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Who’s on First?

Who’s on First?. Establishing a Viable Vital Records Program. Presented by: Leslie Malek National Archives & Records Administration Greater Northwest Regional ARMA Conference April 7, 2008. Scenario. “The Big One” No power, no heat or A/C, water dripping, injuries

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Who’s on First?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Who’s on First? Establishing a Viable Vital Records Program Presented by: Leslie Malek National Archives & Records Administration Greater Northwest Regional ARMA Conference April 7, 2008

  2. Scenario • “The Big One” • No power, no heat or A/C, water dripping, injuries • Computers damaged & down • File cabinets inaccessible and damaged • Flat files w/maps & drawings • Textual files • Microfilm


  4. What do YOU do? • Who’s on First? • Who gives the order? • When? • To whom do you report and where? • What do you do if someone’s injured? • Who do you call? • WHO’S IN CHARGE?

  5. How do you know? • Vital Records • Disaster Plan • COOP (Government) • Vital Records Plan

  6. What’s on Second… • What are Vital Records? • Emergency Operating Records • What’s needed immediately to get your company/agency through the emergency • Legal & Financial Rights Records • Protect assets, including personnel • Protect customers/stakeholders, e.g., contractor trade secrets, etc. • Protect others affected by your organization’s actions (particularly true w/Government)

  7. OK, but what are they? • Emergency Operating Records Examples: • Call lists • Emergency services (usu. 9-1-1) • Personnel • Records Center • Evacuation plans • Facility layouts & blueprints

  8. OK, but what are they? • Legal & Financial Rights Records: • Accounts payable & receivable • Contracts • Official personnel files • Legal documents: • Leases • Deeds • Rights of entry/rights of way • Permits

  9. What’s First? • Identify • What are the vital records in each organization? • Inventory • Categorize (EOR v. L&FR) • Where located (include path names for ER)

  10. What’s First? (Cont.) • Risk Assessment • What happens if we don’t have the records/information we need? • Prioritize • What are the risks to the records/information? • Protection Method • Duplication • Dispersal

  11. I Don’t Know’s on Third • Get on the team! • Disaster recovery planning • I have a plan! • Who has responsibility/access • What the records are • Where they are stored • Why they’re kept • When they’re needed • How to retrieve them

  12. The Plan • Keep it simple! (KIS) • Narrative annex to Disaster Plan • Flip chart for “Doomsday” • Answer the questions • Purpose statement (Why?) • Responsibilities (Who?) • For example: • Who calls the Records Center? • Who can access the records? • Who decides the restoration vendor is needed?

  13. The Plan (Cont.) • The Records (What?) • Prioritized Inventory • EOR first • Where located/person responsible (Where?) • Salvage • When Plan is Activated (When?) • Method to Retrieve (How?) • Call records center? Alternate site? • Drive there? Walk? Bike? • What information needed to retrieve?

  14. I-Don’t-Know? • Train • Records staff – all levels • Train records staff – all levels • Train records staff – all levels • How to respond • To whom to respond • Recovery

  15. Train More… • Program/project/technical managers & staff • Who to call • What they need • How to get it

  16. Test • Test the plan • Soon after training as possible • Tabletop first • Disaster Plan exercise

  17. Evaluate • What worked? • What didn’t? • After-action report

  18. Revise • Living document • Update inventory • Call lists • Training • Publish so it’s easy to change • Make it easy to access • Intranet • Flip chart

  19. Revise Update Evaluate Test

  20. Bring it on home!

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