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Every girl wants to look beautiful on the big day, for that they use many make up tools such as eye liner, eye shadow, blusher, lipstick etc. Blush is one of the most important tools which help you to enhance the look of your face. Before using blush you should know about your face shape, it affects your make up. This presentation helps you to know more about using blush according to your face shape.
How to Apply Blush For Your Face Shape How to Apply Blush For Your Face Shape
Oval Face Oval Face If If your apples, shown your face apples, blend shown in in the face is is oval blend in in circular the image oval then circular shape image. . then apply shape with apply blush blush on with brush, on your brush, as as your
Round Face Round Face If If your your angular your face your apples, angular shapes face is is Round apples, blend shapes shown Round then blend it it near shown in in the then apply near to to your the image apply blush your temples image. . blush on temples in in on
Long Face Long Face If If your your as as shown your face your apples, shown in in the face is is long apples, blend the image long then blend it it near image. . then apply near to to your apply blush your temples blush on temples on
Square Face Square Face If If your apples, shape, your face apples, blend shape, as as shown face is is Square blend it it near shown in in the Square then near to to your the image then apply your temples image. . apply blush temples in in linear blush on on your linear your
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