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Canon printers are popular among users because of their efficient printing features. You can use them to print important documents, photos and files for home and office purposes. But, even though these printers are great for printing, users can sometimes find an offline issue. It can happen because of incompatible printer drivers, wrong print spooler settings, the printer not being set in default mode and many more.
Why Is My Canon Printer Of?ine? [5 Easy Ways To Fix It] 25 Oct, 2023 / 2 Like Why Is My Canon Printer Of?ine? [5 Easy Ways To Fix It] Canon printers are popular among users because of their ef?cient printing features. You can use them to print important documents, photos and ?les for home and of?ce purposes. But, even though these printers are great for printing, users can sometimes ?nd an of?ine issue. It can happen because of incompatible printer drivers, wrong print spooler settings, the printer not being set in default mode and many more. In this post, we will talk about some ef?cient solutions to ?x the issue. It will help in determining why is my Canon printer of?ine issue. Therefore, go through it and learn the Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com
?ve easy solutions to ?x it aptly. Solution 1: Try to Reconnect Your Canon Printer with Wi-Fi When you run into of?ine issues, you can try some basic instructions. Reconnecting the Printer with Wi-Fi can help you if there are basic reasons for the issues. So, follow these simple steps to reconnect your printer. 1. First of all, Forget the router to disconnect it from your printer. 2. Now, reconnect the router with your printer. 3. If you have a USB cable connection, connect the printer and your system with a USB. 4. Alternatively, if you're using a wireless connection, launch the Wi-Fi Wizard Setup and connect. 5. In the next step, click and hold the Wi-Fi button on your printer. 6. When your printer begins blinking blue, move to your router. 7. Finally, hit the WPS button on your router. These are some simple steps that you can execute to reconnect your printer. A proper connection with a Wi-Fi network will make your printer come in an online state. Solution 2: Restart Your Print Spooler Service The Print Spooler is responsible for managing all the printer jobs. So, at the time you face an of?ine issue, try to restart it. It will not only ?x the issue but also make your printer functioning again. 1. Initially, press the Windows and R keys together. 2. Now, when the Run box appears, enter services.msc and click on Enter. 3. In the next step, click on the service and press P continuously. 4. Right-click on the Print Spooler and then choose the Properties. 5. Then, in the General tab, choose the Stop option that you can ?nd under Service status. 6. Tap on OK and save all the changes. 6. Now, move towards deleting the print jobs. 7. Open Windows Explorer and C drive >> Windows >> System32 >> Spool >> PRINTERS. 8. After that, click on Continue when the pop-up asks for permission. 9. Next, close the Windows and move to the tab - General. 10. Now, start the spooler service and set the Startup Type to Automatic. 11. Lately, restart your PC. Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com
After executing all these instructions, you can check whether your printer has come to an online state or not. If not, move to the next solution to bring it online. Solution 3: Turn Off - Use Printer Of?ine Feature Why is my Canon printer of?ine is one of the most irritating issues among printer users. Sometimes, the printer can give an of?ine error when the use printer of?ine feature is enabled. You can execute the below-mentioned steps to ?x the of?ine issue in your printer. 1. Firstly, navigate to the Startmenu in your system. 2. After that, type in the Control Panel into the Search box. 3. Now, ?nd the Control Panel Desktop app from the list. 4. Next, head to the Hardware and Sound section. 5. Thereafter, tap on Devices and Printers. 5. Now, move to the Printers section and search for your model. 6. Then, right-click on your printer and select - See what's printing. 7. In the next step, uncheck the use printer of?ine feature to turn it off. 8. Now, tap on your printer again and click on Cancel All Documents. 9. In the ?nal step, print a test page and the of?ine error. These effective tips easily teach you how to turn off the use printer's of?ine feature and bring your printer online for printing. However, you might face the issue after executing these steps. Fortunately, there are other solutions, too. Find them below and execute them to come out of the issue. Solution 4: Update Canon Printer Drivers A Canon printer can go to an of?ine state because of corrupted or incompatible printer drivers. Thus, make sure to have the latest and compatible printer driver. You can go through these few instructions to update Canon printer drivers. 1. Initially, press the Windows + R keys to launch Device Manager. 2. Now, move to the Hardware. 3. Then, open the sub-menu - Print Queues. 4. After that, right-click on your printer hardware and choose - Update driver. 4. When Windows asks you the way to update the printer driver, select - Browse my computer for driver software. 5. Use the browse button and choose the driver ?le you want to download. 6. Next, update the ?le. Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com
7. Finally, restart your computer system. After updating the printer drivers, go and check whether your printer has come online or not. Moreover, you can also try out the next solutions below. Solution 5: Set Your Canon Printer as the Default Printer You can't expect your printer to print when it is not set as a default printer. Some of the steps you can follow to set it as default are given below. 1. Click on both the Win and I keys together to open the Windows Settings. 2. Now, select the section - Devices. 3. After that, click on the Printers and Scanners panel. 4. In the following step, right-click on your printer and tap on Manage. 4. Finally, select the option - Set as Default Printer. By setting up your printer as a default printer in Windows, you can easily bring your printer back to online mode. Conclusion Undoubtedly, why is my Canon printer of?ine issue hampering your important tasks? Printing is the need of today, and thus, of?ine issues can frustrate users. Luckily, you can determine the issue and take respective steps to ?x it. You can try updating your printer drivers, turning off use printer of?ine mode, restarting the print spooler service, reconnecting your system to the network and more. Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs) Why Is My Canon Printer Of?ine But Connected To Wi-Fi? When a printer is of?ine, you can't perform your urgent printing tasks. Sometimes, the printer can successfully connect to a Wi-Fi network, but it can give an of?ine error. It can occur because of several reasons. Here are some probable causes. ●Your Canon printer model is not set as a default printer. Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com
●There are outdated or damaged/corrupted printer drivers. ●Incorrect Print Spooler Service Settings. ●You have not disabled the Use Printer Of?ine mode. How To Get Back Canon Printer Online From Of?ine? Why Does My Canon Printer Keep Going To Of?ine Mode? PREVIOUS Convert web pages and HTML files to PDF in your applications with the Pdfcrowd HTML to PDF API Printed with Pdfcrowd.com