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Vietnam is an excellent place with hosts of tourists visiting it from different parts of the world. If you have never visited Vietnam, you can plan a trip now with your family. You can be assured that you will love your trip. However, prior to visiting any country, the first thing that you will require is a visa.
Step by Step Procedures for Apply a Tourist Visa to Vietnam Vietnam is an excellent place with hosts of tourists visiting it from different parts of the world. If you have never visited Vietnam, you can plan a trip now with your family. You can be assured that you will love your trip. However, prior to visiting any country, the first thing that you will require is a visa. Beneath the glamour of travel, there are some nitty-gritty that you need to fulfill. One of them is tourist visa Vietnam. This is a written permission to enter into the country and stay here for a particular duration. A visa will indicate your country of citizenship, the date of entering and leaving the country and the reason for visiting.
Applying For A Tourist Visa: Since you have never applied for a visa, you don’t know the procedure. Here is a step by step guidance for you. Obtain Your Passport : your passport is one of the most important things required for getting visa. Along with that, you will require photos, proof of residence, a completed application and the visa fee. The processing time of the visa will vary, and it can take anywhere from four to six weeks. The application form is available online, and you should complete filling the form within 15 minutes. You should print your visa application and collect the other documents required for the visa.
Getting Your Photo And Details Of Travel Plans: You will need a photo to complete your application. This should be less than a year old and should have physical measurements of 4X6 cm. The photo should show your full face, and each part of your face should be clearly visible.
You should also provide details of your travel plans like your entry date and exit date and your purpose. For obtainingtourist visa Vietnam, you will also have to provide the name, address and email address of any emergency contact. The duration of your visa can range from 30 days to 3 months. Get Confirmation About The Fee: The fee for applying for different visas vary. Currently, if you apply from US, you will have to pay $100. Make sure that you are updated about the latest fee structure so that it is easy for you to apply accordingly. In order to confirm the fee, you can get in touch with the consulate where you will have to submit your application. They will give you the entire fee structure in detail including the fees for any service.
Prepaid Return Envelope: By now you must be aware that you will have to submit your passport along with the printed application filled and the fee. In addition to that, you should also submit a prepaid return envelope. This is necessary in order to get back your passport with the visa stamped on it safely. The recommended size of the envelope is 9 X 12 inches. You will pay the postage amount to the consulate to return your passport. Getting Back Within Few Weeks: Once you have submitted everything required for the tourist visa Vietnam to the consulate, you should expect to get the visa stamped within 5 working days. Added to this is the time for postage. If everything is correctly done, you can expect to get back your visa within a span of two weeks. In order to make sure that you do not make any mistake, you should check your application form after filling up and before submitting. However, if you are denied a visa, contact the consulate to get an explanation. You should also ask whether you could re-apply for a visa. In most cases, tourist visa Vietnamis not denied.