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Flight Club: Mischief, Mayhem, Social Media. The airlines we love to love, the airlines we don’t love, and how they’re using social media (or not). Flight Plan: On Deck for Tonight. Amplicate study: Which airlines are most loved, which are not?
Flight Club: Mischief, Mayhem, Social Media The airlines we love to love, the airlines we don’t love, and how they’re using social media (or not)
Flight Plan: On Deck for Tonight • Amplicate study: Which airlines are most loved, which are not? • Survey of the airline landscape: Where they’re engaging and the volume of engagement: What do the numbers tell us? • The fun factor: Which airlines have it going on and why? • Case study: Mouth on Southwest: The Kevin Smith tweakout and SW Airlines response • Other airlines: What are they doing? • Rules of Flight Club for social media • References
Amplicate study: Which airlines are the most loved and not-so-loved? Study Factoids • Virgin America rockin’ the love: 97% comments about airline positive • American Airlines not so rockin’: only 12% positive comments • But there’s hope: American’s performance in social media showed most growth (5%) • Southwest popularity fell from 77% to 59% in 2011 due to change in rewards program to favor business passengers • Over 12 month period (Oct 2010 through Sept 2011): • 30,785 opinions posted (public posts from Facebook, Twitter • 43% positive
What do the numbers tell us? How do the airlines compare? Twitter: JetBlue and SW far outrank the other 5 airlines. JetBlue has massive following. Although American has third highest number of Twitter followers, it has fewest number of positive comments. Facebook: Domain of SW. SW leads the crowd in terms of Likes (57% total) and talking about this (54%). Alaska Airlines also invest heavily here, although their numbers are not as high. YouTube: Although Virgin not top ranked, they are clearly investing here. (14% channel views and 22% subscribers—third in both cases). JetBlue does very well in terms of views, not as strongly in subscribers. # Twitter followers and tweets
Is there a connection between the number of twitter followers and the amount of “love” (number of positive comments on Twitter and Facebook)?
These airlines have the fun factor going on Let’s start with YouTube Virgin American: Yum when you want it(93,723 views) Southwest: Flag a Friend on Facebook Virgin American: Topguest promotion JetBlue: Mr. Non-Stop(81,600 views) JetBlue: Witty on Twitter
Mouth on Southwest: The Kevin Smith Southwest Airlines Tweak Out Ejected from flight due to customers of size policy Tweet # 1, 8:52 PM, 2/13/10 Smodcast video Smodcast post Followed by: Tweets # 2- 6, with 1 F-bomb Then he boards another flight: Tweets # 7 – 12 The flight lands: Tweets # 13-15, another F-bomb Capped with a tweet that links to his smodcast site.
The Southwest Airlines Response Within 8 hours, Southwest Airlines: • Listened and engaged: Responded to everyone who tweeted to airline about incident • Posted blog post to apologize and clarify position • Did not try to control the conversation: Did not remove angry customer comments on their blog • Had VP call Kevin Smith Twitter response blog post Exasperated bystander tweet
What are some other airlines (and their passengers) doing? Social media hits and misses American Airlines Facebook page FlyingSocial: Alaska Airlines American Airlines YouTube video United Airlines “twares” Dave Caroll video: 3.2 million views and 14,000 comments within 10 days of release
Alaska Airlines’ Social Media Strategy Overview 2 individuals devoted to social media efforts Efforts primarily devoted to Facebook: allows them to geo-target their messaging Can measure ROI via links posted on Facebook (example: Travel Deals tab/application on Facebook, now being overhauled) “Nuts for Hawaii” campaign most successful, grew fan base substantially How social media is changing the game: Social Media provides another avenue for us to spread our messaging and creates a valuable, two-way communication channel. That two-way communication is key to shaping our brand. Furthermore, social strategies have proven to also help corporations' search engine optimization efforts. D. Scotland (personal communication, November 8, 2011)
The Rules of Flight Club for Social Media 1st rule: You engage in the conversation. 2nd rule: You ENGAGE in the conversation. 3rd rule: If a customer says, “I’m unhappy,” you listen. Customers will punish the brand that does not listen. 4th rule: You cannot control the conversation, so join it. 5th rule: One brand, find your voice, and use it. 6th rule: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Foursquare, Blogs, Flickr, Mobile Apps: Know your tools and use them. 7th rule: The conversation will continue as long as it has to. 8th rule: If this is your first night or 100th night at Flight Club, you have to engage. And Finally … Don’t be a jerk!
References Alaska Airlines. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http://www.facebook.com/alaskaairlines American Airlines. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http://www.facebook.com/aa americanairlines (2011, October 25). American Airlines Global Pink Out with Zumba [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/user/americanairlines#p/u/8/Hqfhfrmjeow Amplicate (2011). Public Opinion on US Airlines on Social Media. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from http://amplicate.com/social-media-analytics-reports/27-41-us-airlines/ Carroll, Dave (sonsofmaxwell). (2009, July 6). United Breaks Guitars [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo jetblue. (2011, April 15). JetBlue – Mr. Nonstop – Gate Counter [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcHZ9TpXs0s&feature=channel_video_title JetBlue Airways. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from: http://www.facebook.com/JetBlue Kamer, Foster (2010, February 14). Update: The Kevin Smith Southwest Airlines Fat-Flight Tweakout of Epic Proportion. Retrieved from http://gawker.com/5471463/the-kevin-smith-southwest-airlines-fat+flight-tweakout-of-epic-proportions Kirby, M. (2011). PERSONAL TOUCH. Airline Business, 27(6), 54-56. Retrieved November 3, 2011, from EBSCO Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com McNeil, Christi .(2010, February 14). Not So Silent Bob. [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.blogsouthwest.com/blog/not-so-silent-bob Rutherford, Linda. (2010, February 15). My Conversation with Kevin Smith. [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.blogsouthwest.com/blog/my-conversation-with-kevin-smith-0 SilverStein, Cord. (2011, February 15). [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.marketinghipster.com/2010/02/15/kevin-smith-and-southwest-airlines-a-social-media-case-study/
References (Cont). Smith, Kevin. (2010). [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from http://s3.amazonaws.com/smodcast/SModcast-106.mp3 Smith, Kevin. (2010, February 18). I love you, Mom. I Hate you, Fake-heart. [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://silentbobspeaks.com/?p=394 SouthwestAir (2011, February 13). @ThatKevinSmith Again, I'm very sorry for the experience you had tonight. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. [Twitter post]. Retrieved from http://twitter.com/#!/SouthwestAir/status/9089068708 Southwest Airlines. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http://www.facebook.com/Southwest ThatKevinSmith. (2010, February 13). Dear @SouthwestAir - I know I'm fat, but was Captain Leysath really justified in throwing me off a flight for which I was already seated? [Twitter post]. Retrieved from http://twitter.com/#!/thatkevinsmith/status/9079110598 United Airlines. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http://www.facebook.com/UnitedAirlines Unnikrishnan, M., & Wall, R. (2010). All That Twitters. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 172(2), 42-44. Retrieved November 3, 2011, from EBSCO Publishing. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com Van Grove, Jennifer. (2009, July 15). United Breaks Guitars Surpasses 3 Million Views in 10 Days. Retrieved from http://mashable.com/2009/07/15/united-breaks-guitars/ VirginAmerica. (2011, April 18). Yum When You Want It. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YDpc0TP3K6k US Airways. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http://www.facebook.com/USAirways Virgin American Airlines. (n.d.) In Facebook [Fan page]. Retrieved November 7, 2011, from http://www.facebook.com/VirginAmerica