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Best International School in India

Good Shepherd International School in India is the Best Fully Residential School in India. Our main courses are International Baccalaureate in Residential school in India. We are Best Residential IB School in World. For More Details Visit our website https://www.gsis.ac.in/

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Best International School in India

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  1. International School in India https://www.gsis.ac.in/ Residential School in India https://www.gsis.ac.in/ Best International School in India https://www.gsis.ac.in/ Best Residential school in india https://www.gsis.ac.in/ Best School In India https://www.gsis.ac.in/ Good ShepherdInternationalSchoolinIndiaistheBestFullyResidentialSchoolinIndia. Our main courses areInternationalBaccalaureateinResidentialschoolinIndia. WeareBestResidential IB School in World. For More Details Visit our website https://www.gsis.ac.in/ TheInternationalBaccalaureate, anon-profiteducationalfoundationbasedinGeneva,Switzerland, offersDiplomaProgramme for studentsinthefinal two years of SecondarySchool.Theeducational philosophy of theorganizationis found initsmissionstatement.Throughcomprehensiveand balancedcurricula,coupledwithchallenging assessments, theInternationalBaccalaureate organizationaimstoassist schools intheirendeavourstodeveloptheindividualtalents of young peopleandteachthemtorelatetheexperience of theclassroomtotherealities of the world outside. Are Youlook for List of InternationalSchool. Here you find good Shepherdinternationalplacetopin thelist. GSIS istheTopInternationalschoolinthe world. For More DetailsVisit our website https://www.gsis.ac.in/ Contact Us Good Shepherd Knowledge Village,  M.Palada Post, Ootacamund - 643004 Tamil Nadu, India. https://www.gsis.ac.in 0423 2550371/ 0423 2550071 / 0423 2550386 International School,International Baccalaureate, Residential Schools, list of International Schools, Top International Schools, Best IB Schools, Best International Schools in the World, Top IB schools, Top International schools in the world, Best Fully Residential International school in India, Best Residential IB school in India, Best International School in India Im Varun, Im Working as A teacher in Good Shepherd International School in India . I asked one kid " Do you Know che? he replied No " Then He asked do You Know Vikas. I said no. Then He Told you dont know my friend name how you expect me to know your friends name ? I just laughed and leaved that place. It was wonderful memory of me in [www.gsis.ac.in]Residential School in India Hi , Im Working As A Teacher in Good Shepherd International School in India. Im Very happy to work in residential School in India.

  2. Best International School In India Good ShepherdKnowledgeVillage,withitsholisticapproach has emergedfromanunlimited visionthat was conceivedin 1977. Sincethen,agreatdeal of perseverance has broughtinto fruitionthenurturing of globalcitizensinanenvironmentthatcaterstoalltheirrequirements, Enteringthebestteachingandlearningpractices,servicesandopportunities,provided by a team of committedmentorsandfacilitatorswithadauntlessandpioneeringspirit.The Good ShepherdKnowledgeVillageincludes Good Shepherd InternationalSchool In India, a reputedFinishingSchool for girlsalongwith9-holegolfcourse,hospital,bank,vegetable farms, dairy and poultry.  "Educationisnotjustaboutgoingtoschool and getting a degree.It'saboutwidening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life." - Shakuntala Devi Good Shepherd ResidentialSchoolin India brings unparalleledexperienceinlearningand aimstoraisethebartomeet up withstandards of excellence.Spreadover 150 acres of verdantlandintheNilgirisinTamil Nadu, India,itisauniqueself-sustainingmodel comprisingstate-of-the-artinfrastructure for academicandboardingtalenttodeliver world- class education, besides setting new milestones for the future.  Our Programmes Cambridge Primary CambridgePrimaryschoolaidsintheidentification of astudent’s strengthsand weaknesses andcanbe used to support learninganddevelopment.CambridgePrimary progresses students seamlessly into middle years curricula, such as Cambridge Lower Secondary and IGCSE. Cambridge Secondary In Good Shepherd The Best International School in India. The Cambridge Lower Secondary offered by University of Cambridge International Examinations, develops learners’ skills and understanding in Mathematics, English and Science forCambridge secondary School education, and provides excellent preparation for Cambridge Upper Secondary – Cambridge IGCSE, typically for students who are approximately 11-14 years old (Class VII

