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The Best UFT online training Institute - cheyat Tech

Unified Functional Testing (UFT) is HP's Functional Automated testing tool, UFT tool widely known as QTP. Cheyat has excellent trainers to offer UFT Online training. We provide on job support by real time experts in India and USA. Course Content : http://cheyat.com/qa/uft-online-training-and-tutorials.html For more info email us : Trainings@cheyat.com Jilani Shaik +91-91009-98433/34(India) +1-224-676-9882(USA)

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The Best UFT online training Institute - cheyat Tech

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda Introduction to UFT12 Some basics aboutUFT Need for usingUFT Advantages of UFT over othertools Testing Process inUFT UFT / QTP TestScript Limitations ofUFT

  2. Introduction toUFT (Unified FunctionalTesting) Unified Functional Testing (QuickTest Professional), popularly known by its acronym UFT is an automation testing tool originally from Mercury Interactive which was acquired by Hewlett Packard (HP) in 2006. UFT is primarily used for functional, regression and servicetesting. UFT is widely used to automate user actions on a web or clientbased computer application and test thesame.

  3. Some basics aboutUFT… It’s a commercial tool by HP Its mostly used for AutomationTesting UFT/QTP is based on scripting language VBscript It supports largest pool of software development environments likeSAP, Oracle etc..

  4. New features in UFT overQTP Unified Functional Testing(UFT) = QuickTest Pro(QTP) + ServiceTest(ST) Multiple scriptDebugging Mobile TestingSupport Support Open Source CISystems PDF Checkpoints

  5. Need for usingUFT Enables functional tests to be carried out automatically to increase the speed and cost effectiveness of application development anddelivery. Helps to reduce cost and increaseROI. UFT comes with an inbuilt IDE, which is simple and easy touse. Only tool available to automate desktop basedapplications.

  6. Advantages of UFT over othertools It supports wide range of protocols andapplications HP UFT has introduced Service or API testing in newversion. HP UFT manages exception handling using recovery scenarios; the goal is to continue running tests if an unexpected failureoccurs Object recognition feature is very advanced in UFT, it has object spy, smart identification tools which can easily identifyobjects. Mobile testing also extended in UFT.

  7. Testing Process inUFT • IdentityObjects • Create ObjectRepository DesignOR • Design TestScripts • Create Test scripts Scripting • Debug • ExecuteTests Run

  8. UFT / QTP TestScript A QTP/UFT Test Script consistsof Solution Action Datatable

  9. Limitations ofUFT Cost is extremely high – License andmaintenance. Cannot run multiple threads/instances – For example the Grid support available in Selenium, where we can run multiple instances of the application on different browsers at the sametime. Slow in execution when compared to even open source tools like Selenium. You need to buy different addins – Java, Oracle, SAP, .Net,Seibel, Peoplesoftetc. Requires skilled automationtesters.

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