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Things you should avoid while having your company’s e-commerce storedesigned Online stores have opened up a lot of opportunities for businesses as they focus on getting in touch with their customers and sell their products and services. One of the main benefits of online shopping stores is that it allows people to buy products and services 24/7 from any place in the world as long as they are ready to supply that location. By having a digital store instead of a brick-and-mortar one, a business can have a lot of flexibility in terms of running their enterprise such as not being limited to a single store in terms of space or having a team of front office customer representatives. Nevertheless, there are certain things that you must never do when you are trying to boost the prospects of your online shoppingstore. Here are some of the things that you should strictly avoid when you are looking to have your very own online shopping website. Lack of sufficient product-relatedinformation When customers visit your online website, they are expecting to find all product information that they can get before they can make their purchasing decision. Insufficient information will eventually lead the customertovisitsomeotherwebsitewhereheorshecangetallthevitalinformationhe/sheneedsbefore buying the product. Even if you are offering your products at reduced prices, you should still make the extra effort in offering all the relevant information relating to the product. You need to remember that while traditional stores allow a customer to gauge the product clearly before buying it, the online store can present all relevant information to help the customer in making an important purchasing decision. For instance, if you are offering fabrics and clothing products, you should provide information about the type of fabric or material, size, colors, thickness as well as fabricweight. The Long and tiresome checkoutprocess Ifyouhavearatherlongandtediouscheckoutprocess,thenitcannegativelyimpacttheonlinereputation of your website. You must keep the checkout process as simple and easy as possible. The customers should also be able to rely on your website with their debit card or credit card information while completing their orders. It is never wise to include a lot of steps in the checkout process as this may lead the customers to simply leave without actually completing the order. The best thing to do during the checkout process is to offer order details to the customers before he/she chooses to edit order details in case it is required. In the next step, the customer should be prompted for the delivery address, payment details, and contact details. Once the order has been placed successfully, the website should present a confirmation page. Hence the checkout process should not be more than 3 or 4 stepslong. Making it mandatory for the customer to create an account before placing theorder Whenapersonislookingto placeanorderonyourwebsite,youmust helpthecustomertogettheorder placed quickly instead of prioritizing the process of signing up with your website. This is because in this way you can lose some of the prospective customers. One of the ways you can avoid this hassle is by encouragingthecustomertosavehisorherdetailswhileplacingtheordersothatthesignupprocesscan beavoided.Thewebsiteshouldbebuiltinsuchawaythattheirinformationcanbesavedforthefuture
so that their current order can be tracked. They can also use this saved data to place new orders in the future. In this way, the customers can save their personal information and would not be encouraged to leave the site while keeping their ordersunfinished. A poor or inefficient search engine for your shoppingwebsite Your online shopping portal should have a well-functioning search engine that allows your customers to lookfortheproductsthattheyarelookingtofind.Therearedifferentkindsofcustomersandsomepeople tend to know very well what they are looking for. Instead of looking through hundreds of different kinds of products, they are more focused on buying specific things that they have in mind. You should have the search engines on your website designed in such a way that it streamlines your customers’ searching process so that they get what they want in a smaller span of time. The search engine should be able to refine and specify the search results so that they easily find what they are trying to find. The customers shouldbeabletofilterthesearchresultsaccordingtocolor,size,brandnameaswellasotherparameters. The customers should be able to search for products according to price range and newproducts. Poor quality product images or insufficientpictures When customers are buying goods from your website, they must have access to the best quality images of the products so that they can have a clear idea of the items that they are looking to buy. Make sure thatyouhaveimagesoftheproductsfromallanglessothatthecustomerscandevelopaclearideaabout the products. The images should be of high resolution and can be zoomed for better viewing. You should also present multiple images so that the customers can develop a better understanding of theproducts. Not having adequate paymentoptions You should arrange for many different types of payment options on your website so that people have no troublewhenthey arelookingto buygoodsfromyourstore. Forinstance,youshouldarrangeforcashon delivery or COD, PayPal, bank transfers, and other payment gateways so that your customers have no troubleinmanagingtheirpayments.Manystoresthathavehigh-pricedproductstoofferalsoprovideEMI options to theircustomers. Not showing similar products In many cases, your customers may find that the products that they were originally looking for are not available.Undersuchcircumstances,yourstoreshouldbeabletoguidethecustomerstosimilarproducts made by other brands and manufacturers so that your customers have better options in picking the products that they originally intended to buy. This can work out for fashion items as well as for software products and mobilephones. Following these above guidelines can help you to boost your chances of success with your online site and encourage others to buy goods from your onlinestore.