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Mr. Wen Chen<br>Overseas Marketing Manager<br>WCB BEARING CO.,LTD <br>Phone: 8617702586093 QQ: 2940894886 <br>Skype: youlite2016 Whatsapp: 8617702586093 <br>Wechat: 17702586093 <br>Email: wenchen@wcbearing.com <br>Website: http://www.wcbearing.com/<br>ADD: Yunlong District, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, 221000, China
32 承(XRSI系 滚子 回转支 36 s T回h转e支承的使用维护 B ea ring B ear ing Manufacture Tran s Bearing intig oI「n要Ss pe支s o承 f结Th e 形S le式 w ing Bear ing 回 转支 n转 ption of slewing bearing Ex p lains ole pecification of The g(X pe 交叉 转 inXg Crossed roller slewing bearing(XRSI Series) B a 交r叉os滚se子d回I尸er XRSU Series) r接p 列转支 承 交叉 XR SA Series) 承的选型C 承(nX S转SIP.支w承 B al (PLU20g 列回 转S l e 交ro叉s 2in C Crossed rol ler slewing bear ing(XRU Series) 列 ) 交叉滚子回转支承(XR U系 Crossed roller slewing bearing(XR UI Series) rie回s转S le 列 ) 回转支承(XRUI系 in排g球 le-式R 回er转ies支S B asic Ty n安ntd t 接oo触 g() ro转ss支R XRS U系rin Bearing (Standard Series 1 1 ) 支o B al l s lewing bearing(PSU25 Senes) p oint contact 回转支 承( PS U 25 系列 ) p o 列 ) 四点接触球回转 支 2 5 Series) ring(PS l 列bea) P01触n球tc回on aring(PSl20 Ser 系C (F 2 0系列be on转ta支ct承B a 2 0 Series) 四o点ur接p o触 a) ct Ba ll Slewing Bearing (Sta 球tc回o转 支1ct BE) s in排gl 列 ) o点ur B all s lewing bearing(PU Ser ies) 交r叉os 合o式 m b 回o转w支B t c回o转 支tel承 四点接p o触 o转nta支ct p ont转a支ct承B o点ur接p o触 in转ed 支S a ll s lewing bearing(PL U32 Ser ies) 排tlae B(PLA20系 n-d柱R ao式 回转支承( PLl 32系列 ) point contact Bal l s lewing bearing(PLJ32 Ser ies) 四点接触球回转 支lCt ) l ew i n y B e ar i n y C 接p o触 p in球tc回on转ta支ct ow柱C e-叉R ri3c(a 双Do排u b le式-R B(PSA25g I slewing earing(PL l 20 Series) le(1 2 系列) ies) ing使o用cc场as合 ion of s l ewing Bear ing lew( l se子d回ro ll ing) (Standard Series L) se子d回li w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 目 CONTENTS 录 -"心 27 28 29 3 0 31 02 03 04 05 06 接触球 e u支s S lew ing 回 四o点ur o点ur F F Four F Fou 「 F F Fou 「 Four F Four C Th 回转支 S T Number Descri 回转 承 承制造 承B 系 b )ri 列ea I slewin ( P L U 32系 ( PSA20系 a ll slewin ( PSl 25系 承( PSU20系 ng(PLU 20 Series) 四 承 WenChen Chen WCB BEARING CO.,LTD Mr. Mr.Wen WCB BEARING CO.,LTD Overseas OverseasMarketing MarketingManager Email: wenchen@wcbearing.com DD: Yunlong District, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, 221000, China DD: Yunlong District, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, 221000, China le转w支ing 转 ea测 r ing Test 构 检 point conta in in in球tc 四o点ur int contact Bal l slewing bearing(PS U20 Series) 承B 列) 回y Manager 球tc 球 all s lewing bearing(PSA20 Series) 系b PS l 承Ba(l 四 回 列) 承编号说明 Email: wenchen@wcbearing.com of S 轻Lig LM系 LD L L系 ntac ing (PSA25 Series) )r 列ea ) 07 系R inLg ht 列S 系 承 列 I slewing I s lewing 回 Phone:+8617702586093 Phone:+8617702586093QQ: Whatsapp: Whatsapp:+8617702586093 +8617702586093Wechat: Website: Website:http://www.wcbearing.com/ http://www.wcbearing.com/ QQ:2940894886 2940894886Skype: Wechat:17702586093 17702586093 Skype:youlite2016 youlite2016 33 34 35 接 LM Se「ies Slewing R ing I f) S 支w L S 转t a支ct 09 1 0 11 12 1 3 p A列riA回 ino Rino 承 系 四点接触球 接触球 四点接触球回转支 LL Series LN Ring ing ing R ing u 支w w 回转支承(PU系 承 (英制 系列 er支s N S 单 系e point contact point contact slewing bearing( inch Ser ies) 滚 列 承 列) 四 1t 0 Se es oi (11 系 3 7 39 40 4 1 42 F (o o o p r n ine t 回 列 0 承 ) n 回 rd ri ler Slewing 1 t ) S 承 a a S es d Rb UeAari lew( 16 系n )RUA Series) 列 承 转 S 单 滚 交 滚子 18 0e2w系 列B )ear ing (Standard R u系l le a ll S ing 3 ( 球 承 Series 02) 叩 球Ba与 ll R o点u r接 P o触 点u l RbS 20 eAa系r in列g() 列) er支s 支in 回 ro s lewi g rw yril 回 r S )1l 承 三 ( 滚 转 s d 滚 转 承 列 d e e S 1 22 43 44 45 49 滚o柱 lle组rC wing Bearing (Standard Series 12) F o触 ( 支s承 计 C 回Se转 T ng bea ro lew ac算 列 i 24 列 in球t C a ll Slewing ear ing 支ct承Ba ( l 四 (PLA 四o 回 承 lec支 ti eR on and acu lat ion for S lew ing Bearing 支oe Maintenance of Slewing S h ( 25 PLA32g系 PLl20系 球t l arings 列b1) ta c I slewin b oqrtu运a aw lt求e irte输 iomn及ea 回 列e ) 回 承 装 转 LA r on S e s 3 ) a P p lla 26 53 o点ur F in ontac 四 承 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093 --------------------------
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 回转支承制造 Slewing Bearings Manufacture 回转支承使用场合 The using occasion of Slewing Bearing . . 技术与装备 公司采用计算机辅助设计(CAD)和计算机辅助制造(CAM)现代管理系统和手段进行回转支承的设计和 加工。 技术水平 公司具有自己独特的回转支承参数化绘图和选型计算软件 、 具有强大的团队、应用计算机进行设计、开发、 回转支承被广泛应用干工程与建筑机械、冶金机械、海洋平 台与港口机械、采掘与物料堆取、风力发电等场合。 The WCB slewing beraings are widly used in engineering plants and construction Machinery, metallurgy machines, off shore technology, Harbour and shipyard cranesceg, excavators, machine tools, mobile cranes, ship deck cranes, wind and solar engery plants, tee. 研制和测试各类标准型、 非标准型、异型回转支承。只要用户告诉我们所需要的回转支承的轴向力、 径向力和 倾稷力矩,我们可以用自主开发的选型计算和参数化绘图软件完成选型计算和图纸设计。 生产设备 采用数控设备进行回转支承的加工。 我们将继续努力 . 不断梧高生产能力和质岱水平1 Technology and equipment Ou「 company use CAD and CAM to design and produce the slewing bearing The Level of technology Our company have particular software which could parameterized plot and select type of slewing bearing accurately and expediently.We have a strong group.could design.exploit.develop and mesaure all kinds of standard or nonstandard slewing beraings.You just need send the prima「y parameter as F「,Fa,M to us.we could achieve the type selection and otter the drawing to you. Equipment CNC machines were used In production line. We'd like to improve our production capacity and quality with our best in the future! _ _ _ 子L ; 他 : :_ _ _ } t 二 二 t - 「 宁 i , 一 - - , 、 . . , 一·- -) 一-,一.一 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 回转支承检测 Slewing Bearings Test 回转支承结构形式 Typesof The Slewing Bearing 公司采用先进的检测手段和仪器, 保证提供符合客户要求的优质产品。 公司全名质进保证体系, 将严格按照国际质进保证体系ISO 9001标志执行。这样可以有效地预防从产品 设计一直到客户服务整个过程中可能出现的错误。我们坚信, 不断满足客户的需求是我们发展的最有力保降。 双排异径球式回转支承 Double-Row Reducing Balls Slewing Bearing 单排交叉滚柱式回转支承 Single-row Cross Roller Slewing Bearing 单排四点接触球式回转支承 Single-row Fou-point contact Ball Slewing Bearing Our company adopt advanced measure instrument to offer toppest products to satisfy customer' s requirement. Our company will strictly carry out ISO 9001 Quality Control System to preduce. So that, we the fault which may be appear in the total process from product design up to customer service. We believe that satisfy customer's requirement always is best guarantee for our development. 为了保证回转支承原材料的质进, 公司通过严格的定点认证, 选择中国最出色的毛还供应商, 以保证回转 支承产品的安全使用。 In orde to make sure the quality of raw material, we company l1ave selected best forging suppliers in China. We p「omise the products which you use a「e best! 双排球式回转支承 Double-row Balls Slewing Bearing 球柱联合式回转支承 Ball/Roller combined Slewing Bearing 三排滚柱式回转支承 Three-row Cylindrical Roller Slewing Bearing `` 特殊结构回转支承 Special Structare Slewing Bearing 轻型单排四点触球式回转支承 Light series Single-row Four point contact Ball Slewing Bearing 轻系列回转支承 Light series Slevwing Bearing 口l Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 回转支承编号说明 轻系列回转支承(L系列) L1gl1t seriesSlewing Rmg(Standard Series L) The Slewing Bearing Explains of Specification of The Basic Types JB/T 2300-99 标准回转支承编号方法 JB/T 2300-99 Slewing Bea ring Se rial numbe r method 产品简介 Procluctintroduction L系列轻型回转支承主要适用于拖车和农用车辆, 它们通过支撑框架和底盘连接起来,并起到旋转的作用。 PRS生产的L系列轻型回转支承涵盖了拖车技术的全部领域,并且能解决所有应用中出现的问题。 0 1 3 . 35. 1400 . 0 0 0 Light series(L)slewing rings are parts for trailers andagricultural vehicles, to form a rotatary connection between a frame and the trailer chassis PAS L series slewing rings have covered all technica areas in trailers and we can solved any problems in application Sealing method: No seal One tier seal Two tiers seal Labyrinth seal 密封方法 0-无密封 1-单层密封 2-双层密封 3-迷宫式密封 结构特征 Design Types of installing hole: Out /Inter Ring:through hole Out /Inter Ring:thread hole Out Ring: thread hole, Inner Ring: thread hole Out Ring: through hole,lnner Ring:through hole Without mounting hole 安装孔型式 0-内外罔均为光孔 1-内外圈均为螺孔 2-外图光孔内圈螺孔 工外圈螺孔内圈光孔 4一无安装孔 Types of mouting step: Standard type without step Standard type with step Special type 安装止口类型 0-标准型无止口 1-标准型有止口 乞特殊性 L系列轻型回转支承可以加工成带安装孔(后缀字母K)和不带安装孔2种结构,并且可以按照用户要求提 供带有特殊齿轮的L系列回转支承。 滚道中心直径mm Raceway Center Diameter L series slewing rings are divided Into two types.with mounting holes(sutfix K) and without mounting holes. We PRSalso can design and provide specia L series slewlngs with gear according to customers' requirement. 滚动体直径mm Diameter of rolling element Transmission: No Gears External Gears smaller modulus External Gears bigger modulus Internal Gears smaller modulus Internal Gears bigger modulus 伶动方式 0-无齿 1-外齿小模数 2-外齿大楼数 3-内齿小模数 仁内齿大模数 安装与维护 Installation and Maintenance 芦" 7 ` Oree如d如 I I r-- I 丈- I 1=1,- � 刁勹 Ah叩 /— Qruss Types of raceway structure: Single raceway Double raceway Three raceway 滚道结构形式 1-单排滚迼 2-双排滚道 3-三排滚道 Kinds of stewing bearing: Ball bearing Baller bearing Baller and Ball bearing 产品类型 。-滚动体为球类 仁滚动体为柱类 2-柱类联合类 1.--、巳 06 I www.lyprs.com Skype: youl i te2016 W叩.lyprs.com Tel : 400-680-3790 I 07 Tel : 400-680-3790 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 LM系列回转支承 LM series Slewing Ring 工 I 昌瞿匮删匡 880 895 998 1000 1000 1015 1098 1100 i090 1i05 1198 1200 1086 1 048 117 4 1160 1200 1215 1100 1081 1174 1160 目 74 51 79 55 84 60 外如严a,ydimensions(nrn) _J 巨回 匡匡剿匡 780 761 866 852 16 886 848 974 960 22 900 881 984 970 16 986 948 1074 1060 2? 990 971 !074 1060 16 22 16 1.外圈使用螺栓固定在框架上, 内圈使用螺栓固定在底盘上。 2. 框架、 回转支承及底盘不允许焊接在一起。 3. 内外套圈必须被安装在非常平的平面上, 并且四周至少有50%的区域有支撑物。 4.L系列轻型回转支承在使用中要尽可能的与车辆润滑系统连接起来, 以便得到较好的润滑。 5.L系列轻型回转支承在生产时有一层非常薄的润滑层, 在笫一次使用前必须完全润滑。 6. 带有简单密封结构的L 系列轻型回转支承在出厂时已经填充有润滑脂, 润滑。但是在使用2年或者200, 000公里后, 必须和标准的型号—样采用相同的润滑措施, 具体措施要根据 使用的外部环境来确定n 43 80 90 80 90 80 90 80 5000 10000 6000 12000 6500 14000 7000 LM-895 LM-1000 LM-1015 I M-1100 LM-1105 LM-1200 LM-1215 9 10 9 10 9 10 9 一般情况下在安装后不需要再次 1 .The outer ring is bolted to the A-Frame, and the inner ring is bolted to the chassis of trailer 2.The A-Frame, L series slewing rings and chassis must never be welded together. 3.The rings must be mounted on a completely flat and rigid base with at least 50 % of the circumference adequately supported 4.lt's better to connect L series slewing rings to the centra vehicle lubrication system in operation 5.There are a thin base coating of lubricant on the surface of L series slewing rings It must be lubricated thoro11ghly for the first time 6 The L series slewing rings with simple seals have been compeletly lubricated befo re delivery In general case it need not lubricate after installation But they must haveto be maintained for upto 2 yea rs or 200, 000km It is decided by the working conditions 注:带有标准安装孔的型号后缀字母K, 滚递硬化的型号后缀宇母H, 带有简单密封结构的型号后缀宇母M。 Note: standard drill-K Raceway hardening-H With Simple seals-M 三:一 LM系列安装孔分布示意图 Mounting Pattern for LM series Slewing Ring Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
