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Fisheries and seafood by Unibell Corporation Ltd. Europe

Fisheries and seafood by Unibell Corporation Ltd. Europe.Fisheries and seafood by Unibell Corporation Ltd. Europe. Company is engage in exporting of fish and seafood in Europe.

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Fisheries and seafood by Unibell Corporation Ltd. Europe

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  1. Fisheries Unibell Corporation Ltd. Bulgaria fisheries and Seafood has been serving the fisheries and seafood industry with a background of two generations in the fisheries and seafood industry, the company was started to supply fresh fishes to wholesale distributors. With countless types of fish in the market today, Unibell fish farm meets the challenge of providing a high quality consistent source of fresh and healthy fish. Unibell Bulgaria harvests almost every species of fish which found in Bulgaria from the fresh water to sea water, Unibell Bulgaria will be continuing the tradition of producing fresh fish and seafood. Our fishes are not only sold out in Bulgaria but it serves major countries like Greece, Romania, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Poland, Turkey, Montenegro, Ukraine, Belarus and Russian Federation No antibiotics and chemicals are used in our man made pond and the larvae are fed on organic diets of algae and artemia. Unibell Bulgaria Fish farm Unibell Bulgaria fish-farm is located 125 kms from Sofia, capital city of Bulgaria and another fish farm at 35 kms. Produces maggots for fishing - Carp (scaly and bare), White fish, Sheatfish, Common carp, Grass carp, Salmon, Silver Carp, Prawns and Pike. At Unibell fish-farm, annually producing fish breading: Carp (scaly and bare), White fish, Sheatfish, Common carp, Grass carp, Salmon, Silver Carp, Prawns and Pike and fish for consumption. Fish-farm Unibell offers fish for consumption - carp, silver carp, white fish and Amur. Unibell fish farm is part of aquaculture in Bulgaria. Aquaculture includes activities related to breeding and rearing of fish and fishery products and related technologies resulting in production of them. In Bulgaria, fish-farm Unibell has good traditions and prospects for growth in fish production. This is based on the fact that the fishpond has appropriate conditions for development of aquaculture. Why choose us Grow-out pond Unibell Bulgaria fish farm has a total of 13 ponds most of them being around 4 rais (6,400 m2) in size. The black tiger fry are released into seaweed-rich ponds, where they forage naturally for food. Monitoring procedures are carried out to indicate the quality of the water as follows Water quality indicators Dissolved Oxygen Ph Turbidity Salinity Ammonia Nitrite Alkalinity BOD Test frequency Daily Daily Daily Twice a week Twice a week Twice a week Twice a week At harvesting In addition the quality of the prawn is looked at daily and these checks will include color, shell strength, general well being etc. These checks are carried out up to 2 times a day. Harvesting Crops are normally ready for harvesting in 150 to 180 days. This will depend on growth rate. At harvesting, the water pumped from the pond goes to the effluent canal where it flows to the Organic treatment pond.

  2. Natural Feed Upon the good ecology as in Unibell Bulgaria fish farm, we produce natural feed which becomes feed since release the shrimp to the grow-out pond. Such as: Seaweed Polychaete Life Cycle of marine and aquatic Fishes Products Silver carp Silver carp is basically inhabitant of major river systems of South and Central China and in the Amur Basin of USSR from where it has been transplanted throughout the Indo-Pacific region including India. It readily accepts supplementary feed like oil cakes and rice bran mixture in pond culture systems. It does not breed in pond condition. In composite fish culture ponds it usually attains over 1.5 kg within one year of rearing. Max Length (CM) 105 Common Length (CM) 18 Maximum Weight (KG) 50 White carp The white carp, has to slow growth rate of colorful carp is indispensable to culture in fish farms because they do not enter into direct competition with carp. Fed with unused by other types of food: phytoplankton, it helps to increase yields, but its use in tackling the "bloom" of algae, limiting the risk of Zamora. White fish Live in deep water on sandy bottoms and rugged and very active at night. His eyes were large and reflect more light to the unlit places such as vision is excellent device for night shooting. He eats small fish, crustaceans, larvae and nymphs of insects and various others. In the early years of his life to move in herds and flocks attacked by Roach, perch and others. When needle is separated from the herd and hunt alone, it can attack its kind with a mass up to half a kilogram. Purifies the water basins of the sick, injured and undeveloped fish. Avoid oxygen poor waters. Sheatfish Sheatfish (Silurus glanis), also Welsh or European catfish is a freshwater fish, whose body has no scales. Length is not possible to reach do 3 meters, and Weight 180 kilogram. If they catch on the upper jaw it will pacify. The top side of the body of Sheat-fish is dark, the parties and belly are spotted. Is notorious that the vision of Sheat-fish is very poorly developed may even say that he is almost blind. Its sensory qualities are well developed. Sheat-fish is an active summer in raising the temperature of the water. Winter he lies on the bottom, and falls into lethargy. Awakening from hibernation in mid April and began to hunt until November, as more activity is mainly in deep waters because of the warm water. In the middle of summer you can see attack and surface waters. Approaching storms also increases the activity because of its irritation.

