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Many new recycling technologies are being used recently for the waste separation which is quite effective and helpful in reducing the wastes as well as making the earth greener than before. Try this site http://ecohogwindshifters.co.uk/ for more information on Trommel Fines. Sifting through the waste on your own not an easy task hence best left to the recycling companies.
Windshifter Based on controlled air movement the Windshifter is a recycling technology with a proven operational reliability. Windshifters can be used to separate and upgrade a variety of waste streams such as: • Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D) • Commercial and Industrial Waste (C&I) • Compost, Biomass & Wood • Electronic and Electrical Waste (WEEE) • Bottom Ash • Refuse derived fuel (RDF) By using controlled air, materials are separated according to their density and shape. To be effective two opposing densities are required referred to as heavy and light.
Windshifter BENEFITS OF USING WINDSHIFTER TECHNOLOGY: • Proven reliability • Precision settings to suit application • Separated & Improved materials in the processing cycle • Increased production • 99% separation efficiency depending on the material • Protects other equipment in processing cycle – e.g shredders • Low maintenance • Low operational costs • Low dust emission due to controlled and recirculated air flow • Reduced labour costs • Value for money & quick return on investment
Density Separator EcohogWindshifter’s are capable of processing a range of tonnage because of the precision settings. Each application differs, when we find out the bulk density of material we can advise on the throughput that can be achieved. Fraction sizes of 10mm – 300mm can be processed depending on bulk density. We pride ourselves, that using our extensive experience and knowledge of the industry, each Ecohog is custom tailored to accommodate the customer’s specific needs and process requirements. The EcohogWindshifter has been designed for both mobile and static installations incorporating low energy consumption, low noise levels, and low dust emissions whilst meeting the latest law regulations and promoting the environment at a more affordable price.
Trommel Fines The common topic of conversation within the waste industry is the issue around landfill tax increases for the disposal of trommel fines. HMRC have indicated that they aim to have a policy drafted on the disposal of trommel fines before the end of 2014. Ongoing meetings with stakeholder groups have shown no indications that these increases will be squashed so isn’t it time to get an operational strategy in place to combat these escalating landfill costs?
At present disposal of trommel fines at landfill costs a standard rate £72 per tonne and £2.50 for a lowered rate. Based on these existing levies an operator producing 50 tonnes per day of trommel fines incurs a landfill tax of £187,200 per annum. If these waste streams where treated to the qualifying standard the lower rate of £2.50 per tonne can then be applied, dramatically decreasing the overall landfill tax levy. The process to achieving this saving is simple; waste must firstly be screened through the trommel. This will separate all fractions more effectively than any other separation equipment in the industry as there is guaranteed quality of separation and maximum throughput, ensuring the successful removal of fines at a qualifying level for the lower rate of landfill tax. The remaining plus fraction then enters the EcohogWindshifter were the lights are separated from the heavy fraction. The steel is also removed from the heavy fraction. The EcohogWindshifter combined with a trommel provides the perfect combination to tackle continually increasing landfill costs. Investing in the equipment to separate waste is the only option for waste companies to ensure that landfill costs are kept as low as possible. Trommel Fines
Metal Separation The EcohogWindshifter has been designed for both mobile and static installations incorporating low energy consumption, low noise levels, and low dust emissions whilst meeting the latest law regulations and promoting the environment at a more affordable price. We pride ourselves, that using our extensive experience and knowledge of the industry, each Ecohog is custom tailored to accommodate the customer’s specific needs and process requirements. If Landfill costs and labour costs are eating into your profits then contact Ecohog today and find out how we can help put your profits into your pocket! Our experience and knowledge of the industry has developed our skills in concept design in finding solutions to waste sorting problems and has lead us to develop our sought after Ecohog air separation units and auxiliary equipment.
Waste Separation Basically it’s an air separation unit that splits waste or organic material based on density. Based on the customer’s needs and the application it will be used in, various models and auxiliaries are available. The beauty is that it’s compact and can be standalone or nicely integrated with existing equipment.
Density Separator ecohogwindshifters.co.uk For inquiries please visit :