C-OF- w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 LL系列回转支承 LO系列回转支承 LO series slewing ring LL series Slewing Ring 0B 0E 0D 寸砰\\沪立 O OA- I -巨 __ 750 1000 1600 2100 3000 3500 4500 5000 6500 五I LL-500 LL- 600 LL- 700 LL- 800 LL- 900 LL- 1000 LL- 1100 LL- 1008 外如Boondary dimensionmm) j D LD-1100 1100 932 1074 1094 972 1060 外郖寸Bot.ndai cfrnensionmm) 225 421 510 610 710 810 910 1100 1100 1010 1008 1012 dimensions(mm) 霆 2 安装尺寸 M中nting n 8 I 栏 LD-1000 1000 832 LD-1200 1200 1032 1174 1194 1072 1160 90 LO系列安装孔分布示意图 。 18 18 18 LL- 300 LL- 500A LL- 650 LL- 750 LL- 850 LL- 950 1.L- 1050 1050 1050 LL- 908 LL- 1108 270 475 575 675 775 875 975 870 1070 300 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1000 908 1108 1107 1008 270 475 575 675 775 875 975 1075 1075 974 200 400 486 587 688 786 888 988 878 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3500 4000 4500 6000 55 55 65 65 65 65 65 65 80 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 5 9 20 24 27 32 35 37 39 47 300 500 600 700 800 900 12.5 12.5 12.5 14 14 14 14 14 16 醴m 90 LL- 400 300 388 536 636 728 837 938 773 973 12.5 12.5 12.5 14 14 14 14 16 16 375 475 625 725 825 925 1025 1025 870 1070 375 475 625 725 825 925 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 55 65 65 65 65 65 65 80 80 321 410 560 660 760 860 960 808 400 500 650 750 850 950 400 500 650 750 850 950 7 15 22 26 29 33 40 43 巨一匹 966 994 B F 8 72 95 16 20 872 952 90 11 11 82 16 11 1 Mounting Pattern For LO series 907 908 974 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 LN系列回转支承 LN series Slewing Ring 单排球式回转支承(01系列) Single-Row Four point Contact Ball Slewing Bea「ing (Standard Series O 1) D )1 0C 主 0A 国 19 25 30 35 41 46 55 64 011,012 013,014 010 LN-400 LN-500 LN-650 LN-750 LN- 850 LN- 950 LN-1050 LN-952 LN-1102 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 400 500 650 750 850 950 1050 952 1102 260 340 490 590 690 790 890 920 1070 215 315 465 565 665 765 865 821 963 281 381 525 625 725 833 932 750 890 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 60 60 1400 1800 2500 3000 3500 4000 5000 5800 6800 15 338 437 590 690 790 888 987 885 1027 375 475 625 725 825 925 1025 780 920 JB/T 2300-1999 结构特点、 性能、 适用范围 单排球式回转支承采用国际先进四点接触球式结构,与各类起重机、挖掘机打桩机、消防云梯午、高空作业牛、 地铁机车等机极设备配套。这种支承是需要承受轴向力、径向力、倾覆力矩且两大部分需相对旋转的机械最理想 的配套件。 CHARACTERISTIC OF STRUCTURE, PERFORMANCE AND APPLICATION Single -Row slewing bearing.featured in quadrupie- loading- pains, an advanced structure in the world, is suitable to be assembled to the mecnanical ot various cranes, excavators, pile drivers, scalling ladder ot fire trucks and under -ground engines, etc . whatever tnese turnable parts require a strong stand to axial radial load and tilting moment this kind al rota「y slewing bearing will be your best choice. 公差图表Tolerance Diagram 工 注 : 1、 n1为润滑油孔数 、 均布;油杯M10x 1GB 1152-1153-79。 2、 安装孔n-中可改用螺孔;齿宽b可改为H-h。 3、 表内齿轮圆周力为录大圆周力,额定圆周力取其1/2。 4、 外齿修顶系数0.1, 内齿修顶系数为0.2。 Note: 1. n1-number of lubricating holes, evenly distribute,lubricating nipple M10x 18B1152-1153-79 2. Moutlnd hole n-<D. may be replaced with screw hole.tooth width may be take as H-h 3. Gea rfo roe of periphery given in the table is its maximum value.rated force of periphery is tal<en 1/2 of the given value. 4. The trim top coeffocient of extrand ane internal outer and inner tooth are0.1 and 0.2 respectively. - LN +5 -2 +1 -2 +2 -3 +2 -3 +5 -2 +2 -1 +5 -2 +5 -2 土1 +2 -3 +2 -3 士1 LL 士 3 士0.8 土 0.5 +3 -1 +3 -1 土1 LM 士1 土2 土2 士1 LD 士2 士2 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
010.40氐0011.40笠ro I 哎4 1彷739.2 93 IO 1008 104 734 74 ID 11811116 824 83 12 I环6 100 940.8 79 IO 00�.5 6 774.8 139 5724 96 013.JJ.710 812邸80 776 644 24 18 4 711戒70 10 Oto心.妫 Stn.ctural I 皮12份 100 10 00 t0.5 12 1姻118 1愧8 88 010氐).妞01250朵00 012.ll.63) 014沈邸732 528 80 696 564 24 18 4岱I 锐8 70 10 60 +0.5 8 774.4 94 491.2 62 如,碑。 1扭蚴 011. 血。13.JJfJJJ 皎398切566434 20 18 4 501砚70 I 010.25.315 011.25.315 013为.315邸222 70 372 258 20 18 2 316 314 00 10 50 i-0.5 5 435 85 启”』了 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 三 伯止r三 了 2 4 5' 6 6 , 8 I 9 9 01240妖0 10 r1 01动.1叨 014.30.l(XX) , 012.45.1汜) dimn;i咋互 安装孔尺寸 安装孔尺寸 结 构 尺寸 外型尺寸 外型尺寸 一外齿钮啦衄1畛颐力 齿轮圆周力 &啊硒画隘i 基本型号 印尔 nm 012.45书00 011,心1邸 013心.1邸1740 1部110 1687 1513 45 26 5 16021598 100 10 00 +0.5 013怂 012. 没1800 011.40氐 01200饺�01400.2240 011.00.础。13.00颂 笱2325144份0妫1 5633 012d0础。14的泛劝 011.40兹印013. 小效劝 为78�1从为IO a:BI 56 33 8 2801 2798 132 12 120 +0.5 18 3)74.4 168巧花2 141 18.1 011.50.3150 013切31切碑2922 174颂ll1456 45 8 3152 3148 162 12 150 +0.5 20 3476 171 岔汾142 011且尥岱0 013. 切,恕 邓3322174霸3114 56怂8 3552 3548 162 12 150 +0.5 20劝6 011且.4仅Kl 012. 兀妞 014兀妞 齿 lbrrl:i屯 比丘ing 比” T.q邱ial &江妇 围璧世世� [iJ邑国世吧凹!l[l 围甘 013为.355 448 262 70 412 298 20 T叩ntial 如致:珈 酰 011怂1姐) 012.35.1心 011迅1600 011朵U邸 011.l'i.1邸013玉1邸1如1邸110 1887 1713 45 26 5 18011798 100 10 00 +0.5 013. 硒2178 1825 144 2110 1邸 48 33 8 加1 1998132 12 120 +0.5 011.40.2240 01200.2: 劝 014切为 011.00必劝 01240础。14.40兹m &曰r Osta Ext Geer Int 应 dirrensi吓 di吓吓;ia石 dirrmsloos dil!U15icns b吭h loocl 扛刀出 lood Data 序号 序号 氐r 庄 逗 面匿 3.5 3.7 3.1 3.7 3.1 4.6 3.8 4.5 5 10 7.6 Toe刻杰 咖 忠 ll 叩 忠 u g 亟 宁片l!l!l:1:1七I n11:1:1: 山 !Ix 1; 比 1叶; 011.35.1妫 013.35.1切15'10 1200 110 1487 1313 40 26 5 1401 1 汾8 100 10 00 +0.5 013忑1600 1740 1悠110 1687 1513 45 26 5 10011598 100 10 00 t0.5 14 18172 1打心1.6 100 123 起式 OI. 010朵>.1400 15 010. 怂1邸 仪 De z nm 100 40 013. 如心 01435.1400 12 1邸.6131 11泛8 100 135 14 1即2 112 11拓6 86 123 16 I邸8 111 1宽4 87 14.1 14 亦32 141 1573.6 113 18 蜘i笱l芯2 97 16 2如 153 1现4 125 24.1 18.8 17 17 20.5 芍3 25 222 41.8 37.S 为 27.9 34.8 57.4 57.4 心.5 38.3 4.4 5.3 52 4.3 5.2 4.3 62 5.2 62 6.9 8.3 14 10.5 16.7 41 00 85 85 9.5 拓 110 110 29 3.5 4.5 014. 怂1妫15401200 110 1487 1131 40笱5 1402 1398 100 10 00 +0.5 14 1叨2 112 1悠6 86 14 知 氐0 15.8 15.8 21.9 21.9 19.4 4.4 5.3 6,2 18 2 356泌4 60 18 2 451 449 00 10 50 +0.5 6 576 94 324 56 10 50 +0.5 5 475 93 2'35 49 10 00 +0.5 5邸忆3 367 74 6 628.8 102 368.4 62 5 689 135 427 86 29 01025蕊011.25.355 010,25.450 011.25.450 01325.450 543 357 70 切7 3汾20 010.25邸 010.30. 知 011.ll. 钗01颂. 邸 Oto.25.630 01225. 邸014巧.630732 528 80 696 564 24 18 4 63 I 629 70 011.25,710 010. 舱杖 010.30.WJ 01扭.邸 014. 份妖0 010.40.1邸 011.40.11勾 53 60 10h 18.1 18.1 24.1 18.I 16.1 14.6 巧 21.9 19.4 222 37.5 Jl .5 27.9 12 I邸6 131 11艾.8 1印 16 I砸111 I笠4 87 14 a:J132 141 1573.6 113 氐8 16砬8 123 1574.4 99 14.1 16勾汾8 1391734.4 100 16.1 18 2纽4 136 t叨2 111 18 2双1.4 151 2ZJl2 125饥l 20 3 5 18 2 401 300 60 10 50 +0.5 6 528 86 276 48 010.25. 妫011.25. 妫013.25.400 493劝7 70 475 343 20 010.30邸 01也氐坟0 011.25氐D 010.ll. 邸 011.l1710 010.25.710 014. 叱坟I 011.40妫 010.30.900 012扣 11'010.:n 1000 011.l>.1叨 013.l>.1叨1122 878 100 to78 922 36 22 6 1001 998 00 10 00 +0.5 011.ll.1120 0133>.11勾 014.45.1为 14' 010.35.1400 14 18172 127 1女1.6 100 012. 心1邸014.45.1邸 014切邸 014.功砌 皎458 00 626 494 20 012.: 血 6 628.8 102 368.4 62 6 689 135 6岱8.8 112 428.4 72 6 7728 126 494.4 83 8邸.4 104 5712 72 010.35.1邸 15' 16' 17' 010.00牧00 , 19 010切笠0 20 550 610 1100 5 锐9 123沈7 74 011血。13.25邸 002汾8 80 566 434 20 18 4切1 400 70 10印+0.5 013.25氐D 01颂1邸014.35,1切 5.2 6.2 5.2 3.8 4.5 3.8 014.25邸 1切0 1如1600 110 1887 1713 45 26 5 18021798 100 10 00 +-0.5 013. 印础 014.40压00 013怂.2241 013礼2500 郓2325144岱10幼1 56 33 8�1 2498 132 12 120 +0.5 18 2768.4 151纽2125 0沁心1邸 010.00.200J 16 17 18 010.40.2240 610 位7 86 0亿怂1邸 014. 心,1邸 011, 切牧:00 012.40皿 012.40.2240 014.4022份2418 2005 144础2131 48 33 6 2241 2238 132 12 120 +0.5 18 2纽4 136 I扭2 111 16 幻128 123 1574.4 99 16勾郊139 1乃从 100 18 如 123 I乃2 97 16 2W 153 I哟,4 125 20 2'ZJtl 136 2'Z28 112 30.1 18句74.4 168碑141 20 22 3171.6 155泌4.8 129 27.7 迦哎 191 为抚171础147 燭 25心 18 4 561邸70 10 00 +0.5 6 688.8 112 428.4 72 6 772.8 126 494.4 83 8 850.8 94 491.2 62 6邸.8 139 572.4 00 6 801 198 70 10 00 +0.5 8 966.4 118 635.2 80 6 001 898 00 10 80 +O.S 8 01扭琐 论3 ” 'l/.1 27.1 010.35.1邸 014迅1劝 , 10 ro +0.5 010.25.560 4 561 559 10 01225知01425邸 662 458 00 626 494勾 18 011.25闷) 01动,710 011的妖 011.ll.800 013.30.800 014仗l础 2178 1825 144 2110 1001 48 33 5 初2 1998 132 12 120 -t0.5 1100 1笠 1400 012切皿 011.0022切 013. 切笠柏2418邵 144双ll 2131 48 33 8 2242 饺胡 132 12 120 +0.5 37.5 33.3 岱 25 4访 57.4 52.2 础 38.3 38.3 65.2 7 7 8.3 6.9 &3 11.1 10.5 8.3 14 10.5 M 105 21.9 6 5 6 8 013.25邸 014.ll.710 013.40以n 014. 切跃0922 678 100 878 72'2 30 2'l 6 801九沿沃 10 Ill +o.5 013.30虹) 014.40.IOO'l 013.40.11勾1242 998 100 11981042笱22 仗) +0.5 10 010扣.710 120 120 220 1方.JJ 1400 1600 2800 3200 础 妞 16 19' 20' 010瓜40发m 21' 22' 010.[£)勋 . 010.40.2240 18.1 18.1 52 14 11.1 3.8 01硌.710 8邸2498 132 12 120 +0.5 8砬2798132 12 120 t-0.5 18 4 711 700 70 8 812 008 00 776汜24 10 00 -+0.5 8 854.4. 104 571.2 72 8叙.4 118 635.2 80 10 1068 104 734 7 4 6 1001窃0010 80 +0.5 012..25.710 014为710 922 678 80 878 722扣 22 012.40邸 哪 1芍磁 112 20 I 10 968 94 634 64 013.00.2! 劝 细2625144为10汜15633 013.75.3100 3376 2922 174泌Ii ll14 56怂8 3152 3147 162 12 150 +0.5 20 3476 171汜 1吃 013.75.泌切 014.50. 额 013.50. 