  3. Pike Pike (Esox lucius) is a large prey fish, widespread in our waters. It occurs almost everywhere in Asia, America and Europe. Reaches over 150 cm in length and body weight to 20 kg. There is evidence for a significantly larger specimens. Females are generally much Range of the pike is pretty wide. Meeting to 1 500 m above sea level. Of places and lives in brackish waters. Meeting standing, sweet waters. It’s not meeting only in small alpine rivers and streams. In the distribution of the pike is that it occurs in completely isolated ponds distant from rivers. This is due to the fact that the caviar of the pike is very sticky and is carried by waterfowl birds. On larger populations of pike in the reservoir it is able to quickly destroy fish breeding stuff. It already destroyed most inferior and diseased fish and regulates the balance of the ecosystem of the water. larger than males of the same age. Grass carp Grass carp is a native of the river systems of South-Central and North China, and the Amur river of USSR. Its suitability in aquaculture and biological control of aquatic weed infestation has resulted in wide-scale transplantation throughout the world. They are voracious eaters and show distinct preference for vegetable food materials such as grass, leaves, weeds, etc. Max Length (CM) 105 Common Length (CM) 11 Maximum Weight (KG) 45 Common carp Originally a native of temperate region of Asia, especially China, the common carp is now the most domesticated and cultivated carp species throughout the world. It frequently burrows the pond bottom in search of food. In composite fish culture ponds it grows to about 1 kg within one year. In a tropical climate it spawns throughout the year in the pond environment with two peak periods, one from January to March and the other during July and August. Max Length (CM) 110 Common Length (CM) 31 Maximum Weight (KG) 41 Salmon Salmon eggs are laid in freshwater streams typically at high latitudes. The eggs hatch into alevin or sac fry. The fry quickly develop into parr with camouflaging vertical stripes. The parr stay for six months to three years in their natal stream before becoming smolts, which are distinguished by their bright, silvery colour with scales that are easily rubbed off. Only 10% of all salmon eggs are estimated to survive to this stage. The smolt body chemistry changes, allowing them to live in saltwater. Smolts spend a portion of their out-migration time in brackish water, where their body chemistry becomes accustomed to osmoregulation in the ocean. Salmon is a popular food. Classified as an oily fish, salmon is considered to be healthy due to the fish's high protein, high omega-3 fatty acids, and high vitamin D content. Salmon is also a source of cholesterol, with a range of 23– 214 mg/100 g depending on the species. According to reports in the journal Science, however, farmed salmon may contain high levels of dioxins. PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl) levels may be up to eight times higher in farmed salmon than in wild salmon, but still well below levels considered dangerous. Farmed salmon is shown to have a high omega 3 fatty acid content comparable to wild salmon. The type of omega-3 present may not be a factor for other important health functions. Max Length (CM) 150 Common Length (CM) 120 Maximum Weight (KG) 61 Prawns Unibell Bulgarian Prawns are decapod crustaceans of the sub-order Dendrobranchiata. There are 540 extant species, in seven families, but the fact that they do not brood their eggs, but release them directly into the water. They may reach a length of over 330 millimeters (13 in) and a mass of 450 grams (1.0 lb), and are widely fished and farmed for human consumption. The four main species of farmed prawns with us are Black Tiger (penaeus monodon), Banana Prawns (Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) kuruma and Brown Tiger respectively.

