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Everything You Need to Know About Surrogate Mother Cost in Hyderabad

Want to know the surrogate mother cost in Hyderabad? Then come look for our World Fertility Services. World Fertility Services is a fertility Centre that has branches spread worldwide.

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Everything You Need to Know About Surrogate Mother Cost in Hyderabad

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  1. W W.S .S WORLD FER WORLD FERT TILIT ILITY S Y SERVI ERVICES CES Contact us: possible@worldfertilityservices.com Call us: +91-9560712022 www.worldfertilityservices.com/ Everything You Need to Know About Surrogate Mother Cost in Hyderabad Want to know the Surrogate Mother Cost in Hyderabad? Then come look for our World Fertility Services. World Fertility Services is a fertility centre that has branches spread worldwide. The surrogacy treatment here is done with meticulous attention so as not to cause any mistakes on their side. Counselling sessions are also held to make sure the intended parents or the surrogate would not make a mistake. Everything is arranged by World Fertility Services so even finding a surrogate mother is not a troublesome matter. Usually in India, intended parents’ family members or friends can become surrogate mothers to help them. Let us learn the other things about surrogacy in Hyderabad. 1) Why is surrogacy banned in India? In 2019 a bill was passed to ban commercial surrogacy. The reasons to ban were the exploitation of the surrogate mother and the surrogate babies. Due to commercial

  2. surrogacy, everyone took surrogacy as a business. People would have to pay a large amount to have surrogacy. Then the compensation that should be the surrogate mothers would not be given to them. Such exploitation worsens the conditions of the surrogate mother. Especially, the improvised women who were shown the dream of getting a large amount if they agree to surrogacy. Now only an Altruistic form of surrogacy is followed in India in which no compensation is given to the surrogate mother. 2) Is surrogacy legal in India? Altruistic form and gestation surrogacy are legal in India. Other forms of surrogacy are strictly banned here. If found to be used in India then the offender would have to serve 10 years of prison life and a fine of one million rupees. In the Altruistic form, surrogacy is done as a good deed by the surrogate mother. A family member or a friend becomes your surrogate. You would not have to pay them; all you have to do is to take care of their necessities. In gestational surrogacy, the IVF process is used to help both the intended parents have a relation to the surrogate baby. 3) Can an unmarried girl become a surrogate? This question’s answer is no. No unmarried girl can become a surrogate in India. That is strictly prohibited. If found to break the law then everyone connected to this would be heavily punished. In India, Hyderabad, only married or widows are allowed to be the surrogate mother. Those surrogates must have their husbands’ consent for surrogacy or else they cannot become a surrogate mother. Many countries allow unmarried girls to become surrogates but not India. India knows surrogacy can sometimes harm the ability to give birth. For this reason, India made a rule for only married women who have their children can be surrogate mothers. 4) What is the surrogate mother cost in Hyderabad? If you are looking for a low-cost surrogate mother in Hyderabad then you are at the right place as Hyderabad does not have any surrogate mother cost in Hyderabad. The intended parents only have to pay for the surrogate’s necessities. The surrogacy cost in Hyderabad is INR 15,00,000 to INR 25,00,000. This is a low-cost surrogacy in Hyderabad. This cost is affected by the surrogate mother’s necessities such as regular checkups, a healthy diet, a peaceful accommodation, and cravings and all. Surrogate

  3. mother cost in Hyderabad is the best cost for intended parents as commercial surrogacy is banned here. 5) What affects the surrogate mother cost in Hyderabad? A Surrogate Mother Cost in Hyderabad is usually affected by the necessities of the surrogate mother. Since there is no commercial surrogacy in Hyderabad then there is no need to pay compensation to the surrogate mother. However, the intended parents must take responsibility for the surrogate mother as she has their baby in her womb. If the surrogate is stressed during the pregnancy then it would harm the baby in her womb. The same goes for a healthy diet and regular checkups. If the surrogate’s diet is healthy then the baby would get the nourishment from it. Postpartum care is also the responsibility of the intended parents. 6) How to have an affordable surrogate mother cost in Hyderabad? To have the affordable surrogacy most cost you should come to Hyderabad, and even here you should contact World Fertility Services. World Fertility Services provides the most affordable surrogacy cost in Hyderabad. Their surrogacy cost packages are to give more comfort to the intended parents. And there are many payment methods such as EMI where you have to pay 25% as the down payment. Then later you can pay the discussed number every month. Usually, the surrogate’s regular checkups and the medical tests can cost a large amount. So couples should find a centre closer to their home to not spend travel expenses and the medical tests should be done by the same centre to ask for discounts.

  4. 7) What is the best surrogacy centre in Hyderabad? The best surrogacy centre in Hyderabad is Worlds Fertility Services. Its key points are like this: They have the advanced treatments done by advance technology and techniques facilities here vary for different issues 24-hour services are given all year round The success rates of every fertility treatment are the highest Costs of those treatments are reasonable Staff behaviour is polite and friendly to everyone Special focus on cleanness and hygiene All doctors are highly experienced and qualified Infrastructure is open and airy for the patient's comfort 8) How to find a surrogate mother in Hyderabad? Finding a surrogate mother in Hyderabad is really easy. All you have to do is to find a friend or a family member who is married, has children, is around the age of 25 to 35, is mentally and physically stable and wants to help you. If the husband of the surrogate is alive then the surrogate needs her husband’s consent before agreeing to become a surrogate mother for you. If finding a surrogate is still hard for you then contact World Fertility Services. www.worldfertilityservices.com/ ****************************

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