础 纫3772 174 4饬翋00 45 013.50.4500 27,1 37 37-7 6 8 6 12 9 7.5 15.8 , 010.00细 1邸 012.00览Xl 014切泌X) 011.n汾150 012.50.3150 014.50.31切 20 劝6 22 3471.6 155岔248 20 3876 191 22 踞6 174 迦B 147'll.7 12 1f£l +O 5 22心19.6 1供皿167 22愿�.6 217 41邸100 151 磁 127 孔1 10 968 94 634 64 8邸2.4 1 扣739.2 93 12 118.5.6 96 820.8 69 12 11ffi.6 96 820.8 69 10 1298 127 944 95 14 220 240 240 270 013.40跃D 014.30.邸 1咳ne 100 978 a饺 30 151邸127勾1 10 7.5 饺 , 011皿 012.40.1叨 21 010.76.3150 2? 01075.3.'i.� 23 24 2800 硐 10 80 +0.5 优l 41.5 41.5 41.5 31.4 277 1022 778 100 978 822 30 22 6 901 898 90 01275.3150 014.75.3100 011.76笠切 012.50.3550 边 25.1 010沁.31汾 切,础 011.40.1邸013吩.1叨1122 878 100 !078 922汾22 10 芍3 沮0 伍2 57.4 心 012.75础014.75笠iOO 377ll : 初 174 : 霸34 14 011.75细 01颂.础 011且).4500 1? 150 +OS 22 部6 174迦147 笱心部194皿167 25 統 191 41切167 炕 4.'l R邸?沁47 1份 10 1188 116 824 83 12.5 12 270 劝 300 名.1 47.1 41.5 31.4 12.5 162 010. 10 1298 127 创4 10 9 6 1121 1118 00 10 00 +0.5 12 010.40.1叨 95 迦 013今75.4001 014.切,妞 014.00氐iOO 妞4刀2174纽邸60 45 10 纽4498162 12 150 +0.5 25 16.7 12.5 14.6 012.40.11勾 12 13.5 1185.6 100 940.8 79 011的11勾 3600 妞 01275点印014.75.妞迈3772 174 41芍部 60 45 10 妞汾97 162 12 150切,5 011.75,•邸013乃4劝窃4272 174邸础OO怂10姬磁162 12 150 +0.5 饺媳五6 217 41邸100 010.75纵劝 010.75. 妞 014.ll.11勾1242 998 100 1198 1042 36 22 6 1121 1118灼 011迅.12!'£1013.3.51250 13\Xl 1110 I 10 1337 1163 40 26 S 1252 1248 100 10 切+O.S12 1449.6 118 1048.8 88 10.5 010.40.ll勾01纽.1120 JO 00 +0.5 12 13' 01篮.1记 27.7 10 4002鸾162 :?3' 24 171 砌 147 18.8 17 13 010.45.1艺0011. 心.12li0 013.45.1幼1300 1110 110 1337 1163 40 26 5 01235.t匆014.35.1为 420 420 1砬 101 1的.6 75 191 4100 167 47. 1 14 1翋101 1041.6 75 12.3 5 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
6岱8 112心l.4 72 R 1的4 1:¥1芯.? 9.1 4氐8 562 65 10妖) +0.5 6 6.1汾102岱l.4 62 1亿fil4劝114.印. 妞 22龙, 6 174 32,l).8 147 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 单排交叉滚柱式回转支承(11系列) Single-Row Cross Roller Slewing Bearing(Standard Series 11) 勋 卢 52 62 5.2 62 62 8.3 6.2 fl.3 9.1 11.4 91 11.4 11.4 13.6 甘4 13.6 匡三二上气妇已 和吽归:1:槛l!l,!,1 113. 碑 114碑 11125.500 114.25妖刃邸郊 113.25.6: 刃 114. 巧S刃衣528 乏 了 了 3.7 4.5 3.7 4.5 4.5 6.0 4.5 6.0 6.5 8.1 6.5 at 8.1 9.7 8.1 9.7 11.3 132 妇 上 了 杠 i 出氐 De g z z nrn 111.25劝 11225. 劝 111.25氐n 112.25. 托0 111.25邸 11225邸 111.25.710 113.25.710 11225.710 111. 龙邸 112.28.lm 111 龙切 112.28. 劝 111. 28.1叨113.28.1000 11228,1叩114.然1叨 111. 28.11勾113.28.11勾 112.28.11勾114丑l11勾 111.321和113.321初 112.321匆114.艾12£() 5 629 123劝 74 1 110. 巧,邸 邸398 75沃6 434 20 18 4 496 502 65 10 00切5 80 5 689 13.5吃7 86 2 110氐妖刃 75 626 494为18 90 110 111, 112 113, 114 6 772.8 126怂4.4 83 8 T/4.4 94 4912位 6 850.8 139 572.4 00 8 ffi4A 104叨2 72 8 966.4 118 6352 80 10 部 94 邸 75氏�564 24 18 4 628 632 65 10印+o.5 3 110. 艺邸 100 4 110.25.710 110 812邸75 776 644 24 18 4 700 712伍10 00 +0.5 JB/T 2300-1999 114.25.710 113. 为邸 11� 龙邸 111 龙妞 114.28.叩 5 110.28. 邸 170 也678饺878砬闭饺6噶皎72 10 65札5 64 结构特点、 性能、 适用范围 100 Ii 110.28. 沃:0 10!2 TIB 82 !17ll 82'2汾也6邸沃72 10 ffi +O.!J 10 1邸104 734 74 10 1188 116 824 83 12 118.'i.6 96邵69 fO 1为8 127 944 95 12 1沈.6 1伪四8 79 12 1铅.6 118 1魄8 88 14 1t6'32 101 1011.6 75 单排交叉滚柱式回转支承,由两个座圈组成,结构紧凑,重忌轻,装配间隙小,对安装桔度要求商,滚柱 210 1122 878 82 t078也36 22 6窃血72 fO 65份.5 7 I I028.1!XD 为1 : 1交叉排列,能同时承受轴向力倾翻力矩和较大的径向力,被广泛的用千起重运输,工程机械和军工产 12位998 82 1邸暖 36 22 6 1118 1122 72 10氏-♦0.5 8 110.28.11勾 为0 品上。 CHARACTERISTIC OF STRUCTURE, PERFORMANCE AND APPLICATION The single - row cross roller slewing bearing is commposed of two seat rings. It featu「es compact in 15.7 18.2 15.7 18.2 1e2 22.4 18.2 22.4 25.0 28.1 泌0 28.1 28.1 31.3 祁1 31.3 38.3 42.1 38.3 42.1 42.1 47.8 42.1 47.8 9 10 110.321400 111.32.1心113.32.1400邸1砌91 1啦1313 40 26 5 1窃1心81 112321妫114.艾1心 11 110.321邸 112.32.1邸11t32.1邸 111.32.1邸113.32.1鞫 112.321邸114 321鞫1如16€0 91 1即1713怂26 111. 礼血 113. 40氐印 13 110.4020CO 11240只114.40坟m2178 1825 112 2110 1831 48 33 8 1汾7础100 to 00切.5 14 110.40笠份 112.40.2240 114.402'240 15 110心笠0 112.«J必00 114的细 111.40. 龙 11140及印 16 110.40兹00 112伦础 114.40兹00 111.50.3150 113.50.3150 硐2922 134没B劝4 56 45 8 3147 3153 122 12 110 +0.5 20出76 171踞1位27.6 112. 出3150 114.50.3心 111.!"il及改l 113、50.蚴 18 110.00础 112印.安杖) 114.50.3550 111幻础113.&l.础 19 110.00. 妞 112.&l.4(劝114.00.400:l 20 110.50朵伪111. 幻. 妞113.幻. 妞窃4272 135础知印45 110.32. 亿 1劝1110 91叨111i3 40 26 5 12战1饺81 10 75 +0.5 10 75 +0.5 12 I亟131 11928 100 11.3 14 10072 112 1翋00 10 75 +0,5 t4 1011.2 121 mrn 100 13.2 16 1也.8 111 I宽4 87 14勾132 141 1573.6 113 13.2 16 2012.8 123 1勺4.4 99 16啤139 1乃M 109 18.1 18幼4 123 1砬97 16 2俎28 153 1扫14 125 18 2窃,4 136 1汾2 111 20.3 安 400 13.2 design,ligh't in weight.high precision and small fitting clearance. As the rollers are 1 :1 cross arranged.ii is 111 321邸 113.32.1邸If份14ID 91邸1513 45 26 5邸邸81 440 15.1 suitable tor high precision mounting and capable to bear axial torce,resultant moment and considerable 12 110.321邸 500 5 1劝1邸81 10 75 +0.5 15.1 large radla force. 900 The single- row cross roller slewing bearings are windely used for hoisting, I「ansporting,engineering 20.3 18.1 111切.2240 113. 40.2240 凶18部f12细细帖33 111. 空113.«l础郓2325 112础匈56 33 8为细100 12 00 +0.5 18 2768.4 151牢125 machines as well as for military products 100) 8如22¢3 100 12 00 +O.S 注: 1、 n1为润滑油孔数、 均布;油杯M10 x 1 GBll52 -1153 -79。 2、安装孔n一中可改用螺孔;齿宽b可改为H-h。 3、表内齿轮圆周力为录大圆周力,额定圆周力取其1/2。 20.3 226 1100 20颂136恋,12 2978 2625 112为0汲1 56 33 8刀汾纽100 12 切+0.518句74.4 168初2 141 20.3 1250 20 句76 151 鸾127 22.6 2150 17 110. 切.3150 22 3471.6 155泌凶.8 129 30.4 4、外齿修项系数0.1 I 内齿修项系数为0.2 邓3322 134颐3'114 56 45 8 3547邸122 12 110 +0.5 为没76 191选162 27.6 30.4 2470 Note: 1.n1-number of lubricating holss,evenly distributed, lubricating nippleM10 x 1 8B1152-1153-79. 部3772 13.5 4饬珈00 45 10 3997础122 12 110 +0.5 22心2l.6 194芍8 167 30.4 卿 2. Mou ting hole n-中,may be replaced with screw hole.tooth width may be take as H-h. 25啖171邸147 34.5 10 4497部122 12 110 +0.5 22妞.6 217 4183.8 100 30.4 3100 3. Gear force of periphery given in the table is its maximum value. rated force of periphery is taken 1/2. 25翠191 41f0 167 34.5 of the given value. 4. The trim top coefficient of extental and internal tooth are 0.1 and O 2 respectively. Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
勿5 1785 1切2149 1氐1 48 33 8 178 47 120 t0.5 16础,7 141 1戒4 107 16 020ffJ效劝021,50兹印位3.50础ll15邸100 2949 2651 56 33 8 178 47 120礼5 19 020.fil. 础位1.印础邸.份.础 4278 勺2'l 226 4188 3812仪) 3.7 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 双排球式回转支承(02系列) Double-Row Ball Slewing Bea「ing (Standard Series 02) 结构尺寸 Structural di叩icns 安装孔尺寸 比吓i屯 di叩nslons 外§1飞寸 比呻ry dil!lllSions 外齿参数 齿轮参数 压tGear Int比ar 如 齿轮圆周力 T叮如tial t础locd品 正火 � 1� 3] 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.0 4.5 6.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 120 13.5 16.8 13.5 15.8 15.8 19.1 15.8 18.1 24.1 27.1 24 1 27.1 27.1 况1 27.1 句1 377 41.5 377 41.5 41.5 47.1 47.1 基本型号 B的c妒 齿 妇r压 涓辰= 勺 10引 52 6.2 5.2 62 62 8.3 应 8.3 11.1 14.1 11.1 14.0 14.0 16.7 14.0 16、7 18.8 21.9 1&8 21.9 21.9 2S.O 21.9 总0 33.3 37.5 33.3 37.5 37.5 41、8 37.5 418 1劝 52.2 57.4 52.2 勺4 57.4 应 57.4 朽2 参考 归 序号 信 n 。 式 外齿式 8c1Toclh ll. 叩 021.25奴Kl 022织,500 叨.25坟订 位2_25令邸 022.25.6: 刃 位2泌710 位4泌710 021切初噬皿 担 Toe木less 且 nm 叨25邸 @必邸 切).25. 闷 021.25邸 酗.710 叨义.邸02230.!m 02A 30邸 021 闭卿 叨.切叨 饺1.句,100l 023. 扣100l DID沈1(XX) 四1邸024.打1邸1142 858 124 1邸叙 36 22 6 114 29 ao +0.5 12 1197.6 97础67 位1.3'.l.11伪 023.切.1优) 1426 1047 1印1374 1126 40 26 5 150 39 00 +0.5 12 1497.6 122 10128的 021. 份,1400 023.40.1400 1576 1224 100 1524 1272 40 26 5 150 39 11 lro,1,().1邸 @.心1邸 024.iKJ.1邸1776 1424 100 1724 1496 45 26 5 150 39 00 +0.5 12 位.份1邸 13 020以础�u刃牧肛) 023. 切及印 1� 位Of:JJ.2240位1.切2240 023汾.2240 2必丞100 2389 颂1 48 33 8 022.:IJ.2240 024.ffi名22份 1s cm硒位1.切笠幻 设3.切,础 叭52285 1切2649 沁51 56 33 8 178 47 12:l +0.5 18础.4 1S3砸2 123 位502&'.Xl 024.50兹m 17 位.份、3150位1.00.3100 18位0切.泌切021.00及议) 023. 份,恕 豁'JlJ2226 3738 3362 56 45 8 214 56 150 +0.5 勾碑197 3168 159 吵印础02400笠和 022.切4llXl 024.00.«xxl 20邸ID.4500021.60.4500 023.60.4500 47'78位2 隘 码 [l 叩 lYl3. 25. 劝 昭,25.劝 023. 25. 知 024.25_却 023.25.闷 1戊 D mm nm 11111 1'1111 rm, d De nm H1 h mm 叩 rm, H 01 02 m 伪 Rill nm b z z n1 X T 11111 644 i26 踩8 105幼4 704 138 417 72 59 汹 81 印 94 70 5 5 6陨115 41U4 69 6 7扣8 129 8 7914 96 4752 6 8 8 982.4 120 6192 78 窃 8 1086.4 133 7152 90 100 714 10 1198 117 814 10 1318 129 924 12 1317.6 107 91邸 14 14拓.2 104 1013.6 73 12 1641.6 134 11�8 97 14 16492 115 11又6 的 14 18452 129 1您 97 16 1沁扭 113 1扭4 16础.8 126 15424 97 18础4 125 1扭2 16 2劝,8 156 19424 122 18磁4 1汾1翋108 勾 汾16 138 2188 110 16 3110.4 170 24912 139 20 3116 153 2吸 2'l 蕊7.6 22 3933.6 176 3176.8 1心 25 4395 173 25郧193 勾 96 26 60 t0.5 6 96 26 00 ..0.5 96 26 00 -l-0.5 96 26 388 100 580 420 20 18 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oal3J.1120 位2ll.11al 024.JJ.11勾 9 位0.40.1250m1.40.1改l 023,40.1纫 位240.1加位440.l� 10位0.40.1400 位的1心 位心切1400 位1.幻"切 位3.40.1邸 616 676 444 100 即480 20 18 4 746 514 100 710 550 20 18 4 邸5941伪700 630幻18 皎658 124 898 702 ll 22 6 114 29 80 +0.5 10 1()12 758 124 998 部 Il 22 6 100 115 1扣 140 200 020 021, 022 023, 024 叱2.4 JB/T 2300-1999 024.25.邸 021.25.710 023. 巧710 翋.8141 坊0.4 切 +0.5 4 结构特点、 性能、 适用范围 双排球式回转支承具有三个座圈, 钢球和隔离块可直接排入上下滚道, 根据受力情况, 安排了上下两排直径 不同的钢球。 这种开式装配非常方便, 上下圆弧滚道的承载角都为go• 于0.1倍的轴向力时滚道须特殊设计。双排球式回转支承的轴向、 径向尺寸都比较大、 结构坚固, 特别适用于要 求中等以上直径的塔式起重机、 汽车起重机等装卸机械上。 CHARAC亢RISTIC OF STRUCTURE, PERFORMANCE AND APPLICATION The doule-row Ball slewing bearing has three seat-rings.The steel balls and the spacers may be directly arranged into the upper and lower races ways. Two rows ot steel balls with different diameters are titted according to the force situation Such open mode fitting features extraordinary convenience The load ang es of both upper and lower races ways are 90�, with enable the bearing to bear large axial force and the tilting moment .When the radia force is larger than 1/10 of the axial force the races ways should be special designed As the axial and radial the dimension of the double-row ball slewing bearing are rather large, the bearing construction is sturdy, hence it is especially suitable for tower cranes which require working radius over medium range, such as mobile cranes and loading and unloading machines, etc. 注: 1、n1为润滑油孔数、 均布, 油杯M10x1 881152-1153-79。 2、 安装孔n一中可改用螺孔;齿宽b可改为H-h。 3、 表内齿轮圆周力为最大圆周力 , 额定圆周力取其1/2。 4、 外齿修顶系数O.i, 内齿修顶系数为0.2。 Note: 1.nl- number of lbricating holes, evenly distributed,lubricating nipplcM10 x 1 GBll52-115年79. 2.Mouting hole n一中 ,may be replaced with screw hole.tooth width may be take as H-h 3.Gear force of periphery given in the table its maximum value, rated force of periphery is taken1/2 of the given value. 4.The trim top coefficient of external and internal tooth are0.1 and 0.2 respectively. 笠4 105 岛笠 96 614 62 0213:l妫 024. 汾邸 114 29 00 +0.5 10 1氓l 022切坟ll 72 82 93 77 I 能承受很大的轴向力和倾翻力矩、 当径向力大 劝 1262 978 124 1218 1022 沈 22 6 114 29 80 10.5 340 兑0 切+0.5 7汾 邸 1150 1!i00 1700 85 021.40.1邸 1976 1624 1切 1924 1676 45 26 5 1切39 00 +0.5 14 农氐2144 15心.6 111 023. 怂1邸 022.«l.1邸024.40.1沈 位切础位4.切.础 95 178 47 120 10.5 022.出邸设4.00.细 125 139 也3.00.31幻 3428 2872 226 3338 2962 56 45 8 214 56 1切 +0.5 20 3536 174 础 3700 4200 4700 叮笱 勉ro.3100 位4.00.3100 158 峦础 126 45 10 214 56 l!'Al +0.5 2'l 4395.6 197 3516.8 1衍 窃 4688心12 60 45 10 214 56 150 劝0 4110 165 145 I 0.5 2'2 叱79.6 219 41228 188 41.5 吃OO妞024.00妞 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
