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Better Air 91 are our anti-pollution masks especially curated to filter harmful toxins present in the air and come with N99 filters for ultimate protection from smog and harmful pollutants.
Need of The Hour: FaceMasks! • Bira has always believed in minimalist yet visually appealing and best quality products. Our apparel range has already been in the list of favorites of the young and our collectibles are absolutely adored by all our customers. We believe in helping our comrade when they need us the most, and hence comes the Better Air91. • Better Air 91 are our anti-pollution masks especially curated to filter harmful toxins present in the air and come with N99 filters for ultimate protection from smog and harmfulpollutants. • Amidst these times of Covid-19, the Bira Better Air 91 masks come in even more handy. During this tough situation, face masks now act like a weapon against the deadly virus and shields not just the wearer but everyone aroundthem. • Some quick reminders via the World Health Organization about the usage ofmasks: • Before putting on a mask, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water,thoroughly.
Cover your mouth and nose with the mask and make sure there are no gaps or crevices between your face and the protectorwhatsoever. • Avoid touching the mask while you're using it, and just in case you have to, carry a sanitizer and rub it on your palms before you touch themask. • The Bira91 masks are washable and reusable and come with adjustable strings to fit the mask to size. The prints on the face masks onlineare as always quirky and bright and our Bira91 monkey assures everyone that everything will be fine soon! The Coronavirus pandemic is taking a toll on our mental state, and Bira is trying to bring a little change and be ahelp. • Click hereto shop air pollution masks onlineand we will deliver it at yourdoorstep. • To check out more from Bira91, visit our website https://shop.bira91.com/and it will reach you assoon.