  3. & VIII IGCSE Stream). Cambridge Lower Secondary, offers a flexible curriculum with integrated assessments. ICSE TheIndianCertificate of SecondaryEducation (ICSE) isanexaminationconducted by the Council for the IndianSchoolCertificateExamination, aprivate board ofschooleducationin India.It was affiliatedtoFrench Board ofExaminationbefore1986.Itistheone of the reputed boards in India. ISC TheCouncil for the Indian SchoolCertificate Examinations (ISC) isaprivately-held nationallevelboard of schooleducationinIndiathatconductstheIndianCertificate of SecondaryEducationandthe Indian SchoolCertificate examinations for Class X andClass XII respectively. It was established in 1958. International Baccalaureate The IB Diploma school Programme may not be appropriate for some students, given the  scope and depth of challenge of the full diploma programme. These students can follow the same excellent curriculum with the reduced ‘core trio’ of ToK, Extended Essay, and CAS requirements. IB Diploma Programme Course is not bound by the stipulated three higher level / three standard level courses. This greater freedom allows the student to focus more intently on his or her areas of strength without overextending him or herself. Certificate students take as many (sometimes up to six) IB exams or as few exams as he or she wishes and complete these worthwhile and interesting courses of study including the IB Exam. A Different School of Thought Weseethebeautyinvarietyandhailtheinunitedifferencesinallcreation.Weare proud to declarethat we haveidentifiedtheneedtohaveregard for individualtalentandrequirements. Our institution has constantlyventuredouttooutdoitself by raisingstandardstomeetthe demands of every generation that understand its role as the caretaker of the world it inhabits.  LOCATION

  4. Our principlesarearmlyrootedinvalueeducationthatrelies on ethicalideologies, transparency,disciplineandall-rounddevelopment of everyaspect of creation.Theidyllic location proves tobethegreatest support totheunderstandingandacquisition of knowledge andcomprehension of thenuances of existence.Everyroutine or activity of theschoolis intricatelyconnectedtothenaturalsettingandeachdaybecomesatimetocounttheblessings that we havebeen showered with.our ResidentialSchool communingwithnatureandbeing sensitive to her needs, we believe that we gain a better understanding of humanity and life.  ACADEMICS Our focus on academicexcellencereaects our deepdesiretoequip our studentswiththe requiredknowledgeandskillstobeglobalcitizens.Withastudent-teacherin Best residentialSchoolin India ratio of 1:4, we areableto work toperfectionproducingexcellent resultsintheacademicarena.Themulti-culturalenvironment fosters understanding,tolerance and respect for individuals irrespective of caste, colour and creed.  Theteachers who provetobefavcilitatorshailfromvariousparts of Indiaandothercountries. Theyenrichthelearners’experiencewiththeirprofciencyandknowledge.Students work withwell-designedroutineswithequalimportancebeinggiventoplay,studyandpreptime. Thestudents’emotionalandpsychologicalconcernsaretakencare of by thecounselling department that works in tandem with the other state and mentors.  Thevariety of nationalandinternationalcurriculafollowedisperhapsthemostuniquefeature of theinstitution.Wepreparethestudents for theCIPP,CLSP,ICSE, IGCSE, ISC and IB examinations.Theschoolisalsoanaccreditedcentre for SATandIELTSprovidingcoaching for these tests.  Themethods of instructionareconstantlyupgradedtofollowinthe BestResidentialSchool inIndia thelatestacceptabletrendsinthe held of education.Thecongenialatmospherethatis createdtakingintoconsiderationthedifferentlearningstyles of everychildincludesthe use of technologyintheclassrooms(SMART boards, laptops,Wi-ficonnectivity,fullyequipped Computer,ScienceandLanguagelabs)andemployment of differentiatedteaching methodology and structured assessment strategies.  CHARACTER BUILDING

  5. Developingacompleteandbalancedindividualinvolvescharacterbuilding. Our young minds thatareinneed of positivere-enforcement, areprovidedwiththerequiredguidanceand favourableoccasionstobeabletorelatetoglobal issues, or solutionsandtakeaction. Opportunities for gainingmembershipinInteractandRotaractclubs,cadetshipintheSea Cadet Corps, participationindebates,declamations,quiz shows, essay writingcompetitions andinvolvementinspiritualdevelopment sessions undoubtedlyprepareeverystudentto exercise his / her sense of judgement and reasoning abilities.  FINE ARTS Music anddancethatplayavitalroleinempoweringonewithimaginativecapabilitiesare taughtattheschoolfromthelowergrades.Thedepartment of Fine Arts trainsstudentsin eastern,western,classical,instrumentalandvocalmusicandIndian,contemporaryand western forms of dance.Visitingtrainersconduct sessions thatinvolvelarge groups of studentsinmegaperformancestoinstallinthemtheneed for teamworkandspirit of camaraderie.

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