i邸736 182 1叨) 700 36 22 4 172 40 12> +0.5 10 1吓 108 724B 118窃, 4 67 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 三排滚柱式回转支承(13系列) Triple-Row Cylmd rical Roller Slewing Bearing (Standard Series·1 3) S廿叩r1il�1 外妇邮衄畛酮力 dirrensions - 压 i勹堕国 吕田配 nm 131, 碑133.25劝 1 1ll.25. 邸 132.25劝 134.25.邸 131占2S知133.25足n 2 13'.l.25, 坊0 132.25.5! 订 134.25.劲 131.25.6刃 133.25邸 3 1ll.25.6Il I也总双 134五邸 131.25.710 133.2汀10 4 13).25.710 132.25.710 134.25.710 131. 句,印 1ll.:ll.!lXl 5 13)义).劝 132.ll. 邸 134.:JJ.印 131. llIDI 133.ll 妞 6 130.JJ.900 1:i:i.n叩 1、书n叩 131沈100} I孔切.1叨 7 1扣:ll.1邸132扣.1叨1况.3l.1叨1161 131.ll.1幼 133扣1劝 8 lll扣.1初132.ll.l! 131. 如纫133.40.1匆 9 1份.ll.1邸132.40.1250 134轮1250 131. 40.1纫133.40.1纫 10 1:rt.40.14ffi 132. 40.1400 134, t,0, I妫1部1邓饺1543 1巧7 45 26 5 210 50 lfil +0.5 14 I翋 116 I lll.6 82 11 13J.40.1邸131.40.1邸1箕礼100) 132.40.1邸 1抖礼1rol 12 130.40.1邸131.40.l!ro 1艾.40.1妫 13 130从) ..ml 131切础 1艾50江江 14 130以2240131切2240 132. 出22句 15 130.00氐切131. 印邸 132印砌 16 130.00邸131.00及江l 132.50. 砌 17 1切纹).31幻131.00.3150 132.00.3100 18 130切茨切131 切灰切 1艾.00.3氐0 19 130. 切妞131 001妞 1艾OO瓜劝 20 130份.4500131. 00.4500 哎.00.4500 134. 印妞 畔寸 Q� 氐知Int如r Tin虹ial tooth lood 知'压 吵 昨 :1:1叶!I n1l:l�l!I 叶斗: I z 甘: 598 402 24 18 4 138 32 00 +0.5 5 工 a q - 叩 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 12.1 15.1 12.1 1S 1 15.1 18.1 15.1 18.1 229 26.3 龙9 26.3 26.3 扣2 26.3 30.2 6.7 8.0 6.7 8.0 6.8 11,0 8.8 11.0 16.7 为9 凶 1切 337 68 57 切 224 邸 窃148 6却1仿观4 5 724 142 397 6 6邸.8 132妞4 8 边 240 份4 426 1帖 658 462 24 18 4 138 32 00 +0.5 130 131, 132 133, 134 77 58 切 68 75 防 7&1 496 1钻728 632 28 18 4 138 32印+0.5 844 576 148扮8 612 28 18 4 138 32 80 +0.5 6 886.8 145 270 邸4 扭牧2 汾汹 JB/T 2300-1999 劝 8 8 10064 1份 10 1邸 8 11024 135 0012 87 扮诏 108 窃2 汾52 邸 扮 岱6 182 韧680 36 22 4 172 份 1勾 +0.5 500 结构特点、 性能 、 适用范围 拐 16.7 20.9 20.9 25.1 20.9 25.1 31.4 36.6 31.4 36.6 36.6 41.7 36.6 41.7 44.5 50.1 44.5 50.1 抡1 氐6 50.1 55令6 泣6 沈.6 62.6 36.6 9 3 9 68 花 600 70 三排滚柱式支承具有三个座罔 . 能够同时承受各种载荷,是四种产品中承载能力最大的一种,轴、 径向尺寸都较大,结构牢固 , 特别适用千要求 轻大直径的重型机桩,如斗轮式挖掘机、 转式起重机、 船用起重机、 港口起重机、 钢水运台及大吨位汽车起重机 等机械上。 卜下及径向滚道各自分开,使得每一排滚柱的负载都能确切地加以确定。 邸 10 1218 119 784 79 汾 10 1336 131 邸 182 11勾珈 切22 5 172 40 13:l +0.5 12 1221.6 即 乃4.8 吹 妇 66 引 76 820 劝 131.句laxl1284 虴6 182 1240 1<XXl 40 22 5 172 40 120 +0.5 12 1311.6 100 1445 1055 220 1邸1107心26 12 1596 1勾蜘83 5 210 50 150 +0.5 14 1坟2 105扭71 12 1防.6 1: 沈 114.8 1初 00 CHARACTERISTIC OF STRUCTURE, PERFORMANCE AND APPLICATION 1300 Tri pie -Row Cylindrica slewing bearing has three seat-rings. which sepA rating the upper, lower and radial raceways、via which the load or each row of the rolle「s maybe specified .IL may bear diffe「ent loads simultane-ously and its load capacity is the largest one among the four models. Owing to large size of its axle and radius. It is sturdy and especially suitable for heavy-duty machiness which require large working diameter. Such as bucket wheel excavators, wheeled cranes, deck cranes, port cranes.steel transporters.heavy duty mobile cranes etc 14 16732 131 1335.6 96 16卿114 1孜A 84 150 -l-0.5 14 农169.2 1怂 1531,6 16 勾沦8 127 1饺创 1切-l-0.5 18础4 125 1位2 160』.5 18磁4 139 1翋 160 -1-0,S 18 2822.4 1弘21的2 勾 1汹 1795 1妫饺0 1743 1457 48 26 6 210 fil f切+0.5 110 96 107 32.2 95 121 32.2 108 362 122 110 133.<0.1的 134. 心,1邸1995 1祗优) 1如1即愿26 13300础 134.fil础2'221 1779 231 21沾1845 切33 ,孔印2240 134. 切.2240 饮只9砌 134.fil过切02721 2279 231磁2345 72 33 8 219 S4 饮只0础 134扣及双} 133. 幻.3100 134.00,3100 3132 2868 270 3342 2958 72 133.ro恕 134.00.3560 3832 3268 270 37 42 3358 72 45 8 258岛 饮3.ro.400'.l 134. 切妞4282 3718 270 4192 3808 80 45 8 258 朽 1艾印.45004782 4218 270 4692怂80 45 8 258 6.5 1750 6 llO 50 16 础,8 141 ! 砬4 2400 8 219 54 362 16 2556,8 157 1窃4 2461 2019 231 23S5 2065 00 33 8 219 54 2700 362 402 础 龙16 138 2183 注: 1、 n1为润滑油孔数 、 均布;油杯M10x1881152-1153-79。 2、 安装孔n-中可改用螺孔;齿宽b可改为H-h。 3、表内齿轮圆周力为最大圆周力,额定圆周力取其1/2。 4、外齿修顶系数 0.1, 内齿修顶系数为0.2。 33 8 219 54 160 +0.5 18 3110.4 170 24912 139 362 20 3116 153 2烟 45 8 258 65 180 +0.5 20 3536 174 2Ji汾 139 22恕.6 168础.8 126 100 +0.5 20 3936 194 31岱 159 2 100 +0.5 22 怂拓.6 197 $16.8 165 25部173 3310 145 180 +0.5 22 4001.6纫41228 188 25部1幻 4110 3121 2579笱1为2645 72 3400 125 402 怂2 49.8 452 498 49.8 56.5 49.8 56.5 妞 妞 声 176 3154 .8 144 闷 78 邸 Note: 1. n1- number of lubricating holes. evenly distributed, lubricating nipple M1 ox 1 GB 1152-1153-79. 2.Mouting hole n- 4>, may be replaced with screw hole, tooth width may be take as H-h 3.Gear force of periphery given in the table is its maximum value, rated force of periphery is taken 1/2 Of the given value. 4.The trim top coefficient of external and internal outer and inner tooth are 0.1 and 0.2 respectively. 沺 3 165 1 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
5 120坊,彻 121.36朵XXl 42从.4 3792 175部3858 76份扣12妫1 3955 125 159 16 50 4176 125 + 18 -1.8 18 笱2 195.6汾1.2'!192 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 球与滚柱组合式回转支承(12系列) Ball/ Roller Combined Slewing Bearing (Standard Series 1 2) 三 尸 匡 00 00 0Li 0Li 00, 0Di I— m口 息-- 气」 比笏勿i 针 .011:��! 目叮寸 I 尸厂 ;j i 另 4 I 』霆麟吵l纫 空1 工 120笾岛切 121.32. 邸3m.s磁 1均3638 3418 76切27 10烟7部 100 143 16 50 3712 100 + 16 -1.6 16 232 1切 2 120. 议,罚50 121.32.37切汾切8磁1汾誘3618 80切27 10 3797 3709 1份143 16 50 3936 109 +8 -1.6 16 246 100 320 2186 3 120.32.40(0 121.32.400) 4龙,8泊1汾磁3868 84句27 12 4047 3959 109 143 16 50 4176 1份t8 -1.6 16 261 1印320 4 120.32.42切 121.32.42汾4476.8 4058 1汾4342 3868 90 30 27 12 4297 3200 109 143 16 50 4416 109 + 16 -1.6 16 276 100 320 2455 320 切祁 l 气尸 0� l I 0La 0Da 2278 0La 0Da 121 120 6 120.36.4匆121.36.428:l从00.4炽2 175也7 4108 80 33 30 12 4切1 4205 125 159 16 50 44舫 1巧+9 -1.8 18 247 195.6 391.2 3981 7 120箕4500 121.36.4500 4784.4 4为175 45�43li8 84 33 30 14邸1 4455 125 159 16 50 4698 125 +9 -1.8 18 261 195.6 391.2 3173 8 120.36.4750 121. 注4750部.4砬175 4851础90 33汾14如1 47伪125 159 16 50 4950 125 +9 -1.8 18 275 195.6 3912 3363 9 120.40.4500 121.40.4500 4776 4'!16 1份4612 4348 72笱33 14 4556 4450 133 167 16 50 4720 133 + 10 -2.0 20 236 231.3 462.6 3673 10 1为.40.4750 121.40.4750 sot6 4526 1ro 4852部76 36 33 14妞4700 133 167 16 50 4000 133 + 10 -2.0 20 248 231.3 4626 3796 11 1� 的义劝121.40氐们劝6 4776 183 5H2 4848 00汾33 16 5056 4950 133 167 16 50 5220 133 +10 -2.0 20 261 231.3 462.6 4082 12 1孔40.5300 121.40.5300 5.576 5078 183 5412 5148 84汾33 16 53.56 5250 133 167 16 50 5.520 133 + 10 -20 20 276 231.3 462.6 4329 13 lID.45从功 121.45皿5297.6 4747邸5117 4825 76 39 36 16 5003 4945 153 187 76扮5236 153 + 11 -21 22 238 2926 5852 5201 14 1勾,45.5300 121.45.5300 5Wi.6 切47邸5425 5125 80 39 36 16笱6:l 5245 153 187 16 50 5544 1岱+11 -22 22 252 292.6 585.2 5602 15 1勾朵沾邸 121.45妖劝 5891.6岱47 初 5711 5425 84 39 36 18部 5泌 153 187 16 50 5800 153 + 11 -22 22 265 292.6 汾52 57'以 16 1垃45.0000 121. 怂0000 6287.6 5747邸6107 5825 00 39 36 18 OOl3 5945 153 187 16 50 6204 1岱 +22 -22 22 282 292.6郊.?酗 17 120. 切础121.45邸部2 6342勿57句嫡00 39 36 18踞5540 1岱205 16 65磁156 t12 -2.4 24 244 325.5 651.0份7 18 1勾,50皿121.心血贷7.2 5742 2'21 6114 5820 96 39 36 18曲5940 1岱沁5 16岱6240 156 .. 12 -2.4 24励3255的.。曲 19 1勾.£-0.6700 121.£-0.6700初2 6442勿6834邸100 39 36 勾 6769勋156 205 16 65部156 + 12 -2.4 24劝325.5 6.51.0 7708 结构特点、 性能、 适用范围 球柱联合回转支承是由—排滚子和一排球组合而成。球柱联合的滚动体是为了承受在较高的轴向负载时产 生极小的偏心率而设计的主要应用在矿山机械、 材料运轿设备、 塔式起重设备上。PRS生产的球柱联合回转支 承滚道直径可以达到: 1270mm- 5016mmm, 有无齿式 、 外齿式和内齿式。 同时我们也可以根据容户的要求进 行设计。 CHARACTERISTIC OF STRUCTURE, PERFORMANCE AND APPLICATION Ball/Roller Combined slewing rings incorporate a row of rollers and a row of balls into the same unit. This combination of rolling elements is designed to handle small eccentricities at relatively high axia loads. They are mainly applied in mining and mill equlpments,materials handling equipments, tower and mobile cranes, etc. The raceways diameter of our PRS Ball/Roller Combined Slewing Rings are up to1270mm to 5016mm. They are divided into non gear, external gear and internal gear. At the same time, We also are capable of designing according lo customers special requirements Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
