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The commercial for the acrylic shower panel might have caught your attention. If you were wishing to have a modern shower installed at your place, stay connected with us. Because there are many myths about the shower panel that someone has to bust at last. Along with its popularity, it has also gained misconceptions. To know more please visit: https://bit.ly/3cNhDhu
Debunking the 5 Myths About Shower Panel That Worries Everyone Everything seems to be catching pace. Who knew bathroom building can be a work of one day? The commercial for the acrylic shower panel might have caught your attention. If you are wishing to have a modern shower installed at your place, stay connected with us. Why? Because there are many myths about the shower panel that someone has to bust at last. Along with its popularity, it has also gained misconceptions, at are totally untrue. Here in this article, we are going to talk about shower panels and help you finalize the decision. First things first, these panels don’t give old school appeal, they are made of acrylic and grout-free material.
5 Myths About Shower Wall Panels: #1 Myth: Only professionals can install shower panels (no DIY). Source: frombeyondthe.com There are many tales telling you only a professional can install the shower panel properly. It cannot be a DIY project. However, this isn’t true. With the use of proper tools and few DIY tricks, you can get them installed by yourself. No doubt, it will be a little bit tricky. You will have to take care of seams, joints, or any holes drilled for handles or soap dishes. Also, check there is a proper application of sealant near all seams and joints.
#2 Myth: Shower panel is available only in acrylic material. Source: showerwall.co.uk Many of us think, there are only acrylic shower panels available. What we didn’t know was there are plenty of options available. Of which some are little known and some
didn’t have any existence till now. Below are the other material options you will find in grout-free panels. ● PVC decorative stone panel ● Solid surface wall panels ● Fiberglass wall panels ● Contemporary high gloss wall panels ● Laminated shower and tub panels #3: It’s thickness matters. Source: pinimg.com Many salespeople tell, the thicker the shower panel the better. It is believed that thickness describes the durability and strength. The thin panels won’t probably give you that much stability. However, this isn’t true.
Once the shower is installed, the size of the panel is not really visible. So thick or thin, every shower panel is at par in both appearance and strength. #4: There are limited sizes of grout free panel available. Source: vamosrayos.com At personnel at the local home center store believes that the shower panels are available only in standard sizes. You can not customize your modern bathroom with and it is good for nothing. Not to offend, but they aren’t very knowledgable about this. If they were, they would know that you can get customized shower panels according to your requirement.
Even if they only came in standard sizes, it will be perfect for your place. How? The builders and architects are aware of the latest hardware options available, so the measures of your bathroom will be according to that only. #5: Shower wall panels are more expensive than any other. Source: bathpro.co Last but not least, there are misconceptions running around that they are more expensive than the traditional shower system. Well, this isn’t totally true. Everyone just takes the price of the product into consideration. The shower panels cost around $2700 and the tiles (including other necessary materials) around $800 for a 4×3 bathroom.
However, now let’s calculate the labor for both of them. The labor cost for installing shower wall panels is around $300 to $500 but for a tiled bathroom , it will be more than $2000. For shower panels, the cost of the product is only going to increase with the expansion of the bathroom. While for the tiled bathrooms, the cost will affect both the raw material and labor. So take the decision wisely. Debunked the Myths on Shower Panels: Source: layjao.com
Source: sheetplastics.co.uk Source: csiwallpanels.com
Source: sheetplastics.co.uk Source: sheetplastics.co.uk
Source: sheetplastics.co.uk The grout-free panel is easy to install, more reliable (both in durability and water tightness), and budgeted. Till now, people were blinded by its misconceptions. So today, we have dismantled them and gave you the ultimate reason to have them installed. For more such information on interiors and exteriors, visit HomeDesignNow .
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