Company registration consultant in Singapore
S & F Consulting Firm Limited is a global foreign company registration, incorporation or formation consultancy firm. Our services are: Company formation, accounts, income tax, audit, secretarial and financial advisory. Our clients are surrounding all over the world in maximum countries those are satisfy with our service. We have professional partners in multiple countries who are highly experienced in the field. Two types of businesses are registered globally as popular, (1) Limited liability company (LL.C) and (2) branch office open of foreign parent company. Limited Liability Company, where minimum 1 share holder and some countries two share holders are required and share holders hold share of the company. As process of new company registration, firstly, one name of proposed company has to approve within multiple proposed names. Consultant or expert or advisor shall prepare MoA and AoA and other necessary forms. All required papers are forwarded to company registered office paying government fees. After verifying all papers by government Officer Company is approved if they are satisfied. As government rules, all registered companies shall submit annual return with loss and/ or profit accounts and filling up necessary papers. Income tax file shall be submitted to government tax office either company earns profit or loss. Company shall audit the company appointing auditor and attend Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year. Company Secretary Appointment of the company is another requirement. Fees of company setting up for private limited company vary country to country and consultant to consultant. We have noticed that fees start from US$ 1500 to US$ 10000 as minimum and maximum level. If you need better service as investors shall pay higher than average. An advisor can save your money and time so, be careful to select your advisor of the company. There is no alternate of reading from online about investment policy of desired country as investor before start a new business. Best of luck and thank you for reading my writing.
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