PLA20.1094 84 1198.1 984 1135 22 1012 22 1184 8 148隔1004应1001陇-枉12 91孙1001 E.1初,加00笱1炖1伽21-1阱1-01 PLA20.744 55 838.1 634 785 18 662 18 828 6 138皿744瓜210141筋筏ll 91-a\0141 [So汹,OO笱l如010021-0141-01 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 四点接触球回转支承(PLA32系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PLA32 Series) 轻系列 Light se门es 四点接触球回转支承(PLA20系列) Four-Point Contact Ball slewing Bearing (PLA20 Series) 轻系列 Light series 外齿型 External gear 外齿型 External gear 12 4.5 0D, O匕 0do 00. na Basic type Weig忧I装尺寸Dimensio(mm) I戟辣G邸DalaI 回国嘿圃匡国匡皿皿罩正=匾l PLA20.414 30 503.3 304 455 10 332 12 495 5 99 队ro}jj籵豁210!11膳1伍1Z 91-笱肚11 t5邸l.00笱凇阑21报11-01 PLA20.644 49 742.3 534 685 16 562 16 732 6 122哑豁加以1陇圾1Z 91孙悦1 [1劝.00创狈猁21拊1-01 PLA20.844 66 950.1 734 885 18 762 18 936 8 117皿船21怅1队6-l11Z 91孙饼1岱坳,00饥1炖嘛I21驸1-01 0dom.z,o-丑6 0Da I 对应型号 �nt 安装尺寸Dimensioos(mm) 对应型号Equival圳 齿轮跺GearData 基本型号重量(kg) 基本员号 PLA32.1100 PLA32.1300 PLA32.1500 重量(kg) 165 200 234 Basic type We�ht 国匡园四圆匡国国圈配皿... 1098 805 1016 30 1300 1005 1216 36 1045 36 1280 10 1500 1205 1416 42 1245 42 1480 10 845 30 1080 9 120 91-320955 E.1100.32.00.C 281.30.0900 128 91-321155 E.1300.32.00.C 281.30.1100 148 91-321355 E.1500.32.00.C 281.30.1300 PLA32.1200 PLA32.1400 PLA32.1600 注: 1 、 2、 183 216 250 1200 905 1116 30 1400 1105 1316 42 1145 42 1380 10 1600 1305 1516 48 1345 48 1580 10 945 30 1180 10 118 91-321055 E.1200.32.00.C 281.30.1000 138 91-321255 E.1400.32.00.C 281.30.1200 158 91-321455 E.1600.32.00.C 281.30.1400 PLA20.544 42 640.3 434 585 14 462 14 630 6 105哑仆应1队1隙纽1Z 91划怅1 E.6&J孙00笱l为魄l21舫�1-01 PLA20.944 72 1046.1 834 985 20 862 20 1032 8 129皿籵汛S21f.SII队的花IZ 91孙创1E1邸创00笱1冈卿21-0041-01 注 1 、 2、 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
对应型号Equivalent· J w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 匹点接触球回转支承(PLl32系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PLl32 Series) 四点接触球回转支承(PLl20系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PLl20 Series) 轻系列 Light series 轻系列 Light series 0La(na) 08 0U 外齿型 External gear 外齿型 External gear , L 0 6 ,44.5 20 安装尺寸Dimensions(mm) 日目II国国喟目嘈匪可可可可啊ll11m: 518 325 490 8 375 12 335 5 67 皿14 W.S笠OIII筋1伍1Z簦狈肚11 I战闪,00筏冈0400 22报11-01 648 444 620 10 505 16 456 6 76 VU卿吹笠心1腮加1簦狈以1 I. 砚为,00皿低0 22-0&11-01 748 546 720 12邸18 558 6 93 VU卿队汲0041隙及1Z乾孙俅1 l.700闪00皿.阑凇拟1-01 848 648 820 12 705 20 660 948 736 920 14 805 20 752 8 94旧黜队边似1陇妖1Z 92-21帐I l.9&'.lal.00皿.啪l 2'1-0841-01 1048 840 1020 16 005 22 856 8 107 Vl. 卿阶边糊l附沌花lZ 92-狈恨1 I. 翩.£11.00232风低0 22娴1-01 1198 984 1170 16 1055 24 1000 8 125 皿1m.1邸Jl.1001敝顷11乾为1001 I队Xl.20.00皿100) 22-1001-01 安芸尺寸Dimensions(nvn) 国国园囡国国目国圈霆呱111111 1100 812 1060 30 894 30 830 1200 912 1160 30 994 30 930 1300 1012 1260 36 1094 36 1030 1400 1112 1360 42 1194 42 1130 1294 42 1230 1600 1310 1560 48 1394 48 1330 对应型号Equivalent 驻型号 Basic type Weight 噩县(kg) � PLl20.414 PLl20544 Pll20.644 PLl20.744 PLl20.844 PLl20.944 Pll20.1044 28 38 45 52 62 68 82 PL132.1100 PLl32.1200 PLl32.1300 PLl32.1400 PLl32.1500 PLl32.1600 159 176 192 208 226 243 10 10 10 10 83 93 103 92-321155 1.1300.32.00.C 282.30.1100 113 92-321255 1.1400.32.00.C 282.30.1200 92-32 0955 1.1100.32.00.C 282.30.0900 92-321055 1.1200.32.00.C 282.30.1000 6 110 咖744吹凇0741汹烙rn 锐为0741 1.8$)为.00 232纵0700笣-0741-01 10 1500 1212 1460 123 92-321355 1.1500.32.00.C 282,30.1300 133 92-321455 1.1600.32.00.C 282.30.1400 42 10 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
90-符恨I切1的.创.00劝20.!910咚1-01 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 四点接触球回转支承(PLU32系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PLU32 Series) 四点接触球回转支承(PLU20系列) r-our point contact Ball slewing bearings (PLU20 Series) 轻系列 Light series 轻系列 Light series 无齿型 Without gear 无齿型 Without gear 12 58, 47.51 ! 0 6 U L I 001 0ls 00. 安装尺寸Dimensions{mm) l Da I di I La I na I Li I ni I INA I SKF I KAYOON I IMO I 陬 I 皈磕 I Rollix I 对应型号E(Jlivalenl 号 ypa刑 妇 细 2 i PLU20.414 PLU20.544 PLU20.644 PLU20.744 PLU20.844 PLU20.944 PLU20.1094 63 一 ••• 匡匡 805 1060 30 905 1160 30 1005 1260 36 1105 1360 42 1205 1460 42 1305 1560 48 圈 饼狈计11 SO坻列m 23l烈翩, 邸11-01 845 945 1045 1145 1245 1345 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 PLU32.1100 PLU32.1200 PLU32.1300 PLU32.1400 PLU32.1500 PLU32.1600 131 145 159 172 186 200 30 30 36 42 42 48 332 462 24 31 37 43 48 54 12 讥U200l14 附沟肚11 羁1铲ll 14 M咖 �.23�1 邸笏IZ 00为心1 SO岚}冈'.00 23020劓0 16 M咖应饼l隔劝z 16 礼皿744 砍lS.230741 队伈炉lZ 18 礼呕戏针邸为0041 腮戏lZ 20 M黜附为限1队6-3刑Z 518 304 490 648 434 620 10 748 534 720 12 562 848 634 820 948 734 920 14 1048 834 1020 16 1198 984 1170 16 1012 20 vtUID1004 谿乃1001归lZ 8 90-32 1055 SD.1200.32.00.C 280.30.1000 90-321155 SD.13'.XJ.32.00.C 280.30.1100 90-32 1255 S0.1400.32.00.C 280.30.1200 90-32 1355 SD舫优32.00.C 280.30.1300 90-321455 SD.1000.32.00.C 280.30.1400 笱舫什-01 00-创俅1 S0.1切烈00 2'll炖卿邸1-0l 9IJ为0741 so. 邸刘.00 2W.20.0肋 斜狈以I SO妞瓜OO劝炖曲 662 762 862 妇补01 踵1-01 12 卧闪1员1劝1劝.饥.00劝炖1则 岱1阱01 注: 1 、 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
77 1046.1 872 985 40 898 44 1032 8 129岱呻敝佣趾�11孙帜1 E. 邸.ID.00.B肪1妞0渊31船41-01 99 畴14黜l础14 11-20俏11钮邸.00.8 001纽0414 31-0411-01 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 四点接触球回转支承(PS皮0系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PSA20 Series) 轻系列 Light series 外齿型 External gear 四点接触球回转支承(PSA2.5系列) Fou「 point contact Ball slewing bearings (PSA25 Series) 轻系列 Light series 外悟型 External gear da n,. 0da I 畸 0LJ 0d, 01 忑云二�� 022 I- 15 56, 44.5 44.5 19 4.5 n� 00, 0L息 0do 0Da na 0D1 O匕 0do 00. I 安装尺寸Dimensions(叩n)= 量呱圆圆圃回国回巴凹匾 640.3 472 585 28 498 32 630 838.1 672 785 36 698 40 828 玉 Da PSA20.544 PS比0.744 PSA2.0.944 归 93 128 155 难型号l'quivalenl I I 安装尺寸Dimensions(mm) 目目II四皿l匡匡雪噩雪雪巨己一 694.4 455 616 20 495 20 680 898 655 816 24 695 24 882 10邻855 1016 30 895 30 1080 9 120 186 1298 1055 1216 36 1095 36 1280 10 128 218 对应型号Eqtivaleni 酮 g 胚邸 11-25 0455 11-25 0655 11-25 0855 E.1000.25.00.B 061.25.0855 11-25 1055 E.1200.25.00.B 061.25.1055 11-251255 11-25 1455 PSA25.455 咚A25.655 PSA25.855 PS垃5.1055 PS垃5.1155 PSA25J355 233 1598 1355 1516 48 1395 48 1580 10 158 590.4 355 516 18 395 18 576 8 8 9 72 98 109 74 111 798.4 555 716 24 595 24 784 145 171 1198 955 1116 30 995 30 1180 10 118 201 1398 1155 1316 42 1195 42 1380 10 138 31 52 71 91 1198.11022 1135 44 1048 48 1184 8 PSA20.414 PS赻0.644 PSA2.0.844 PSA20.1094 注: 1 、 503.3 342 455 20 368 24 495 742.3 572 685 32 598 36 732 950.1 772 885 36 798 40 936 5 6 8 8 9 PSA25.555 PSA25.755 PSA25.955 PS皎5.1055 PS沁5.1255 85 98 11-25 0555 11-25 0755 E.900.25.00.B 11-25 0955 E.1100.25.00.B 061.25.0955 11-25 1155 11-25 1355 6 6 105畴倯粉1趾.f6:4 11孙心I E.650闪00.8 001孙舫从31纵1-01 138 泗7从熙阱妞佣«11为0741 E. 低0闪00.8舫1烈om 31-0741-01 43 59 122呻瓜创础11孙0041 E.750妞.00.8 001刘邸31钮1-01 117 网俎赔从篮创皿�11划0841 E.950冈.00.8肪1刘肪从 31扭41-01 148 1/5汹1份邸册如@ 11-201001 E.120汹00£ 仙烈隙31-1001-01 VSA2.50755 VS比50955 997 755 916 28 795 28 981 VS应50755 VS赻51055 061.25.1155 061.25.1355 061.25.1255 061.25.1455 1498 1255 1416 42 1295 42 1480 10 148 2、 2 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
67 VSl200414然勋 即 12-200411 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 四点接触球回转支承{ PSl25系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PSl25 Serles) 四点接触球回转支承(PSl20系列) Four point cont�ct Bf1II fJiewin(t t)e<1rin9s (PSl20 Series) 轻系列 Light series 轻系列 Light series 00a 0La 00, 0Da 0G na ` , nl! 内齿型 Internal gear 内齿型 Internal gear 4 1 g 二 了 g 8 5 80 0d. = 8 心2 8 畔 PSl20.544 PSl20.644 PSl20.744 PSl20.844 PSl20.944 PSl20.1094 ,:,'t'.;',.; � I I 对立,叩N细t ., 如叩邸刮 1 ' I .'"':' ,·-, ;. ,可Ill斤叩尸.国可rt�r;-11霓iIt 四I·巨[!心1■:r.吓勹 555 304 515 18 394 18 320 655 416 615 20 494 20 755 512 715 24 594 24 528 855 610 815 24 694 24 630 10 955 710 915 28 794 28 730 10 149 1055 810 1015 30 894 30 830 10 165 1阳 198 215 229 甥尺寸0im叩郎(而n) l�lmll.al『mI LI i nl J m I m I z I INA I 玻1 ,t0� .. 叩IF血岫1 486 325 460 616 444 590 32 505 32 456 716 546 690 36 605 36 558 816 648 790 916 736 890 40 805 40 752 1016 840 990 44 905 44 856 1116 984 11AO 48 1055 48 1000 8 - = 40 54 66 63 73 83 93 12-25 0455 12-25 0555 12-25 0655 12-25 0755 1.855.25.00.B 12-250855 1.955.25.00.B 002.25.0855 12-25 0955 1.1055.25.00.B 062.25.0955 12-251055 1.1155.25.00.B 002.25.1055 12-25 1155 12-25 1255 12-25 1355 12-251455 PSl25.455 PSl25.555 PSl25.655 PSl25.755 PSl25.855 PSl25.955 PSl25.1055 PSl25.1155 PSl25.1255 PSl25.1355 PSl25.1455 64 76 102 119 137 31 42 PSl20.414 24 375 24 335 5 6 6 6 8 8 107 VSI卿瓜皎灿胱12-狈&11 1.1016.2().00.B皎.ZJ昢岱烘1-01 125哑1邸隔皎烈1似12-201001 1.11舫笱.00.8皎.隙32-1001--01 I. 低20.00.B皎,20队14笠书11--01 8 76 VSl2X644邸昢12-切0541 1.616.20.00.B皎妞邸览心1-01 93 lf3I黜豁皎皿恍1从照计1 1.716. 列.00.B皎冈拟4 32拟1-01 110 VS翱744邸皎加144 12-创0741 1.616.20.00.8 002.20.0744 32--0741-01 94 闪篮12-狈劓1.916.20.00.B皎aJ.0044笠舫41-01 50 58 59 76 91 VSl250755 VS1250755 VS1250955 VSl257055 40 705 40 660 1155 910 1115 30 994 30 930 10 1255 1010 1215 36 1004 36 lD.10 10 1Q.1 1355 1110 1315 42 I 194 42 1130 10 113 1455 1210 1415 42 1294 42 1230 10 123 1555 1310 1515 48 1394 48 1330 10 133 002.2511、气5 00225.1255 06225.1355 06225.1455 2 注: 、 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 四点接触球回转支承(PSU25系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PSU25 Series) 四点接触球回转支承(PSU20系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PSU20 Series) 轻系列 Light series 轻系列 Light series 0da 。I..J 0d1 1哩 Ill 无齿型 Without gear 无齿型 Without gear 014 I• 10 63, 54 44.5 15 玉 10 0L蠡 00. 00, O匕 00. n!!_ 巴:I芒 PLU20.414 对应型号Equive/ent _ _ 10-25 0555 10-25 0655 10-25 0755 SD.855.25.00.B 10-25 0855 SD.955.25.00.B 10-25 0955 SD.1055.25.00.8 10-251055 SD.1155.25.00.B 10-25 1155 10-251255 10-25 1355 10-251455 三 PSU25.555 65 655 455 PSU25.655 76 755 555 PSU25.755 90 855 655 PSU25.855 101 955 755 PSU25,955 115 1055 855 1015 PSU25.1055 128 1155 955 1115 PSU25.1155 139 1255 1055 1215 PSU25.1255 150 1355 1155 1315 PSU25.1355 1的 1455 1255 1415 PSU25.1455 174 1555 1355 1515 I I , 安装尺寸DimBnslo(mm) 安装尺寸Dimensions(mm) 国国圆国国国巴巴国 486 342 460 24 368 脱贷}烈队1◄ 对应型号�I I I 18 20 24 24 28 30 30 36 42 42 48 PSU25.455 18 20 24 24 28 30 30 36 42 42 48 10-25 0455 555 355 395 495 595 695 795 895 995 1095 1195 1295 1395 515 615 715 815 915 53 24 vsu双14 32 VSU邵4 36 vsu卿4 40 VSU200744 29 00), 创;0414 妞11-01 S0.481汹.00.B 10-l仙11 498 472 590 PLU20.544 10-狈炾1 37 44 嘘1-01 616 32 S0.616闪00.B 00),20邸 俅$瓜}闪昢 VSU250755 VSU250755 VSU250955 VSU251055 060.25.0855 060.25.0955 060.25.1055 060.25.1155 060.25.1255 060.25.1355 060.25.1455 716 PLU20.644 572 690 归1-01 10-狈俅l 36 598 队.OOJ风帜4 泣7162!,00,8 OOJ.20脉4 672 790 阅饥0744 698 邸闷珑07从 他闪0741 部16为,00,8 40 岱741-01 PLU20.744 816 52 772 890 798 40 44 vsu卿4 48 VSU201似 砍诅肪衄 沁916为00.B 肆1-01 PLU20.844 40 44 00}, 你洲 \ISU黜 60 10-狈0841 916 1016 872 990 898 邸怮炖昢 00),20妫H S0.101汹,00.ll PLU20.944 67 10-闪00!1 霆1-01 PLU20.1094 1048 豁蚴处100! 