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Creating Custom Fundraisers, The Alternative To Facebook

The recent announcement that Facebook will discontinue its fundraising campaigns in Europe from July 1, 2024, has left many charities scrambling for a reliable alternative. In response to this significant change, TrustMeUp has emerged as the premier platform for creating custom fundraisers tailored for birthdays, anniversaries, and various initiatives. With its user-friendly integration, comprehensive customization options, and innovative use of blockchain technology, <br>https://blog.trustmeup.com/en/create-custom-fundraisers/

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Creating Custom Fundraisers, The Alternative To Facebook

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  2. Create Custom Fundra?sers For B?rthdays, Ann?versar?es, And In?t?at?ves After The Facebook Stop In Europe. Important Changes For Fundra?s?ng In Europe. Create Personal?zed Fundra?sers For B?rthdays, Ann?versar?es, And In?t?at?ves After The Facebook Stop In Europe. Influent?al Changes For Fundra?s?ng In Europe. Essent?al news on how to Create Custom Fundra?sers. The recent news that Facebook w?ll stop support?ng fundra?s?ng campa?gns ?n Europe from 1 July 2024 has left many char?t?es look?ng for rel?able alternat?ves. TrustMeUp emerges as the ?deal solut?on, offer?ng a robust, feature-r?ch platform des?gned to max?m?ze the effect?veness of your fundra?s?ng efforts.

  3. WHY TRUSTMEUP IS THE BEST ALTERNATIVE AVAILABLE SET UP A CAMPAIGN ON AND WITH TRUSTMEUP Qu?ck and Easy Integrat?on: Trustmeup allows easy ?ntegrat?on w?th assoc?at?on webs?tes, allow?ng the creat?on of personal?zed fundra?s?ng campa?gns (b?rthdays and other occas?ons) d?rectly from the assoc?at?on webs?te. Personal?zat?on to Reflect Your M?ss?on. TrustMeUp allows deta?led custom?zat?on of campa?gns or even events. Each of your supporters w?ll be able to conf?gure spec?f?c object?ves, choose ?mpactful ?mages wr?te content, and custom?ze event t?cket?ng, ensur?ng that the campa?gn speaks d?rectly to the commun?ty.

  4. Transparency and Secur?ty w?th Blockcha?n. TrustMeUp uses blockcha?n technology to guarantee total transparency and ?mpeccable secur?ty ?n transact?ons. Each donat?on ?s traceable, ensur?ng that funds reach the?r ?ntended dest?nat?ons w?thout ?nterrupt?on or man?pulat?on. Zero?ng of Comm?ss?ons to Max?m?ze Donat?ons. Unl?ke other platforms, Trustmeup el?m?nates comm?ss?ons on donat?ons, thanks to the reward of 100% of the comm?ss?on ?n d?scount vouchers to be used on the platform. Incent?ves for Donors: A V?rtuous C?rcle. Each donor on TrustMeUp rece?ves a reward equal to 100% of the donat?on made ?n PAC (D?scount Coupons), wh?ch can be used for purchases to be made on the platform. Th?s not only rewards donors but encourages them to cont?nue support?ng your ?n?t?at?ves, creat?ng a susta?nable and benef?c?al donat?on cycle.

  5. Mult?l?ngual Support for Global Reach. The platform supports mult?ple languages, ?nclud?ng Ital?an, Span?sh, and Engl?sh, allow?ng you to reach donors from d?fferent parts of the world and expand your supporter base beyond nat?onal borders. SUCCESS STORIES WITH TRUSTMEUP TrustMeUp ?s not just a theory; Its effect?veness ?s demonstrated by numerous success stor?es. Several char?t?es have greatly exceeded the?r collect?on goals, thanks to the v?s?b?l?ty and tools offered by the platform, wh?ch have allowed them to ampl?fy the?r soc?al ?mpact. HOW TO CREATE PERSONALIZED FUNDRAISING, THE CONCLUSIONS In the new fundra?s?ng scenar?o, TrustMeUp represents more than a s?mple alternat?ve to Facebook; ?s an ?nnovat?ve platform that re?nvents how to support soc?al and char?ty causes. W?th TrustMeUp, your campa?gns on b?rthdays, ann?versar?es, or spec?al ?n?t?at?ves w?ll not only ach?eve the?r f?nanc?al goals. They also bu?ld a stronger and more engaged support commun?ty.

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