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SMA Unit 1.1 Notes

It tells about the impact of Social Media on business

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SMA Unit 1.1 Notes

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  1. SMA UNIT 1.1 Notes Digital Marketing Definition: Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, technologies, and platforms to promote and advertise products, services, or brands. It encompasses a broad range of online activities and strategies designed to connect businesses with their target audience in the digital space. Key Components: Utilizes digital channels: Digital marketing leverages various online channels such as search engines, social media, email, websites, and mobile apps for promotional activities. Data-driven: It involves the collection and analysis of data to make informed decisions and optimize marketing strategies. Multifaceted Approach: Involves a mix of tactics: Digital marketing employs a diverse set of tactics, including content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and paid advertising. Tailored to specific goals: Strategies can be customized based on specific business objectives, whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, customer acquisition, or sales. Real-time Interaction: Enables real-time engagement: Businesses can interact with their audience in real time, fostering immediate communication and feedback. Facilitates two-way communication: Digital marketing allows for a dialogue between brands and consumers, promoting engagement and relationship-building. Global Reach: Overcomes geographical boundaries: Digital marketing enables businesses to reach a global audience without the constraints of physical location. Expands market reach: With the internet as a medium, digital marketing provides access to a vast and diverse audience. Measurable Results: Metrics and analytics: Digital marketing campaigns can be tracked and measured using various metrics, such as website traffic, Paid Media: Paid media refers to any promotional effort for which a company pays to leverage a third-party platform or space. This includes paid advertising on social media, search engine marketing (SEM), display ads, and sponsored content. The primary advantage of paid media is the ability to quickly generate exposure and reach a targeted audience. For example, a business might invest in Facebook Ads to target users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Another example is Google Ads, where businesses bid on keywords to display their ads in

  2. search results. While paid media requires a financial investment, it provides immediate visibility and control over the messaging.  collection to a specific demographic, reaching potential customers who fit the brand's target audience. Example: A clothing brand running an Instagram advertising campaign to showcase its latest Owned Media: Owned media refers to the digital assets that a company controls and manages. This includes the company's website, blog, social media profiles, and email newsletters. Owned media provides businesses with a platform to create and distribute content, control brand messaging, and engage with their audience directly. It is an essential component for establishing brand identity and fostering long-term relationships. For instance, a company's website serves as a central hub for information about products or services, while social media profiles allow for direct interaction with customers and the sharing of relevant content.  articles about industry trends, product updates, and expert insights, establishing authority in the field and attracting organic traffic. Example: A technology company maintaining a blog on its website, regularly publishing Earned Media: Earned media refers to the organic exposure and visibility a brand gains through word-of-mouth, mentions, shares, reviews, and other forms of unpaid promotion. It is essentially the result of positive interactions and experiences that people share voluntarily. Social media mentions, online reviews, and user-generated content fall under earned media. Building positive relationships with customers and influencers can significantly contribute to earned media. Brands earn trust and credibility when customers become advocates and share their positive experiences.  can lead to increased visibility and trust as potential customers rely on the opinions of others. Example: A restaurant receiving positive reviews on platforms like Yelp or TripAdvisor, which In a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, these three types of media work together synergistically. Paid media provides immediate visibility, owned media establishes a brand's digital presence and identity, and earned media reflects the brand's reputation and the impact it has on its audience. The integration of these media types ensures a well-rounded and effective approach to digital marketing.

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