5. Rozsika Parker,The Subversive Stitch

  6. Badou, Marcel, dir. The Battle of Hastings: 1066 (documentary). France, Pathé, 1966. 36 min. • Wax figure of Malthilde sewing the Tapestry

  7. Victorian Gothic a template for art restoration that moves beyond the BT’s restoration • The reverse side of the screen as transgressive, perverse and / or an error. • The viewer as much as the object becomes double, uncanny. • Science, art, and fiction all draw on photography, magic, and cinema. There a science of art and an art of science. • Two examples from “Victorian” films.

  8. The Time Machine • Dir. Simon Wells, 2002 • When H.G. Wells stops at a library in the future, he mistakes a hologram of a librarian on a flat, transparent screen for a real person he thinks is standing behind a window. Wells becomes doubled.

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