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Semantic search may provide further business benefits by merging NLP with an intuitive user interface and making it straightforward for anyone to interact with and get the results theyu2019re looking for. <br><br>For More Info ( Source):<br>https://www.tutorsindia.com/blog/semantic-search-using-natural-language-processing/<br>
USE OF NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING IN SEMANTICSEARCH AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,TutorsIndia Groupwww.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
TOPICDISCUSSION Introduction SemanticSearchReducesSearching AndIncreasesFinding SemanticResearchIsAVariable Investment Worth Making For Organizations WhatAreSomeExamplesOfSemantic Research? Conclusion
INTRODUCTION Computer-assistedtextanalysisisknownasnatural languageprocessing(NLP). An aspect of NLP is the study of how someone uses and understandslanguage. Thegoalofthisistodevelopthetoolsand methods necessary for computer systems to comprehend, change, and perform a wide range of useful tasks using natural language. contd...
Researches in NLP are currently focused on creating sophisticated NLP systems that incorporate both the general text and a sizable portion oftheambiguityandunpredictabilityofalanguage. Computationallinguisticsfrequentlyfacesproblemswithspeech recognition, word separation, and other concepts. In NLP, it has been usualpracticetocreatestatisticalapproachesforit(Bastetal.,2016) .
SEMANTICSEARCHREDUCES SEARCHINGANDINCREASES FINDING Sinceitscreationintheearly1990s,theessentialsearch enginehasmadetremendousadvancements. However,ithasrecentlymadetremendousstrides towardprovidingmuch morenuanced and pertinent solutionswiththeuseof artificialintelligence(AI) technologieslikemachinelearning(ML) and natural languageprocessing. contd...
AIskillsare added to search engines to develop semantic search. No longeraresearchesrestrictedtowordsandtheirdefinitionsfrom dictionaries: Understanding the query's goal and describing the data such thatitis"suitedformeaningfulretrieval,"as statedinTowardsData Science,arenecessaryforsemanticsearch”(Doetal.,2010). Bylearningfrompriorqueryresults,SemanticSearchusesmachine learningtoincreaseaccuracyandrelevance. contd...
By using NLP,the searcher is able to formulate their inquiries as if they were speaking to a human. They might spend less time coming up with the best keywords for a particular searchasaresult. Unlike its keyword-based predecessor, semantic search can handle informations from a wide range of sources, including email, social media, documents, PDFs, images, video, andaudio. Thisconsiderably expands the searcher's possibilities by enabling them to find what they'relookingforusingall oftheresourcesattheirdisposal(Sheuetal.,2009).
SEMANTICRESEARCHISAVARIABLE INVESTMENTWORTHMAKINGFOR ORGANIZATIONS Therehasneverbeenabusinessthatwouldn'tbenefitfrom obtainingquicker,moreprecise,andhigher-qualityresults. By eliminating unnecessary information and only displaying themostcorrectanswers,semanticsearchenablesless searchingandmorediscovery. Consider ingthe example of an underwater welder searching for supplies to complete a task on a 1,500-foot-deep oil rig in theGulf ofMexico. contd...
A keyword search would only give up results pertaining to welding, thereby omitting the multifaceted nature of this endeavour. The context of such a project would be recognised by a semantic search, together with the fact that the welder is secondinimportancetothediverinthesearcher'sprofile. Inadditiontotakingintoaccountfactorslikeworking conditionsandwatercurrents,itwouldofferpertinent results,suchasthosefromahyperbaricchamber. contd...
Semantic searchmay provide further business benefits by merging NLP with an intuitive user interface and making it straightforward for anyone to interactwithandgetthe results they'relookingfor. Fastaccesstoaccuratefindingsfacilitatesdecision-making and increasesproductivityinbusinessesofallsizes. By combining unstructured data from many sources, semantic search may also aid in the expansion and success of enterprises(Kupiyalova et al.,2020).
WHATARESOMEEXAMPLES OFSEMANTICRESEARCH? Interestingly, since the Hummingbird upgrade in 2013, Google has been embracing semantic search to enhance its user experience. Withthisimprovement,"conversationalsearch"was introduced to its repertoire, meaning that the context of the fullquery was taken into account rather than justcertain phrases. OnlineretailerZappos justintegrated semantic search to theirwebsitetomakeiteasierforcustomerstolocate exactlywhatthey'relookingfor. contd...
Thealgorithmadapts theresulttoeach customer'spriorsearchdata, accordingtothecompany'schiefdatascientist,inadditiontounderstanding thecontextofthesearchword(Weietal.,2008). As a result, Zappos is in a position to offer each of its customers the results thatarespecificallyrelevanttothem. Companies all around the world are turning to services like Microsoft Azure and AWS Comprehend, which enable them to use the technologies without havingtobuilditthemselves,as theadvantagesofsemantic search becomemoreandmoreclear.
CONCLUSION Inordertoensure thatnocrucialinformationis overlooked, effectively using semantic search also requires destroying any internal data silos that may exist(Cotfasetal.,2019). Bymakingsurethatemployees are forthcoming with the necessary information and that adequate technical preparation is in place, organisations may train their conceptual search engine to produce the mostinformedandaccurateresults. contd...
Nevertheless,muchstudyremainstobedone,despitethefact that semanticsearchmayseemtobeamaturetechnology. That is not to imply that we shouldn't start using it today in order to benefit from its many benefits rather than waiting tilltechnology reaches its full potential: Semantic search may be used by companies of all sizes to help themmakedecisionsmorequicklyand thoroughly,enhance customer experience,andincreaserevenue(Sangersetal.,2013).
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