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Why Data Centre Investments Are Only Set to Rise  

According to a report by real estate and investment services company CBRE, global investments in data centres reached $20 billion in 2017, tripling 2016’s total of $7.7bn and quadrupling 2015’s $5.7bn. Powered by significant investments by Amazon, Microsoft and Google, and facilitated by the startling growth of cloud computing, mobile payments and IoT, data centre investment is set to keep rising.<br><br><br>https://viderium.com/news/why-data-centre-investments-are-only-set-to-rise/

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Why Data Centre Investments Are Only Set to Rise  

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  1. Why Data Centre Investments Are Only Set to Rise MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2018 According to a report by real estate and investment services company CBRE, global investments in data centres reached $20 billion in 2017, tripling 2016’s total of $7.7bn and quadrupling 2015’s $5.7bn. Powered by significant investments by Amazon, Microso? and Google, and facilitated by the startling growth of cloud compu?ng, mobile payments and IoT, data centre investment is set to keep rising. Current investment levels During 2017, companies spent more than $18.2 billion on data centres, according to CBRE’s report. As digital transforma?on strategies become commonplace and companies embrace the cloud, the industry is experiencing phenomenal growth. As James Dodsworth, co-author of law firm White & Case’s report on data centres, explains: “It is widely reported that 90 percent of the world’s data was created in the last two years, which gives you an idea of the growth in [data centres].” In Ireland, for example, data centre investment is set to reach €9bn by 2021. In Germany, the situa?on is similar. In 2017, investments in German data centres increased by 10%, passing the €1bn mark. According to a report by Digital Realty, by 2025, UK-based data centres will be worth $135bn by 2025. The growing need for data centres Technologies like video streaming, connected cars and IoT all require data centres that are capable of suppor?ng billions of internet-connected devices. At the same ?me, companies adap?ng to the cloud-based future need data centres to store and manage their informa?on. “Data centres create this value by providing and managing the infrastructure, connec?vity and services that underpin success across the full range of economic ac?vity,” reads Digital Realty’s report.

  2. “This includes not only I.T. and financial services, such as powering high-speed trading pla?orms and cloud storage services, but also other sectors, such as agriculture, where data allows more precise use of pes?cides, be?er adapta?on to weather trends and automa?on such as drones to survey crops,” it con?nues. The Cisco Visual Networking Index illustrates just how much data we are going to consume by 2021: Annual global IP traffic will reach 3.3 ze?abytes by 2021. In 2016, global IP traffic was 1.2 ZB per year or 96 exabytes (one billion gigabytes) per month. Global IP traffic will increase nearly threefold over the next five years, and will have increased 127-fold from 2005 to 2021. As our need for data skyrockets, data centres must grow in parallel. Data centres for investors: an emerging asset class Understandably, then, data centres are fast becoming an a?rac?ve investment. As yields and returns in tradi?onal real estate shrink, investors are increasingly turning their a?en?on to alterna?ve assets like data centres, co-living and co-working spaces. Data centres blend the tradi?onal with the novel: like conven?onal property, data centres offer long-term contracts and recurring revenues, but with the added bonus of rapid growth prospects. As James Dodsworth from White & Case posits, “Very few asset classes have the global reach, growth trajectory and investor appeal that data centers enjoy today.” “As technical advancements con?nue to come from Silicon Valley and beyond, the demand for data centres, storage, and secure, encrypted transac?ons is rapidly growing," reasons Ross Archer, CEO of Viderium. "One of the biggest sectors in focus at the moment is tech and data facili?es, and because of this, we envision we will con?nue to see investment into these areas growing exponen?ally.” The content and design of the website is subject to legal copyright owned by Viderium Ltd and/or by agreement for material used under license from third party copyright owners. Website content may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, i.e. copied, reproduced, screensho?ed, adapted, changed, modified, printed, distributed, published, transmi?ed or deriva?ve works from any part of this website without Videriun Ltd’s specific and prior wri?en consent. Viderium Ltd offers bonds with fixed interest rates. To receive the Informa?on Memorandum and any other investment documenta?on, you must be suitably qualified as either: (a) High Net Worth Individual, (b) Self-Cer?fied Sophis?cated Investor, or (c) Cer?fied Restricted Investor. You can do this on our website under the Link Invest. If you do not meet these criteria, you must not take any further ac?on. This website assumes you have a clear understanding of investments of this type and is provided to prospec?ve investors to evaluate the investment being offered. Before you will be able to view the offering you must cer?fy your investor status. Viderium Ltd is not authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and clients who invest will not have access to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) and the Financial Services Compensa?on Scheme (FSCS). The content of this landing page has been approved as a Financial Promo?on by Equity for Growth (Securi?es) Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with Firm Reference Number 475953. This website is not intended to be a source of advice and the informa?on contained herein does not cons?tute nor must be deemed to be financial or investment advice. Therefore, any decision in connec?on with funds, instruments or transac?ons described or men?oned within this landing page must be made solely on the informa?on contained in the relevant Informa?on Memorandum and no reliance should be placed on any other representa?ons. The Bonds issued by Viderium Ltd are non- transferable which means should your financial circumstances change and you needed to sell the bonds you would be unable to do so. Lenders should note that repayment of the bonds offered by Viderium Ltd, and the payment of interest on the bonds, depends on the performance of the investments made by Viderium Ltd. In the event that these investments do not perform as an?cipated, lenders may lose some or all of the monies lent. Inves?ng in the bonds of Viderium Ltd is therefore specula?ve and involves a degree of risk. All prospec?ve lenders should read the Risk Factors contained in the Informa?on Memorandum rela?ng to this offer and seek an independent professional advice before lending. Your capital will be at risk if you lend. Viderium Ltd is registered in England and Wales. Number: 11113051

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