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The first thing to determine when buying bathroom sink faucets is to make sure that the faucets you choose are compatible with your existing sinks or basins. As a matter of fact, there are several types of bathroom sink faucets, and not all faucet types work with all sinks.
Buyer’s Guide: Things you Should Know when Buying Bathroom Sink Faucets We live in interesting times. So interesting, that we only have to think about what we want or need and can get all the information about it with just a click of a few buttons. Having a smartphone handy is pretty much like having a personal salesman you can consult at any given point of time. You wish, browse through a hundred of products and make a decision! Perhaps some purchases need some exploration before you make the final decision and bathroom sink faucets are definitely one ofthem. In this guide, we’ll discuss some key points that you must keep in mind when buying bathroom sink faucets. Mounting Type The first thing to determine when buying bathroom sink faucetsis to make surethatthefaucetsyouchoosearecompatiblewithyourexistingsinksor
basins. As a matter of fact, there are several types of bathroom sink faucets, and not all faucet types work with all sinks. The standard drillings are a single hole, center-set and widespread. It is very important to choose the right mounting type so you can use your space as conveniently as possible, especially when you are planning to install a new faucet onto an existingsink. Installations • You’ll find faucets in every possible style - from the classic single-handleto the traditional bridgeand everything in between andbeyond! • Bridge: If your current bathroom design demands something that combines the latest technology and classic style, bridge faucets might just be the right option for you. They work pretty well with undermount sinks. • Centerset: If your basin has three holes and handles 4 inches apart, then centerset faucets should be your pick. These faucets combine a spout and handle on a single baseunit.
Single-Handle: As the name implies, single-handle is a bathroom faucet with just one handle. The single handle controls both the temperature and the pressure of water and is mostly recommended for sinks with one hole. If there are additional holes in the sink and you still want to use the single-handle faucet, then use a mounting plate to cover the extraholes. • Wall-Mounted: Wall mounted bathroom sink faucets are attached to the wall and extend over the sink. These faucets offer clean, modern and utilitarian appeal, making them one of the most preferable options for modern bathroom designs. Wall-mounted faucets require a separate wall-mounted valve and drain forinstallation. • Check the WaterLines • Making sure that the bathroom sink faucets you choose to buy are compatible with the water supply lines. Before you shop, take a look under the sink and make a note of the existing water line size and the shutoff valves. It is usually a good idea to choose a faucet that comes with 3/8" flex linesattached. • Know thefinish • Make a note of the finish you have or would want to incorporate in the new bathroom design. The bathroom sink faucet that you choose should match the finish of sink accessories. Neutrals like chrome, nickel and stainless steel look good on all modern bathroom designs. Shiny chrome is the most preferred bath finish. Choicesinclude:
Black • Brass (antique orpolished) • Chrome (matte, brushed or polished) • Gold • Nickel • StainlessSteel • Don’t fall for cheaperalternatives • We want you to have the best faucet possible. When buying online, there would be many sellers that would claim to sell genuine products at a bargain price. The products sold on marketplaces and online hypermarkets may appear to be the same as you will find at our official stores. You may even believe that getting a bargain on a great fixture is the best thing that could have happened to you in a long time, but the truth is that these cheaper fixtures are made with low-quality, sub-par parts that is only going to cost you a lot of money on repairs and maintenance in the long run. • A Quick Tip: Remember that things made to last will cost you less in the long run. Don’t be penny wise, pound foolish. Save yourself time and energy later by investing in genuine, high-quality bathroom sinkfaucets. • Find the right bathroom sink faucet
Different bathroom sink faucet designs, styles, finishes, and features allow you to personalize your space. When exploring your options, keep in mind all the tips mentioned above so you are able to find the best faucet for your next bathroom renovation project. Choosing the right bathroom faucet will give you a lifetime of satisfaction and trouble-freeuse.