  4. What do Prawns eat? Prawns are omnivores in the wild, farmed prawns are fed a pellet that looks like a chicken pellet. The ingredients are: fish meal, fish oil and plant protein like soy beans. Farmed prawns also forage in the ponds eating natural zoo plankton etc. How long to prawns take to grow? Prawns are harvested when they are 4 to 6 months old. How are prawns farmed? Prawns are farmed in saltwater ponds, approximately 1ha in size and 1.5m deep. WATER FOOD Water Chestnut The water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis; synonyms E. equisetina, E. indica), more often called simply the water chestnut, is a grass-like sedge grown for its edible corms. The water chestnut is actually not a nut at all, but an aquatic vegetable that grows in marshes, underwater in the mud. It has tube-shaped, leafless green stems that grow to about 1.5 meters. The water caltrop, which is also referred to by the same name, is unrelated and often confused with the water chestnut. The small, rounded corms have a crisp white flesh and can be eaten raw, slightly boiled, grilled, and are often pickled or tinned. Benefits of Water Chestnut for Skin, Hair and Health Health Benefits of Water Chestnut Besides their crunchy texture and sweet mild flavour, water chestnuts possess remarkable nutritional composition, making them an excellent food source. Their medicinal properties have rendered them usable in Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicines. Their numerous health benefits are as follows:  Water chestnut acts as an excellent coolant for the body. It promotes salivation and quenches thirst. Being cool, sweet, heavy and bitter, it is effective in controlling loose motions Water chestnuts are a perfect food to form part of a healthy lifestyle. They are high in nutrients and low in calories and almost fatless. Half a cup of water chestnuts contains just 0.1 gram fat. All this makes them a healthy food option. Due to their detoxifying properties, water chestnuts are beneficial for people suffering from jaundice. Jaundice patients can eat it in raw form or in juice form. It acts as an excellent tonic for removing toxins from the body. Since water chestnut contains useful minerals like iodine and manganese, it helps in maintaining proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Being rich in polyphenolic and flavonoid antioxidants, water chestnuts possess anti-bacterial, antiviral, anticancer and antioxidant properties. They help in strengthening the stomach and the spleen and remove symptoms of weak spleen such as bad taste, insomnia, feeling sick, fatigue and cancer. Water chestnut is effective in treating different urine infections. The extracts of the water chestnut plant are effective in curing the disorders of nausea and indigestion. Water chestnut juice is a natural remedy for stomach related problems. The powder gruel of the water chestnut is beneficial for intestines and for removal of internal heat. The powder of water chestnuts is effective in relieving cough. Grind water chestnuts to make powder and consume it with water or any juice twice a day. This is a natural remedy to provide instant relief from cough. The usage of water chestnut either in raw form or in juice form helps to alleviate the problem of bad appetite in children as well as in adults. Water chestnuts are just perfect to beat the scorching heat of the summers, thanks to their excellent cooling properties. They have numerous curative and supplementary properties as well.         

  5. The juice of water chestnut is used to control diarrhea and dysentery and the fruits are used in treating sore throat, anemia, fractures, bronchitis and in leprosy. It helps in treating hypertension during pregnancy and improves fetal growth. Porridge made from the flour of water chestnut is given to a pregnant woman after delivery to check hemorrhage. The dried seeds stop bleeding and treat miscarriage issues in women. It also promotes mammary gland secretion of milk. The juice extracted from water chestnuts eliminates the humor of bile and phlegm and cures plethora. It also increases virility. Water chestnuts eliminate inflammations and blood impurities. They are energy boosters which drive away tiredness and check the flow of blood from wounds. Water chestnuts are excellent sources of potassium with one cup providing 362.1 mg potassium. This mineral is vital for proper muscle and neural functioning. It also regulates water retention and blood pressure by balancing sodium.     Skin Benefits of Water Chestnut In addition to their numerous health benefits given above, water chestnuts can be beneficial for the skin in the following ways.  As stated earlier, water chestnuts purify the blood by removing toxins from the body. This results in the appearance of glowing and youthful skin. Water chestnuts are effective in treating conditions like measles. Water chestnuts boiled in water makes an excellent solution for measles patients. Having this drink on a regular basis for at least 6-9 days of the cycle provides great results. A paste made from powdered skins of water chestnuts can be applied on the swollen areas of the skin for relief. Water chestnut seed powder mixed with lemon juice helps to cure eczema if applied regularly.    Hair Benefits of Water Chestnut Healthy, lustrous and damage free hair is something that all of us wish to achieve. Just like the rest of your body, your hair needs adequate supply of nutrients to maintain its health. Water chestnuts are beneficial for your hair in general as they contain certain essential nutrients such as potassium, zinc, B vitamins and vitamin E. Moreover, they remove toxins from the body that can damage your hair as well. Thus, their nutritional value has a lot to contribute to healthy hair. Foxnut Euryale ferox (also known as foxnut, makhana or gorgon plant) is the only species in the genus Euryale. It is a flowering plant classified in the water lily family, Nymphaeaceae, although it is occasionally regarded as a distinct family Euryalaceae. Unlike other water lilies, the pollen grains of Euryale have three nuclei. It grows in water, producing bright purple flowers. The leaves are large and round, often more than a meter (3 feet) across, with a leaf stalk attached in the center of the lower surface. The underside of the leaf is purplish, while the upper surface is green. The leaves have a quilted texture, although the stems, flowers, and leaves which float on the surface are covered in sharp prickles. Other leaves are submerged. Unibell Bulgaria’s Fox Nut, a Healthy Snack Gorgon nut is an aquatic weed which grows in shallow water bodies. Although it is also cultivated in China and Japan, but India is it largest producer. 90% of the global Foxnut productions come from India. It is a great munching option. It has so many health benefits and medical properties. • It is low in saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol and are high in magnesium potassium and phosphorus. So it is very useful for people with high blood pressure. • It contains flavonoid which are anti-oxidants, thus it is an anti-aging food too. • It is high in fiber, thus helps to deal with constipation.

