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VLCC have a Simple & Effective weight loss program. Learn how to lose weight through natural & holistic weight loss exercise, diet on the Health Total plan. Book Online or Call: 1800-102-8522. Visit Site: https://www.vlccwellness.com/India/slimming/weight-management/weight-loss
------------------------------------------------------- The Best Exercise Plan to Lose Weight --------------------------- Exercise is not only limited to keeping your body fit and feeling good and stretching your muscles. The main reason why people do exercise is to lose or maintain their weight. Now, there are people who have made this into a habit and exercise comes as naturally as breathing to them. But there are a lot of people who would love to start it, but making it a habit is a task to achieve. Exercising for weight loss is not just physical exertion; it involves a lot of mental strength too. You need to take time and prepare yourself for this, so that you make sure you never lose hope in between. After you’re mentally prepared, the next big step is to choose the perfect exercise plan from millions of them. You can do this by asking for an expert opinion from your fitness trainer.
Nevertheless, here’s a basic exercise plan that you can incorporate your main one into: 1. Lift Weights The common misconception with lifting weights is that you will bulk up. But the only thing that will happen is that you will lose fat while retaining your muscle mass. And the more muscle mass you have, the higher is your metabolism, which makes it more efficient to burn those extra calories. 2. Cardio There’s gonna be no effect at all in your weight if you don’t include cardio in your regime. A suggestion is high-intensity interval training, i.e., sprinting at around 90% of your maximum effort for shorter periods of time to allow you to burn extra calories in shorter periods of time. Also, these exercise sessions might be ideal for people with busier schedules. 3. Yoga and Pilates The calorie-burning benefits of a yoga or pilates session might not be equal to those of, say, a Cross Fit workout, but you need to still include it in your regime as it’s great for strength, balance, flexibility and core development. 4. Consistency No matter what you do and what comes in your way, you need to prepare yourself for consistency. Only with consistency you’ll see results, and sticking with it is the only way to reach your goals. Registered Office VLCC Health Care Limited Website:https://www.vlccwellness.com/India/ Address: M-14, Greater Kailash II Commercial Complex, New Delhi – 110048, India Phone: +91 11-41631975 Fax: +91 11-41080266 Email: contact@vlccwellness.com Thanks