10-闪佃l 77 怮妞1恨 1166 1022 1140 48 沁11邸00.B 岱1001-01 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 ing 四点接触球回转支承(英制系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearing (Inch Series) 四点接触球回转支承{ PU系列) Four point contact Ball slewing bearings (PU Series) 0da 。Li 1· n, 0dB. 户—0di 轻系列 Lioht seriP.s 轻系列 I roht�erie� 匕 H t Tl - ,h B1/ni 无茜型 Without gear 三 DaidllL.aldBln•ILI)Hlh 10,1d•I PU20.0220 16 PU20.0260 15 PU25.0380 45 Pl J?0.040S ?S PU25.0412 40 PU25.0433 42 PU30.0460 64 PU25.0475 46 PU40.0515 115 PU36.0545 94 655 435 615 PU30.0574 82 680 468 640 PU40.0586 115 704 468 664 PU36.0680 120 795 565 755 PU40.0785 155 900 670 860 PU36.0823 140 933 713 893 PU20.0897 67 976 818 944 PU36.0980 165 1090 870 1050 PU'15.1117 265 1238 995 1198 PU20.1125 PU40.1?13 PU20.1220 PU20.1244 PU60.1250 PU36.1350 PU60.1390 PUS0.1472 PU45.1578 PU25.1820 PU25.1932 PU40.2000 PU25.2300 PU30.2900 PUB0.315/J 27'10 2905 3313 di t - _ , H | _ _ VU140179 VU200220 VU200260 VU250380 VU20040S VU250412 VU250433 VU300460 VU250475 VU400515 VU360545 VU300574 VU400586 VU360680 VU400785 VU360823 VU200897 VU360980 VU'151117 VU201125 VU401?13 VU201220 VU201244 VU601250 VU361350 VU601390 VU501472 VU451578 VU251820 VU257932 VU402000 VU252300 VU302900 VU80315'1 0D, 0La T Ho 。H — ' H l na Hi 2b 1 安装尺寸Dimensions (mm) 8;:i/na 178 219 259 379 404 411 432 458 474 513 543 572 584 678 783 821 896 978 1115 1119 1124 1126 1?11 1?1S 1219 1221 1243 1245 1248 1252 1348 1352 180 221 261 381 40n 413 434 462 476 517 547 576 588 682 787 825 898 982 PU14.0179 7 30 41 '11 so 41 50 50 59 50 79 72 61 79 72 79 72 43 72 91 46 8? 46 46 118 75 118 1388 1392 100 1470 1474 91 1576 1580 55 1819 1921 55 1931 1933 86 1998 2002 59 2299 2301 68 2898 2902 158 3151 3157 234 302 329 485 474 501 522 568 562 646 124.5 214 138 191 275 ::!::ln 324 344 356 388 384 11 18 1'1 18 14 18 18 22 18 26 22 22 22 22 22 22 18 22 22 14 ?? 14 22 26 22 30 22 30 22 22 22 22 22 '18 144.5 170 215 307 �no 356 376 396 420 432 475 508 508 605 710 753 850 910 1035 1080 1135 1176 1186 1150 1278 1280 1384 1485 1754 1872 1924 2240 35 46 '16 55 4n 55 55 64 55 86 79 68 86 79 86 79 50 79 101 56 9? 56 56 128 85 128 1"'10 101 65 65 100 73 82 172 12 10 20 16 �o 18 20 18 20 18 24 20 36 30 36 36 36 44 60 80 5f'> 84 30 60 56 48 52 44 40 52 92 60 100 2835 6-1 270 305 453 4SO 469 490 524 530 598 Da Da Rgure2 Figure1 R:rn『•:j: 026 2.48 M6 2.48 0.354 3.149 MB 3.149 0.354 5.512 M8 5.512 0.4岱6.496 M10 6.496 0.562 6.89 5/8-11 6.89 0.594 6.89 0.562 6.89 5/8-11 6.89 I竺'IF:! I o. I�I ta I� FPX-050 FPX-OSOT FPX-065 FPX-065T FPX一122 FPX-122T FPX-143 FPX-143T FPX-145 FPX-145T FPX-145X FPX0-145 FPX0-145T FPX0-145X FPX-170 FPX-170T FPX-210 FPX-210T FPX-210X FPX0-210 FPX0-210T FPX0-210X 2 14.686 8268 13.19 ) I ffi I H lemo I "齿尸厂'jb I巴巴I 0.26 0.787 0.728 - 8 MS 0.787 0728 - 8 0.354 0.866 0.787 8 MB 0.866 0.787 - 12 0.354 1.3: 灼 1.142 - 12 MB 1岱9 1.142 - 12 0.4岱1.岱 9 1.142 - 12 M10 1.339 1.142 - 16 0.562 1.968 1.732 - 1.732 - 1.732 - 1.732 12 1.732 12 0.594 1.968 1.732 12 0.512 1.811 1.614 M12 1.811 1.614 0.562 1.575 1.496 - 5/8-11 1.575 1.496 - 0.594 1.968 1.732 20 0.562 1.575 1.4抡 14.4 20 5/8-11 1.575 1.4彷 14.4 20 0.594 1.968 1.732 14.4 4.331 4知 5.315 5.315 8.898 8.898 9.803 9.803 11.811 5.709 10.63 11.811 5.709 10.63 12. 花6 5.709 10.63 12.286 5. 709 10.63 12.200 5.709 10.63 12.286 5.709 10.63 12.205 6.693 11.024 12.205 6.693 11.024 14.37 8.268 13.19 14.37 8.268 13.19 14.686 8.268 13.19 14.686 8.268 13.19 14.686 8.268 13.19 1.968 3.818 1.968 2.559 4.724 2.559 4.724 4.803 8.189 4.803 8.189 5.63 5.63 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 8 MT0-050 MT0-050T MT0-065 MT0-065T MT0-122 MT0-122T MT0-143 MTE-143T MTE-145 MTE-145T MT0-145X MT0-145 MT0-145T MT0-145X MT0-170 MTE-170T MTE-210 MTE-210T MT0-210X MT0-210 MT0-210T MTE-210X 3.818 8.937 8.937 71 ?55 85 125 470 235 590 420 460 240 235 430 300 460 1194 1056 1170 1�30 1095 1 ?90 1290 1150 1266 1342 1146 1302 1398 1102 1350 1462 1238 1422 1554 1226 1500 1600 1340 1560 1752 1431 1671 1926 1714 1886 2032 1832 1992 2116 1884 2076 2400 2200 2360 3005 2795 2965 16 16 16 16 5/8-11 1.968 0.594 1.968 0.562 1.968 5/8-11 1.968 1 2 2 2 1 切 . 切 劝 60 60 60 1.732 1.732 1.732 16 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 0.594 0.512 7.874 M12 7.874 0.562 9.449 5/8-11 9.449 0.594 9.449 0.562 9.449 5/8-11 9.449 0.594 9.449 6.89 16 12 12 20 20 20 3'1。3 2995 5/7 切 5/7 2 2 72 72 72 1.496 1.496 1.496 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
ls: 心��i已己已;已::一已己已;�1正了暹`,」 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 u 交叉滚子回转支承(XRUA系列) Crossed rolle「 slewing bearings (XRUA Series) Bi/nf di di 轻系列 Light se「ies il H H 。H l ' - Hi Ho 2b i — i 外齿型 External gear 一 . h Ba/na H Figure2 _ ,国四匾国 1.732 1.732 1.7饺 1.732 1.732 2.022 2.063 2.022 2.063 2.063 2. 陨 2. 陨 2. 邸 2. 陨 2.oo.1 2.563 2.563 2妖订 2.563 2.88 2.88 3.875 3.875 46.8 幻 Da 厅gure1 0D1 0L蠡 0d。 0Da n 巨日 XRUA 12.0235 XRUA 18.0309 XRUA 16.0407 XRUA26.0475 XRUA 14. 0540 XRUA26.0560 XRUA24.0574 XRUA 16.0596 XRUA 14.0640 XRUA24.0685 XRUA20.0720 XRUA 14.0753 XRUA20.0810 XRUA20.0818 XRUAOS.0845 XRUA22.0895 XRUA28.0995 - 1 1 1 ? 2 2 1 1 MT0-265 MT0-265T MT0-265X MTE-26.5 MTE-26.5T MTE-265X MT0-324T MT0-324X MTE-324T MTE-324X MTE-415 MTE-415T MTE-470 MTE-470T MTE-540 MTE-540T MTE-590 MTE-590T MTE-705 MTE-705T MTE-730 MTE-730T MTE-870 MTE-870T FPX-265 FPX-265T FPX-265X FPX0-2防 FPX0-265T FPX0-265X FPX-324T FPX-324X FPX0-324T FPX0-324X FPX0-415 FPX0-415T FPX0-470 FPX0-470T FPX0-540 FPX0-540T FPX0-590 FPX0-590T FPX0-705 FPX0-705T FPX0-730 FPX0-730T FPX0-870 FPX0-870T 1.968 1.968 1.968 1部 1. 扮8 1.968 2.062 2.375 ?.邸 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2375 2375 2.375 2.875 2.875 2875 2.875 3.25 3.25 4.25 4.25 1.732 16.535 10.433 15.354 16. 邸10.433 15.3.54 17.086 10.433 15泌4 17.086 10.43.1 15.154 17.086 10.433 15.354 17.086 20.486 20.486 20.486 20.486 24.65 24.65 筏9 26.9 29.65 为6.'i 坊.534 汾.534 38.201 38.201 41. 防 41. 肪 47.444 47.444 34.25 18 18 18 讯 18 18 20 20 20 20 16 16 18 18 24 24 18 18 24 24 20 20 24 24 1.732 1.732 1.732 16.8 16.8 16.8 84 84 84 切 切 叩 XA180309N XA160407N XA260475N XA140540N XA2.60560N XA2.40574N XA160596N XA140640N XA240685N XA200720N XA140753N XA2.00810N XA200818N XA2.80845N XA220895N XA280995N 235 335 259 359 4 10 495 496 508 542 595 617 662 706 762 760 770 830 922 408.4 503.3 598.2 382 640.3 471 24 30 36 40 28 18 24 44 24 30 28 24 36 40 32 40 30 33 64 39 90 84 63 50 1 15 87 65 158 100 200 145 212 13 13 16 13 18 18 18 13 22 18 18 18 18 22 22 22 52.5 52.5 45 60 41 61 42 48 43 61 52 43 73 53 80 61 73 359 455 540 585 624 640 650 685 753 780 800 870 875 920 960 1068 60 50 65 48 68 77 55 50 68 59 50 90 60 87 68 83 400 495 588 630 690 685 702 732 816 834 852 944 930 990 1024 1 140 80 99 98 105 69 137 117 122 102 139 142 118 155 99 128 114 5 5 6 6 10 5 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 10 8 10 10.433 15. 的4 12.75 18.875 12.75 18.875 12.75 18.875 12.75 18.875 16.25 22.25 16.25 22.25 18.5 18.5 21.25 27.25 21.25 27.25 23.125 30.625 23.125 30.625 27.75 27.75 28.75 2875 34.25 45 60 41 61 42 48 43 61 52 43 73 53 80 61 73 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.022 2.063 2.063 2.063 2.063 2.063 2.063 2.063 2.563 2.563 2.563 2.563 2.63 2.63 3.875 3.875 20.2 20.2 24.5 24.5 26.5 26.5 29、25 29.25 33 33 37.67 37.67 41.2 41.2 46.8 101 101 97 97 106 106 117 117 99 99 113 113 loo loo 117 117 切 初 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 坏 坏 坏 456 480 708 695 712.3 510 742.3 830.1 844.3 630 862.3 674 964 940.1 1008 1038.1 790 1158 882 24.5 24.5 571 577 2 2 2 730 728 730 35.25 35.25 38 38 43.875 43.875 2 2 2 2 2 2 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 交叉滚子回转支承(XRU系列) Crossed roller slewing bearing (XRU Series) Light series Without gear ' 丿望邸` 巴罩芷日-叩l�ftf归mm■-庐 XRU16.0220 XRU18.0412 XRU30.0515 XRU30.0586 XRU16.0897 XRU30.1213 XRU26. 1350 XRU30.1578 XRU20.2300 交叉滚子回转支承(XRUI系列) Crossed roller slewing bearing (XRUI Series) Light series Internal gear +0.025 ` 0d1 MB 轻系列 0Da, Dan 轻系列 n_a 仍cl� BI 0La DL 0D1 - 无齿型 内齿型 矗 \ ' 0D &---0.04 } H _ b Figurei 6.6 14 18 26 22 18 22 22 30 22 Figure2 11 - 0d1 0do XRUOS.00力1 XRU16.0260 XRU18.0433 XRU30.0515 XRU28.0680 XRU26.0980 XRU16.12 20 XnU40.1390 XRU20.1820 XRU22.2900 1.4 15 40 115 11 5 67 112 329 522 655 795 1090 870 1050 1290 1150 1266 1554 1226 1500 1926 1714 1886 3005 2795 2965 40 191 324 384 468 818 97 305 469 598 664 944 6 20 18 18 36 36 56 56 44 60 56 215 356 432 508 850 1135 1278 1485 101 2240 22 46 55 86 86 50 92 85 65 82 21 41 50 79 79 72 82 75 91 1576 1580 59 74 259 411 513 584 896 1211 1215 1348 1352 55 1819 1921 68 77.5 261 413 517 588 898 5.5 XU050077 XU160260 XU180433 XU24054S XU280680 XU260980 XU161220 XU401390 XU201820 XU222900 0u `� XU160220 XU180412 XU300515 XU300586 XU160897 XU301213 XU26 1350 XU301578 XU202300 XRU06.0094 XRU18.0380 XRU2 2.0460 XRU 220574 邓U26.0823 XRU16.1125 XRU401250 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 55 55 79 79 79 56 128 118 1388 i 392 65 2995 172 158 3151 3157 70 307 376 475 605 910 1176 25 50 50 72 72 91 46 93.4 94.6 379 432 543 678 978 1219 1221 15 6 XU060094 XU180380 XU220460 XU220S74 XU260823 XLJ1611?5 XU161244 XU341472 XU181932 XU603150 巨酝暹配凛酝蠲图l!llllllllill酝蠲匾2昌酝罩匾蠲 302 501 646 704 976 255 1330 1095 1290 235 460 300 0du, d立 XU120179 XU160405 XU180475 XRU12.0179 XRU16.0405 XRUlB.0475 2 2 2 2 2 7 25 46 234 124. 