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Yaami Fertility and IVF Center in Indore have the Best IVF Specialist for Best Infertility Treatment, Know Your IVF Treatment Cost in Indore.<br>Yaami Fertility & IVF Center Indore<br>Location: Third floor Vidyaraj Annexe, Basant Vihar Near Satya Sai Square, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010<br>Contact : 078800 07281<br>Visit our website- https://yaamifertility.com/ for more information.<br>
Meet Our Specialists Dr. Sankalp Singh Dr. Swati Singh Reproductive Medicine & IVF Specialist Reproductive Medicine & IVF Specialist
IVFIS COSTLY: This is one of the commonest myths associated with IVF. IVF used to be very costly earlier, but as time has passed and with the advent of new technologies, IVF has become more and more affordable. Nowadays IVF can be done using more of tablets and less of injections, which can drastically reduce the cost of the IVF. We can avoid doing unnecessary procedures if it is not needed and that would automatically reduce the IVF cost. This can be achieved by a proper evaluation of the couple including a 3D ultrasound of the uterus. We, at Yaami fertility and IVF Center in Indore believe in making tailor made IVF treatment for each couple.
IVF HAS 100% CHANCE OF SUCCESS: This is another myth which many patients have asked us during their fertility consultation. Though the IVF success has gone up many folds since the time it was started but still even in the best case scenario, the IVF success reaches around 80%. There are many conditions in which the IVF success can be less than 80% , for example in cases of advanced age of the lady, low number of eggs, low quality of eggs and embryos etc. The fertility specialist in the best IVF Centre make sure to counsel the patient regarding their specific percentage chance of having a successful IVF before embarking on the IVF process yeah do make sure that you ask your fertility doctor to tell your approximate chance of IVF success. At Yaami Fertility and IVF Center in Indore the success rate of IVF is around 70-80% which is the highest amongst many IVF Centers in Indore.
AFTER IVF, YOU CANNOT HAVE NATURAL PREGNANCY : The reality is that the chance of the natural pregnancy remains the same before, and after IVF treatment and IVF does not alter this chance in any manner.
IVF BABIES HAVE MORE CHANCE OF AN ABNORMALITY THAN BABIES WITH NATURAL PREGNANCY : In an infertile couple, the chances of abnormality in the baby remain the same whether the couple conceives with a natural pregnancy or IUI or IVF.
ALWAYS HAVE TWINS WITH IVF: The chance of twins depends on the number of embryos transferred. If one embryo is transferred, then the chance of having twins is negligible and if two Embryos are transferred and the pregnancy happens then 20% of couples will have twins and in the remaining 80%, it will be a single baby.
IVF MAKES YOU GAIN WEIGHT FOREVER : This is incorrect. Women who have IVF might gain around two kgs. of weight due to water retention because of hormonal medications. This weight gain reverses completely once the effect of the hormonal medicines goes off which takes maximum of few days.
INJECTIONS EVERY DAY FOR 3 MONTHS, IF YOU DO IVF : Majority of the women undergoing IVF Treatment Process will need only oral and vaginal tablets and will not require any injections either during IVF or after IVF.
COMPLETE BEDREST AFTER EMBRYO TRANSFER : This is not correct as the research has shown that bed rest could actually reduce the chance of pregnancy rather than increasing it after an embryo transfer. The simple reason behind this has made a woman who takes complete bed rest would have a lot of stress which could directly reduce the IVF success rate.
IVF INJECTIONS ARE VERY PAINFUL : The injections used for eggs growth for IVF are given using a very thin needle which most of the patients can inject by themselves. In other words, the pain of the needle prick maybe nothing more than a small pinch on the skin.
NO IVF, IF NO SPERMS : It is said that if there are no sperms in the semen testing (azoospermia) , IVF cannot be done which is wrong . In men who do not have any sperms in semen testing, sperms can be taken out from the testis using a small surgery and ICSI can be done to make the embryos. This treatment for male infertility is available at all the leading IVF centers and has lead to many happy parenthood in many families worldwide.
Yaami Fertility & IVF Center Indore Location: Third floor VidyarajAnnexe, BasantVihar Near SatyaSai Square, Vijay Nagar, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010 Contact : 078800 07281 Visit our website- https://yaamifertility.com/ for more information.