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Webapps Software Solutions, uses state-of-the-art technology and is committed to growing the business. We partner with innovative local and global business organisations and experts to provide cutting-edge web design, growth, mobile app creation and digital marketing services. With dedicated and robust SEO services, we will enable you to achieve substantial website traffic, a large number of customers and greater online visibility. Optimizing search engines plays a key role in successful online marketing. Our team of experts will build a plan to meet your company's individual needs.<br>Our Website: https://webappssoft.com/<br>Email: media@webappssoft.com<br>Phone: 91 97635 00291<br>Address: 28 Jodhpur Gardens, South City Complex, Mall, Kolkata, West Bengal 700045, India<br>
S e a r c h E n g i n e O p t i m i z a t i o n Company Name: Webapps Software Solutions || Email: media@webappssoft.com || Phone: 97635 00291
Presentation Overview Search Engine Basics What is SEO? Need of SEO How to Conduct Keyword Research Page Ranking Advantages and Disadvantages Conclusion
Search Engine Basics A search engine is an on-line tool which searches for results from the internet user's search query (keyword). The results typically compare websites with the search query semantically. Search engines can find results in their server, sort them and create a search Algorithm based orderly arrangement of these results. This list is commonly called the search engine results page (SERP). Multiple search engines are on the market, though Google is the most frequently used. Many web browsers such as Chrome , Firefox , Safari and Edge typically come with a default homepage or start page search engine. Google majorly uses RankBrain as search engine algorithm from 2015. Latest AI Transformer Technology is also implemented by google known as BERT Algorithm Which impacts 10% of search as report last year and now google has increased the Impact level considerably high.
Working of Search Engine There may be some differences in how the search engines work but the fundamentals remain the same. Each of them has to do the following tasks: 1. Crawling 2. Indexing 3. Creating results
Types of Search Engine Search Engine are categorised based on their result gathering: 1. Crawlers - These types of search engines use a "spider" or a "crawler" to search the Internet. The crawler digs through individual web pages, pulls out keywords and then adds the pages to the search engine's database. 2. Directories - Directories are human powered search engines. A website is submitted to the directory and must be approved for inclusion by editorial staff. 3. Hybrids - Hybrids are a mix of crawlers and directories. Sometimes, you have a choice when you search whether to search the Web or a directory. Other times, you may receive both human powered results and crawler results for the same search. 4. Meta - Meta search engines are ones that search several other search engines at once and combines the results into one list. While you get more results with meta search engines, the relevancy and quality of the results may sometimes suffer.
What is SEO? SEO stands for "optimization of the search engine." Simply put , it means increases the visibility for related searches on your Website. When your pages become more visible in search results, you aremore likely to draw your company interest and future your Business. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.
Why Is SEO Important? SEO is a fundamental aspect of digital marketing, and every year, people look for trillions of goods and services, mostly for commercial purposes. The key source of digital traffic for brands is often search and complements other marketing platforms. Greater exposure and ranking in search results will have a huge effect on your rankingthan your competition. Also note that features such as rich results and search results knowledge panels can increase views and directly provide users with additional information on your business.
How to Conduct Keyword Research B r a i n s t o r mi n g S u r v e y i n g C u s t o me r s A p p l y i n g D a t a f r o m K W R e s e a r c h T o o l s T e r m S e l e c t i o n P e r f o r ma n c e T e s t i n g a n d A n a l y t i c s
Page Ranking The ranking is the basic criteria by which organic Search Engines index and then retrieve documents. TF-IDF (term frequency times the inverse document frequency) is one of the ranking or indexing method used by search engines and an SEO method for optimizing your content keywords. The TF-IDF score can show how you’re employing a word rarely or often in a document. It holds worth in SEO. Page rank calculation tools : Google Toolbar , faganfinder, alexa
ADVANTAGES OF SEO Perspective (Global / Regional) Targeted Traffic Increase Visibility High ROI (Return on Investment) Long term positioning Cost-effective Flexibility
DISADVANTAGES OF SEO Non-ethical Back Hat Techniques Lack of control and frequency in changes of algorithm. Example: google Huge Competion and Long term results
Conclusion Unique Content Link Friendly Formatting Avoid Black Hat SEO Content relevant keywords Market Awareness Unique
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