5 214 474 562 11 14 18 12 144.5 30 20 35 46 55 30 41 bO 178 404 474 180 406 476 2 2 2 16 138 270 18 10 170 46 41 219 221 2 45 42 94 120 165 85 590 240 460 485 568 680 933 1194 1056 1170 1398 1102 1350 1725 1431 1671 2400 2200 2360 275 344 435 565 453 490 615 755 18 18 22 22 22 14 30 22 22 76 20 24 30 44 84 48 1280 40 1754 1 00 2835 381 434 547 682 982 I _ 340 520 752 336 388 450 530 360 420 对应型号 安装尺寸Dimensions (mm) Equival础 Xlf2嘀N 耶啼N 邸0720N 邸1100N 2 2 2 2 2 64 82 140 71 470 356 468 713 524 640 893 22 22 22 14 26 18 20 36 80 60 396 508 753 1080 1150 128 64 68 79 56 59 61 43 46 118 1248 1252 458 572 821 11?4 1126 462 576 825 兰世 XRU112.0420 XRUl18.0635 XRUl18.0865 Da IDa ztl di I Di I da Ida ztl H I h I T I la I LI I叫nal dB I do I m I z I b I INA XRUl12.0288 XRUl16.0489 XRUl20.0720 XRUl20.1100 12 340 338 216 289 562 560 384 490 812 810 584 721 1200 1198 950 1101 1099 1097 70 54 287 285 488 486 719 717 38 45 58 33 40 51 5 6 8 8 324 252 538 440 780 660 1160 1040 30 20 40 40 9 14 396 18 22 224 4 6 8 56 66 75 97 34 40 51 60 Xl120420N Xl18邸N Xl18吹卧l 14 18 18 34 47 47 486 484 332 421 722 720 504 636 952 950 736 866 864 419 417 634 632 39 54 54 23 35 84 93 34 47 47 5 7 8 4 8 8 85 65 94 462 378 690 580 920 810 16 24 20 XRU30.0785 XRU30.11 17 XRU16.1244 XRU34.1472 XRU18.1932 XRU60.3150 2 2 2 2 2 2 155 265 125 420 235 2740 3403 2905 3313 900 1238 995 1198 1342 1146 1302 1600 1340 1560 2032 1832 1992 670 860 22 22 22 22 22 48 36 60 30 52 52 1872 64 710 1035 101 1186 1384 110 100 1470 1474 55 1931 1933 86 79 91 1115 1119 46 783 787 XU300785 XU301117 67 600 970 10 862 150 2 2 2 2 56 1243 1245 XU401250 1462 1238 1422 XRU30.2000 2 430 2116 1884 2076 22 92 1924 1 00 86 1998 2002 XU302000 73 2299 2301 2898 2902 40 I Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
I ,_匕畸______:0d, w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 交叉滚子回转支承(XRSA系列) Crossed roller slewing bearing (XRSA Series) 轻系列 交叉滚子回转支承(XRSI系列) Crossed roller slewing bearing (XRSI Series) 轻系列 Light series 内齿型 Light series 外齿型 0Da O匕 Da 0 External gear Internal gear na 00. nu 0 0 D 」 40144,6 20' 44.5 职M1 口二百s ,44.5 4.5 �I I, 0d, 0L, 20 二0do Flgure2 霆 O匕 0do O心 0Da 00. n, 厅gure1 Rgure1 Flgure2 对应型号 INA 内部凿俄 ?reload 齿轮参数 do m I 厂 B 1 安装尺寸Dimensioo("'11) 安装尺寸D1mensmns(面) 1 C I D I艺寻启 墓本型号尸严 XRSl14.414 XRS114凶 XRSl14.844 XRSl14.1094 甚本型号1酌严 XRSA14.414 XRSA14.644 XRSA14.844 XRSA14.1邸 Gearteeth 5 6 8 E叩ival钏 z I 105尥14炽N 138 XSA140744N 129 XSA 140944N Running accuracy 预技 皿 11 Basic type如旧W淳 XRSl14.544 XRSl14.744 XRSl14.944 Basic type加呻 心 28 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.01-0.03 630 36 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.01-0.04 828 40 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.01-0.05 1032 8 dilDildalLalLilni 44 640.3 474 547 543 585 498 32 59 838.3 674 747 743 785 698 40 77 1046 874 947 943 985 898 44 B C di Di da la Li ni/na I A Da 614 444 545 541 590 505 32 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.01-0.03 456 814 648 745 741 790 705 40 0.05 0.05 0,09 0.08 0.01-0.04 660 1014 840 945 941 990 905 D 0a 31 50 69 91 1164 984 1095 1091 1140 1055 48 O.o? O.o? 0.11 0.11 0.01-0.05 1000 8 125 XSl1401份4N 32 503.3 344 417 413 455 368 24 52 742.3 574 647 643 685 598 36 71 950.1 774 847 843 885 798 40 91 1198 1024 1097 1093 1135 1048 48 20 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.01-0.03 495 32 0.05 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.D1-0.04 732 36 0.06 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.01-0.04 936 44 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.01-0.05 1184 8 99 XSA140414N 122 XSA14吹4N 117 YSA 140844N 148 XSA1册1004N 484 325 415 411 460 375 24 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.01-0.03 335 5 714 546 645 641 690 605 36 0 05 0.05 0.08 0.08 0.01-0.04 558 6 914 738 845 841 890 805 40 0.06 0.06 0,09 0.09 0.01-0.04 752 67 岱11怅14N 93 汹1归 94 汹1�4N XRSA14.544 XRSA14.7丛 XRSA14. 如 XSll晌 43 58 76 76 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 110 XSll咐744N 8 107 XSl1晌 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 44 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.09 0.01-0.05 858 2 2 如有其它技术要求,请在订货时特别说明 2.lf you have other requirements, please specify when ordering 如有其它技术要求,诸在订货时特别说明 2.lf you have other requirements, please specify when ordering Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 回转支承的选型计算 Selection and Caculalion for Slewing Bearing 交叉滚子回转支承(XRSU系列) Crossed roller slewing bearing (XRSA Series) 1. 回转支承承载情况Loading conditions of slewing bearing 回转支承所承受的作用力包括 ; 总轴向力Fa(104N), 总倾复力矩M(104N·M)。在力矩作用平面的总径向力 Fr(104N)。选型计算时, 静态工况下回转支承所承受的作用力Fa、 M、 Fr和动态工况所承受的作用力Fa、 M、 Fr 应分别计算。 如果主机做提升动作, 则提升载荷应乘以提升惯性系数K, K=1.25。 通常情况下, 回转支承的安装方式分为座式安装和悬挂式安装 , 如图1。 The loading of the slewing bearing includ contact: axial fo「ce Fa(104N), toque moment M(104N · M)and redial force Fr(104N).When selection and calculation, the Fa、 M、 Fr at static or dynamic loading should be calculate separately. If the main machine do elevating, the elevating loading should multiply inertia coefiicient K K=1. 25 In general condition, the installing methods for slewing bearings are divided into types of horizontal installation and suspended installation.See Figure 1. 座式安装 Horizontal installation 勹 丁勹 图1. (Figure 1.) 轻系列 Light series 无齿型 Without gear 001 O匕 0Da 归 安装尺寸Dimells�ns(mm) I 厂 产1 XRSU14.544 1 M 占 I Da I d忭Ina/ni I u I叶叶 AI B I叶。Ip: 产 614 474 590 32 498 545 543 Running accuracy 484 XRSU14.414 460 415 645 643 。肢05 745 743 28 344 24 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.01-0.03 0.04 0.04 O.Dl 0.06 413 388 戏)140414 悬挂式安装 Suspended installation 0.01-0.03 38 44 XSU140544 XSU1蜘 0.05 0.08 0.07 0.01-0.04 XRSU14.644 574 36 598 714 690 XRSU14.744 790 40 698 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.08 XSU140744 814 674 0.01-0.04 52 845 843 945 943 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.09 774 60 890 40 44 XRSU14.844 0.06 0.06 0,09 0.08 XSU1卿 798 0.01-0.04 914 M 巠—:二A 1014 874 XRSU14.944 67 n 898 0.01-0,05 990 XSU1黜 1 Fa 1164 1024 1140 48 1048 1095 1093 0.07 0.07 0.11 0.11 0.01-0.05 XSU1401004 XRSU14.1094 2、 回转支承选型需要的技术参数承载情况 Technical Data for selecting the types of slewing beanng a回转支承所承受的载荷: 总径向力Fr(104N)总轴向力Fa (104 N), 总倾覆力矩M (104 N · m) b每种载荷及其所占用作业时间的百分比 C. 在每种载荷作用下回转支承能转速或转数 d作用在齿轮上能圆周力 e. 回转支承的尺寸 公司制定了回转支承选型技术参数表见附录1、 附录2、 附录3。 注; 1、 2、 如有其它技术要求, 话在订货时特别说明 Note: 1.Detailed technical parameter in wcb company technical drawings 2.lf you have other requirements. please specify when ordering Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 I ( a=60") Fa'= (Fa+5.046Fr) "fs II (a=45°) Fa'= (1.225Fa+2.67 6Fr)会fs M'=1.22SM•fs 式中: Fa'一回转支承当进中心轴向力 ,Central axial forces acted on the Slewing bearing, 104N; M '一回转支承当壳倾复力矩,Turnover torques acted on the Slewing bearing 104-Nm; ts一回转支承静态工况下安全系数(见表1) Safety factor coefficient of the slewing bearind under static working condition { Table1) A 1.2、 按动态工况校核寿命Checkout slewing life time according to dynamic loading I ( a=60°) Fa'= (Fa+5.046Fr)•td M'=M"fd II (a=45°) Fa'= (1.225Fa+2.676Fr)食fd M'= 1.22SM•fd 式中: Fd一回转支承动态工况下安全系数(见表1) Safety factor of the slewing bearing under dynamic working condition (Table 1 ) M'=M*fs a. The loading of the slewing bearing should be support: axial force Fa(104 N)torque moment M(104 N·m) and radia force Fr(10" N). b.开ne percentage of the every loading may be occupied during the operation. c. The rotation speed and ratation number of the slewing bearing at the operation condition d. Periphery forces that the gear should be supported on. e. The installation dimensions of slewing bearing. Our company set three forms of technique Parameters which would help you to select the slewing bearing, see appendix 1 , appendix 2, appendix 3. The Loading capacity curve of slewing bearing 4、 回转支承承载能力曲线 产品样本中每一型号回转支承对应一个承载能力曲线图, 曲线图形式如图 2: In the product catalogue, each type of slewing bearing has one curye correspondingly, form llke Figure 2: A2、 双排异径球式选型计算 Double-row different diameter ball type A2.1 、 按静态工况选型Select type according to static loading Fa'=Fa食fs A2.2、 按动态工况校核寿命 Checkout slewing life time according to dynamic loading Fa'=Fa'fd M' =M叩 ,. Nm) M(1 M·=M*fs I I 1080 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 卜、 ^ L,,- I I I I/ ,�h V / \、 i'--- I I f./ 810 A3、 单排交叉滚柱式选型计算 Single-row cross roller type A3.1 、 按静态工况选型Select type according to static loading Fa'= (F::i+2.0fiFr) *fs A3.2、 按动态工况校核寿命 Checkout slewing life time according to dynamic loading Fa'= (Fa+2.05Fr) *fd M'=M*fd -- 久 ~、 I X 8.1:l 图2. (Figure2.) / " M'=M"fs 540 V ✓ 卜 I \义1 270 ,......_ "{, I 。 I I A4 、 三排滚柱式选型计算Triple - row roller type A4 1 、 按静态工况选型Select type according to static loading Fa'=Fa"fs M'=M"fs A42、 按动态工况校核寿命Checkout slewing life time according to dynamic loading Fa'=Fa会fd M --- Fa(10'N) .� 蠡^ 曲线图中有两种类型曲线, 一类为静态承载曲线(1线) , 表示回转支承静止状态时所承受的最大负荷。 另 一类为回转支承螺栓极限负荷曲线(8.8 级 、 10.9 级),它是在螺栓夹持长度为螺栓公称直径的 5倍, 预紧力为 螺栓屈服极限的70%时确定的。 There are two curves in the curye diagram. which indicating the loading capability of the revolving support The first is the static loading curve that indicates the maximum loading capability when revolving support is keep-ing static condition(Line1).The second is the Loading limit curyes for bolls which is loining with the revolving support (class 8.8 class 10.9)The clamping length of l'he bolt is 5 times of its nominal diameters. The pre-tightening force of the bolt is determined by the mate rials I =M*fd A5、 安装螺栓的强度校核Checkout of the bolts'intensity 在承载曲线困中, 按静态工况计箕出来的总轴向力Fa和总倾复力矩M的交点. 应落在所选的8.8级 、 10.9 级螺栓承载曲线的下方。 回转支承与主机安装时, 安装螺栓的预紧力应达到螺栓材料屈服强度的0.7倍。 “承载力曲线图请向我公司索取 . 或参考JB IT 2300 1999标准” In the loading capacity curve, the point of Fa and M which are calculated according Lo static loading. should under the Ga.a and G10.9 bolt's loading capacity curve. When install to the main machine. the pre-tightening of the bolt is determined by the materials'yield limit times 0.7. "You could get the graph from our company, or consult the standard JB / T 2300-1999" 、yield limlt times 0. 