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Begin by sitting down with your teenager and explaining what good driving habits are. Explain the dangers of texting and why they should never do it. However, communication is two-way so you should get their input. Ask them what they would do if someone texted them while they were driving.
CarInsuranceQuotes:HowtoTalktoYourTeenaboutTextingandDriving • It's important to teachyour teenagergood driving habitseven beforeheor shegets behind the wheel. Withmore teens getting theirowncellphones,explaining thedangersof texting anddriving isan importantpartof comprehensive driving lessons.Here area fewtips tohelp you help your teendevelopgoodhabits and avoid badones like textingbehindthe wheel. • Communicate • Begin bysitting down withyour teenagerand explainingwhatgooddriving habits are.Explain thedangersoftexting and why they should neverdo it. However,communication istwo-wayso you should get their input.Ask them what they woulddoif someone texted themwhile they weredriving. What about if they received a phonecall?Helping them knowwhat to dowillhelp preventthem fromdoing things they aren't supposed to.Youmight help them understandthe benefit of shutting their phoneoffor turning it on silentto avoid the temptationto look at it. • Create aContract • Yourteenmight take you more seriously if you create awritten contract aboutnottexting anddriving.Here aresome suggestionson what to include: • Rules forthephone whilethey aredriving–on/off, silent, where it willbe located • Consequencesif theyarecaught using the phone whiledriving–this mightmean they have togive uptheirphonefor aperiod oftime • When yourteen signstheagreement, itwillhelp them understandthatthis isa serious matter. • Be a Role Model • If you expect your teen todrivesafely, youmust set the example. That means thatyou haveto avoid thetemptation to text and driveeven if it is notillegal inyourstate. Even ifyou only read textsanddon't respond,you increasethe dangersof an accident.Onemistake can last for a longtime in theformof aticketon your recordandhighercar insurance quotes. • It is also advisable tonot letyour teen usea hands-freedevice at leastin the beginning.While this is a legal method of talkingon acell phone whiledriving,yourteenager's reaction time isa little slower untilhe or shedevelops more comfortbehind thewheel. Anydistraction,includingtalking to passengersand onahands-freedevice could be a serious detriment tosafety. • Youcan also haveyourteencompare somecar insurancequotesandsee the difference a ticket oraccidentmakes on thecost ofa policy. Ifteens are paying theirownpremiums, this willmake an impactonthem. • Teaching yourteenagersabout texting anddriving isyourresponsibility asa parent. It is also yourresponsibility tomodel thebehavior you wantthemtohaveto reinforce your words. Thiswillencouragethemtofollow yourexample andto leadtheirfriends inthe right direction. • Linkto:http://www.carinsurmarket.com/Keywords: • car insurancequotes car insurance
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