  6. • It is helpful in treatment of arthritis and rheumatic pains. • It also helps in treating insomnia, irritability. It also helps increasing appetite. • It helps strengthen heart and kidney. • It also helps in the problem of frequent urination. • It is a good food for diabetic too. • It acts as an aphrodisiac thus increases quality and quantity of semen, prevents premature ejaculation, increases libido and helps in female infertility. • Foxnut increases stickiness of secretions by increasing moisture level in body. Hence it increases quality and quantity of semen and useful in impotence. It helps to increase the fertility in women and reduces vata and pitta. It strengthens the body and reduces burning sensation and quenches thirst. So it would be really stupid to not include this pious and heavenly food in our diet. It can be eaten raw (just roast it with little butter or olive oil and add salt & pepper) or can be made into various preparations. Medicinal properties of FoxNut (Euryale ferox ) The plant foxnut belongs to the family Nymphaeaceae. It grows in water and is found in India, Korea, Japan and Russia. Fox nut plant does not have stem. It has large round leaves and produces bright purple flowers. The whole plant is covered with small thorns.The leaves of fox nut plant have green upper surface and purple shaded lower surface. This plant produces fruits which are about the size of a small orange. Each fruit contains 8-10 seeds which are of pea size. According to texts of ayurveda foxnut or makhana tastes sweetand is heavy to digest It increases moisture level in body Medicinal properties of Foxnut tissues. The seeds of foxnut are used in ayurvedic preparations. Fox nut alleviates vata and pitta dosha. It strengthens the heart and is very useful in anemia. Fox nut increases quality and quantity of semen, prevents premature ejaculation, increases libido and helps in female infertility. It is an important ingredient of herbal preparations used for erectile dysfunction. It strengthens body and increases energy level. Because of its aphrodisiac properties it is grouped under vrishyadi varga. The herbs under this Fox nut increases stickiness of secretions by increasing moisture level in body. Hence it increases quality and quantity of semen and useful in impotence. It helps to increase the fertility in women and reduces vata and pitta. It strengthens the body and reduces burning Uses of Fox nut in According to principles of traditional Chinese medicine fox nut is used to strengthen spleen and kidneys. It is indicated in conditions like spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, neuralgia, incontinence, chronic diarrhea etc. According to herbalists it is helpful in preventing early discharge of semen and restores sexual vigor in older men.( Because of this property the fox nut is categorized under Vajikarana dravyas in texts of ayurveda.) Fox nut helps in conditions like arthritis, erectile dysfunction and premature aging. This herb has antioxidant properties and helps in digestion, rejuvenates respiratory system group are used in vajikarana therapy. sensation and quenches thirst. alternative medicine systems and prevents frequent urination. Unibell Bulgaria fishes and water foods are enrich with numerous nutrition Unibell Fishes – A high-protein Food

  7. Fishes are naturally high in many essential vitamins and minerals including protein, iron, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium, zinc, and vitamin C. Seafood is a good source of high-quality protein, usually with a low number of calories. One 3-ounce serving of most fish provides an excellent source of protein, at often fewer than 100 to 150 calories. The fat in fish is mainly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated rather than saturated, as in meat. Furthermore, fish have a unique polyunsaturated fatty acid called omega-3 that is believed to have a beneficial effect in reducing blood clots, lowering blood cholesterol levels, and minimizing heart disease. Fish also contain important vitamins and minerals, especially some of the B vitamins, iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Saltwater fish supply iodine. Nutrition Facts Serving Size 218 g Amount Per Serving Calories 277 Calories From Fat 110 %Daily Value* Total Fat 12g 19% Saturated Fat 2g 12% Trans Fat Cholesterol 144mg 48% Sodium 107mg 4% Total Carbohydrate 0g 0% Dietary Fiber 0g 0% Sugars 0g Protein 39g Vitamin A 1% . Vitamin C 6% Calcium 9% . Iron 15% Fats & Fatty Acids Total Fat 12.2 g 19% Saturated Fat 2.4 g 12% Monounsaturated Fat 5.1 g Polyunsaturated Fat 3.1 g Total trans fatty acids ~ Total trans-monoenoic fatty acids ~ Total trans-polyenoic fatty acids ~ Total Omega-3 fatty acids 1535 mg Total Omega-6 fatty acids 1127 mg Vitamins Amounts Per Selected Serving %DV Vitamin 65.4 IU 1% Vitamin C 3.5 mg