7 The method of slewing bearing selection and calculation 4、 回转支承的选型计算方法 A1、 单排四点接触球式选型计釭 Single row fou r point contact bal type A1.1、 按静态工况选型, 选型计算分别按承载角60'和45两种悄况进行 Select type according to static loading, the selection and calculation is made acco rding to their loading angle of 60'and 45'respectively. 4 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 回转支承运输及安装要求 The Requirement for Slewing Bearings'Transportation and Installation 表1. 回转支承安全系数 Table 1 Safety Factor Table of Slewing Bearing (fs-static, fd-dynam1c) 回转支承型式 Slewing Bearing type 1、 运轮Transportation 01 11, 13 0.2 应用主机 Main Machine used 回转支承运输时必须水平放置, 并加以牵固, 切勿碰撞。 The slewing bearing should be parallel placed, tigl1tened rigidly and should not be touched or st「uck in transportation. 安全系数 Safety Coefficient fs fd 1.36 1.55 1.71 fs fd fs fd 1.00 1.15 1.26 1.00 1.00 1.13 1.23 1.07 Mf�O.SM 0.5M<Mf<0.8M M彦0.888M 上回转式 Tow Revolving TYpe 建筑用 塔式起重机 Tower Crance 2、 安装支架的要求Requirement for installation frame 1.25 1.25 1.25 与回转支承配合联接的支架一般都采用筒形结构,筒体壁厚处与滚道中心对齐为录佳。如图3. The frame that joins and connects with the slewing bearing is generally adopted with tube shaped construction. It is optimized to put the wall of the tube shaped body uniform with the center of raceway as Figure 3. 下回转式Bottom Revolving Type 轮式起重机、 堆取料机及各种工作台 Wheel typw Crane,Luad and unload Machine,and all kinds of Work-tables 1.36 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 为保证回转支承正常灵活运转, 安装支架必须有足够的刚度和强度, 见表2。焊接工序后应进行消除内应 力处理,安装基面必须进行机械加工, 平面度应控制在一定范围,(见表3)。 In order to guarantee the slewing bearing running flexibility.the installing frame Should have enough rigidity and strength(see Table 2). After welded, ii must be treated to eliminate the internal stress. The installing surfaces should be controlled within its acceptable ranging value. (see Table 3) 悬臂式起重机、 港口起重机, 各种装卸机械 Suspending Crane, Harbor Crane, Varies of Load and Unload machinery 1.55 1.25 1.15 1.13 1.25 皮带运输机、 装卸用塔式起重机和履带起重机 Belt Conveyer used Toqer Crane and Caterpillar Crane 1.71 1.10 1.26 1.25 1.23 抓斗及拉铲挖掘机` 挖泥机、 浮游起垂机 Grab or Drawing bucket type Excavator ,Dredger, Floating Crance 1.45 1.71 1.62 1.45 2.50 斗容量小于1.6mm3的挖掘机 Excavator its bucket volume�1.6rn3 1.45 1.25 1.26 斗容量等于或大千1.6mm3的挖掘机 Excavator its bucket volume�1.6m3 1.75 3.00 1.45 1.75 冶金用起重机` 斗轮挖掘机`隧道掘进机 Crane for Metallurgy, Bucket Excavator, Tunneling Dig Machine 3.50 1.45 1.75 2.00 注: Mf为蔽小幅度时空载恢复力矩。 Remark: The Torque could be recovered when idle time if the Mf is at its minimums range. 贵公司可以参照本公司样本来选择合适的支承型号 . 也可以将附录1或附录2中的技术数据填好 . 也可 以同时将小齿轮的技术参数表(附录3)填好, You may select the proper series of slewing bearing according to this product catalogue sample bulletin. Otherwise, you may fll the technical data according to Appendix 1 or Appendix 2. Of course. you could fill the smal gears'technical references (See Appendix 3). Then fax them to us We would help you to selet the proper slewing bearing that you agreed. 一并传真给我们来设计选型, 然后由双方共同确认u 图3 (Figure 3.) 49 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
螺栓就符合GB/f5782-2000和GB/f 2783-2000的规定 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 的0.7倍,见表4。 The specifications of bolts should be meet stanaards of GB斤5782-2000 ana GB{T5783-2000. Their strength class should not less than the regulation specified by class 8. 8 of GB/T3098 1-2000. The strength class could be selected according to practica working conaition and actualloads of the slewing bearing would be born. It must make sure to have enough pre- tighten forces when installation Generally. the per一 righten to「ce would be 0.7 times of the yield limit of bolt. (see table 4) 螺栓夹紧长度Lk�5d (d-螺栓宜径). 螺栓杻紧顺序按图4; 螺母应符合GB斤6170-2000和GB斤6175-2000 的规定 行调质处理,不得使用弹簧垫圈。 The fixture length of the bolt Lk;?::5d (d the bolt diameter). please tight the bolts according to the sequences indicated in the Figure 4. The specifications of screw nut should be met the need of GB厅3098. 2-2000. The spacer must meet the need of GB{T97 .1 -1985 and GB{T97 .2-1985. They are all heat for temper hardening It should not be used of any spring washers. 表2. 最大允许负荷下的挠度 Table 2. Maximum twisting changeable value under maximum permissible loading 滚道中心亘径 Centering diameter of Rolling raceway D(mm) >1000 >1500 >2000 >2500 >3000 >3500 >4000 >4500 >5000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 2.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1000 0.6 4500 3.0 5000 3.5 4000 2.5 55004 4.0 , 其械性能应符合GB!f3098.2-2000的规定 ; 垫圈应符合GB斤197.1-1985和GB厅97.2-1985的规定,需进 支架平面品大挠度 Maximum twist of Frame nlate Amax (mm) 0.8 3.0 1.5 2.5 3.5 1.0 2.0 0.6 4.0 1.2 表3. 包含角偏差在内的平面度许可值 Table 3. Permissible plane value including angular deviation 滚道中心直径 Centering diameter of Rolling raceway 安装支架平面度(mm) Plane value of the installation frame 4 单排四点接触式 Single- row four point contact type 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.30 0.40 双排球式 Double一row ball type 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.50 滚柱式 Rollertype DL (mm) ~1000 >1000~1500 >1500~2000 >2000~2500 >2500~4000 >4000~6000 0.10 0.12 0.15 0.17 0.20 0.30 °-180 。区域 注表3中数值为最大值 , 在180°的扇形区域内允许有一处波峰达到该值, 并在0 内平稳上升或下降。 不允许忽升忽降 , 以避免峰值负荷。 Note: The value listed in table 3 are the maximum value The re is only one place permissible to reach this value in 180°of fan area. Meanwnlle. it should be stably Increased or decreased in these from 0 and 90 °'90 °-90 °to 90 ° °so as to avoid the peak value. °to 180 3、安装Installation 将回转支承水平吊放于支架安装基面上,用塞尺检查接触情况 , 如有间隙,可用垫片局部填充。堵塞处即 软带位置要位千非负荷区或非经常负荷区。 Suspend and place down horizontally the Slewing bearing on the plane of frame installlng fundmental basement. Use the plug gauge to check t11eir contact condition. Fil in partially with placer if there is clearance. The Place ot plug should be located at the non-loading area or non-always loadlng area. 3 , 强度等级不得低千GB/f 3098.1-2000 规定的 8.8级,根据实际工况下支承受力惜况选择合适的强度等级, 安装时要保证有足够的预紧力,一般为螺栓屈服极限 Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
1 、 回转支承出厂时滚道内已涂有少进的2号极压悝基润滑脂(8B7324-1994), 使用时 , 用户应根据不同 w enchen@ w cbeari ng. com w w w . w cbeari ng. com w hatsapp: +8617702586093 回转支承的使用维护 表4. 螺栓的预紧扭矩或预紧力 Table 4 Pre tightening torque or forces of bolts The Maintenance of The Slewing Bearing 螺栓强度等级(GBrf3098.1-2000) Bolt's strength class I 的工作条件重新充满新的润滑脂时, 应使回转机构慢速转动, 边转边注油, 使润滑脂填充均匀, 直到密封处有润 滑脂挤出, 表示旧脂已被取代。特殊工作环境中, 如热带、 湿度大、 灰尘多 、 温度变化大以及连续工作时, 应缩 安装孔直径 The diameter of moutina holes (mm) 螺栓规格 Specifications of the bolts 8.8 10.9 12.9 螺栓材科的屈服强度极限cr s min(N/mm2) Yield strength llmit of bolt material 短润滑脂周期n 2、 机器长期停止运转的前后也必须加足新的润滑脂。 3 、 暴露在外的齿面 , 应经常清除齿面杂物 , 并涂以相应的润滑脂。 4 、 回转支承首次运行100小时后 , 就检查螺栓的预紧力。 以后每运转500小时检查一次, 必须保持足够的 预紧扭矩Pre-tightening torque MA(N·m) 44 75 M10 11 62 M12 13.5 77.5 130 110 螺栓预紧力。 15.5 120 170 210 M14 5 、 使用过程中, 如发现噪音、 冲击、 功率突然增大, 应立即停机检查, 排除故障, 必要时需拆检支承。 6、 使用过程中禁止用水直接冲刷回转支承, 以防水进入滚道。 7 、 严防较硬异物接近或进入支承齿啃合区。 8 、 经常检查密封圈的完好恬况, 如果发现密封圈破损应及时更换, 如发现脱落应及时复位。 M16 18 190 265 320 435 M18 20 260 365 22 370 520 620 M20 24 500 700 840 M22 1. The slewino berninos had heen filled :=i sm:=ill quantity of N0.2 lithium h;:ised ore:=ise (GB7�24-1994) in 26 900 640 1080 M24 its rolling race before delivery. Consumers should fill the grease newly according to ditferent workong condition bifore use it. Generally. it is necessary to fill in greas once eveny 100 hours for ball type biaring, and 950 1350 1620 30 M27 33 1300 2160 1800 M30 once every 50 hours for roller type support. When filling in lithium based grease, it must make the grease even till the grease out off from the sealing place. The filling period should be shortened if there is the special Pre-tightening force FA(103N) 预紧力 495 36 412 293 M33 wording condition such as at the torrid zone, high humidity, severe dust, large temperature variation and long continuing working time. 39 344 484 581 M36 M39 42 698 414 484 2. It should bi filled with new g「ease bifore and after the machine being long time stop wording. 3. The gear faces exposed in air should periodically cleande and spread with appropriate oil on it 45 476 665 798 M42 553 932 48 777 M45 4. Please check the pre-tighten force of the bolts after first 100 working hours of the slewing bear-ing. And after then check it once every 500 hours running. It must be always kept enough pre-tighten force. 876 1050 52 623 M48 749 1054 1265 56 M52 5. Stop and checd the machine during operation if there is abnormal noise, vibration occurred or suddenly power rose. Remove the trouble or dismantle it for repairing if necessary. 62 863 1214 1457 M56 66 1008 1418 1621 6. Should not rinse directly the slewing bearing with water during operation so as to avoid the wanter M60 entering to the rolling race 注:螺栓头部与被夹紧面之间的总摩擦系数µ=0 14, 螺纹处允许涂以少许油。 Note: The total friction factor between the bolt head and lightning faceµ=0.14. it might be smeared a lot of soft oils on the thread location. 7. Should not allow any hard things enter inito the mesh of gears 8. Regularly check the seal ring is ok or not. Replace it If it Is damaged and reset it when IL is fallen. Skype: youl i te2016 Q Q : 2940894886 w echat: 17702586093
Mr. Wen Chen Mr. Wen Chen Overseas Marketing Manager WCB BEARING CO.,LTD (Slewing Bearing Factory) WCB BEARING CO.,LTD (Slewing Bearing Factory) Overseas Marketing Manager Phone:+8617702586093 QQ: 2940894886 Skype: youlite2016 Whatsapp: +8617702586093 Wechat: 17702586093 Whatsapp: +8617702586093 Wechat: 17702586093 Phone:+8617702586093 QQ: 2940894886 Skype: youlite2016 Email: wenchen@wcbearing.com Email: wenchen@wcbearing.com Website: http://www.wcbearing.com/ Website: http://www.wcbearing.com/ ADD: Yunlong District, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, 221000, China ADD: Yunlong District, XuZhou City, JiangSu Province, 221000, China