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Biodiversity is a new concept that defines u201cnatureu201d as the source of a variety of benefits granted by nature to humans through its disintegration into small units. Beyond ecology, it involves society, culture, politics and the economy. We must consider the foundation of our livelihood as well as ngo working for conservation of biodiversity. The lack of funds and people to take part are the main challenges.
How Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) are Protecting Biodiversity Around the World There are no adequate numbers to estimate the loss of plants and animals over the past century as a result of human population and economic growth as well as uncontrolled hunting. Biodiversity refers to the variety of benefits
that has been lost as a result of human activities and population pressure. Biodiversity is a new concept that defines “nature” as the source of a variety of benefits granted by nature to humans through its disintegration into small units. Beyond ecology, it involves society, culture, politics and the economy. We must consider the foundation of our livelihood as well as ngo working for conservation of biodiversity. The lack of funds and people to take part are the main challenges. The term NGO (non-governmental organization) refers to any private entity that operates independently of government. These organizations may be a charity, advocacy group, non-profit organization, or any other type of entity that is not beholden to government funding or legislative control. Many NGOs are formed with the express goal of protecting the rights and interests of a particular group or class of people. Because they operate outside of government control, they can often perform actions that might seem impossible for a government agency. This article will explore some examples of how NGOs are helping to protect biodiversity around the world. Protecting Biodiversity with Limited Resources When an NGO is founded with the express purpose of protecting biodiversity, it cannot always rely on having the resources to purchase land and create protected areas. In some cases, they can't even rely on having the legal authority to do so. Even in developed countries, where NGOs often have more governmental oversight, a lack of funding can still prevent them from doing everything possible to protect endangered species and their habitats. This is why many NGOs focus their efforts on conserving biodiversity in ways that make the best use of their limited resources. They may focus on protecting certain species, or certain habitats, or certain ecosystems. They may prioritize focusing on biodiversity loss that is already happening, or biodiversity loss that is likely to happen soon. They might focus on helping local communities to adapt to biodiversity loss, or helping them to benefit from biodiversity in whatever way they can. They may also focus on lobbying governments to create better policies and laws, to protect biodiversity more efficiently. Preserving Endangered Species in Captivity
A lot of plant and animal species are critically endangered. While some NGOs may choose to focus on protecting species in the wild, others may instead prioritize preserving those species in captivity. Perhaps the most famous example of this is the effort of the San Diego Zoo to save the northern white rhinoceros. This species is critically endangered, with only two individuals left in the wild. The San Diego Zoo has been working since 1999 to save the northern white rhinoceros by artificially inseminating the last two individuals and creating embryos. These embryos have been genetically preserved and frozen in liquid nitrogen, and may be used to create the next generation of northern white rhinoceroses. The effort to save the northern white rhinoceros in captivity has collected millions of dollars in donations, and may be responsible for saving an entire species from extinction. Promoting Awareness About Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss Many NGOs focus on raising awareness about climate change and biodiversity loss, but they do so in different ways. Some NGOs may take direct action to prevent climate change or biodiversity loss. Others may use educational campaigns to promote awareness about the importance of biodiversity and the dangers of climate change. Some may focus on how to mitigate the most damaging impacts of climate change, or how to adapt to the changes that are already happening. Some NGOs may focus on raising awareness among specific groups of people. For example, an NGO may create campaigns to educate young people about biodiversity loss and climate change. These campaigns may be designed to empower younger generations to help solve these problems. One famous example of an awareness campaign happened in 2012, when the Zoological Society of London delivered a stuffed animal named Jub Jub to then-President Barack Obama. This stuffed toy gorilla was meant to raise awareness about the rapid decline in the world's rainforests and encourage the president to take action to protect these endangered habitats. Rebuilding Habitats and Conserving Biodiversity in the Wild Many NGOs focus on rebuilding habitats and conserving biodiversity in the wild. They may work to protect and restore specific habitats, or they may work
to protect and restore a wide range of ecosystems. They may do this by purchasing land, by restoring native plants and animals in existing places, or by creating new protected areas. Some NGOs focus on protecting specific types of biodiversity. For example, one NGO may focus on protecting marine ecosystems, while another may focus on protecting tropical forests. Some NGOs specialize in protecting endangered species. They may operate captive breeding programs meant to increase the population of certain species, and release them into the wild again when they can survive there. Some NGOs focus on protecting a wide range of biodiversity, including both plants and animals. They may protect a specific ecosystem, such as a coral reef or a rainforest. Conclusion In most cases, protecting biodiversity requires an all-hands-on-deck approach. Many NGOs work on a variety of different issues relating to biodiversity, from education and awareness campaigns, to habitat restoration and species protection. There are many ways to protect biodiversity, and many different types of NGOs that may be involved in the effort. NGOs operating at the local level, particularly in developing countries, may face particular challenges in their efforts to protect biodiversity. There is still much work to be done to protect biodiversity, but NGOs are playing a critical role in this effort.