  8. 6% Vitamin D Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol) 1.4 mg 7% Vitamin K 0.2 mcg 0% Thiamin 0.3 mg 17% Riboflavin 0.1 mg 7% Niacin 3.6 mg 18% Vitamin B 60.4 mg 21% Folate 32.7 mcg 8% Vitamin B1 23.3 mcg 56% Pantothenic Acid 1.6 mg 16% Choline 142 mg Betaine ~ Calorie Information %DV Calories 277 (1160 kJ) 14% From Carbohydrate 0.8 (3.3 kJ) From Fat 110 (461 kJ) From Protein 166 (695 kJ) From Alcohol 0.0 (0.0 KJ)

  9. Nutritional Value of Water Chestnut Amount of Water Chestnut, 100g Nutrient Water Protein Fat Carbohydrates Sugars Energy Dietary Fiber Calcium Zinc Iron Sodium Potassium Amount 48.2 g 3.4 g 0.2 g 32.1 g 3.3 g 730 14.9 g 17.6 mg 0.4 mg 0.7 mg 0.8 mg 468 mg Disadvantages Although most seafood that reaches the consumer is safe, fish spoilage and contamination do occur. Bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms can contaminate fish. Without careful handling, these can spread to humans through undercooked fish or cross-contamination, which occurs when surfaces used to prepare fish are not disinfected. Like all living organisms, fish can occasionally carry various parasites. These parasites are easily destroyed by normal cooking procedures. In pickled products, such as pickled herring, the acidity of the vinegar used in pickling, often in combination with salt, preserves products and destroys parasites and harmful bacteria. Because of pollution in oceans, lakes, and rivers, fish may contain harmful chemicals such as mercury or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). This may be a particular problem in areas where there are manufacturing plants that burn fossils fuels or, in the past, have dumped mercury-containing waste into nearby streams and lakes. Recipe Cold and hot Foxnut pudding Ingredients Foxnut- 1 cup (roasted in ghee, crushed roughly) Milk-1 ½ cups Sugar- 1 tbsp (or according to your liking) Green Cardamom- 4 pieces. ( slit into halves) Coconut powder/raisin (optional)-1-2 tsp Method for the preparation Boil milk (with the cardamom pieces)

  10. • Add the crushed Foxnut. • Stir and bring it to the consistency you want (bear in mind that it will get thicker after cooling down). • Switch off the stove and add sugar. Mix well. • Now add coconut powder or raisin or whichever dry fruits you like in any pudding. Serve it either hot or cold!! Foxnut Roast 1 cup of Foxnut in 3 tea spoon of ghee in a thick bottomed vessel. Powder roasted Foxnut coarsely. Boil 2 cups of milk add powdered Foxnut to it. Add 3/4 cup sugar and stir well. Allow it to boil for few minutes. If needed more of hot milk can be added to get required consistency. Take it off from fire, add powdered cardamom, chopped almonds, raisins and According to principles of traditional Chinese medicine fox nut or Makhana is used to strengthen spleen and kidneys. It is indicated in conditions like sperm at or rhea, premature ejaculation, neuralgia, incontinence, chronic diarrhea etc. According to herbalists it is helpful in preventing early discharge of semen and restores sexual vigor in older men.( Because of this property the fox nut is categorized under Vajikarana dravyas in texts of ayurveda.) Makhana helps in conditions like arthritis, erectile dysfunction and premature aging. This herb has antioxidant properties and helps in digestion, rejuvenates respiratory system and prevents frequent urination. sweet pudding cashew nuts. Unibell Corporation Ltd. jk. Fondovi Gilista bl.3 vh.B et.3 ap.40, Sofia 1233 Bulgaria Tel: +359899178710 Email: info@unibell-corp.eu / vp@unibell-corp.eu Website: www.unibell-corp.eu

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