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ORIENTATION to IPGa Austin I.S.D.’s Database-Driven Application for

ORIENTATION to IPGa Austin I.S.D.’s Database-Driven Application for Instructional Planning Guides. BACKGROUND. BACKGROUND. 2009 – IPGa Rollout in Austin ISD

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ORIENTATION to IPGa Austin I.S.D.’s Database-Driven Application for

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  1. ORIENTATION to IPGa Austin I.S.D.’s Database-Driven Application for Instructional Planning Guides


  3. BACKGROUND 2009 – IPGa Rollout in Austin ISD Lack of access to a cohesive district curriculum that provides teachers with a more efficient / immediate method of accessing resources strategies, and data information necessary for instructional planning prompts development of an online database-driven application. 2006 - TEKS Revision process launched Implementation of ELA & Math (2009-10 school year); Science (2010-11); and Social Studies (2011-12) 2003 – “High Stakes” TAKS Assessment launched in Texas Spring semester of the 2002-03 school year, the first live administration of the TAKS test generating scores that count for students 2001 – IPGs Conceived in Austin ISD The Austin Independent School District begins development and implementation (2003) of Instructional Planning Guides. Teachers serving on writing teams for all subject areas contributed to the work, aligning content to the state’s standards, or TEKS. No Child Left Behind enacted by President George W. Bush in 2001 is the latest federal legislation that enacts the theories of standards-based education reform. TAKS / TEKS- 1999 The legislature passed bills ending social promotion and creating a more rigorous testing program (Texas Education Code, Chapter 39 and 28 respectively). As mandated by the 76th Texas Legislature, the Texas Education Agency begins to develop a new assessment program to be aligned with the state-mandated curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) identified as the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). Science and Social Studies tested - 1995 Science and social studies were added to the eighth grade TAAS test as part of the tested competencies in 4 Core Subject-Areas along with reading, writing, and math. TAAS (Texas Assessment of Academic Skills) Test- 1990 The TAAS test shifted the focus from minimum skills to academic skills, which represented a more comprehensive assessment of the first state-mandated curriculum,the Essential Elements. Not only were TAAS test items more difficult than the previous TEAMS, the TAAS served multiple purposes by providing scores and consequences at the student level, the school level, and the district level. TEAMS (Texas Educational Assessment of Minimum Skills) Test - 1984 The TEAMS test sought to increase the rigor of the state’s former TABS assessment . The class of ‘87 became the first class in which students were required to pass an ‘exit level exam’in order to receive a diploma. A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform – 1983President Reagan unveils the findings of a two-year study by a blue-ribbon commission that found poor academic performance at nearly every level and warned that the education system was "being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity.” Among the 5 key recommendations areStandards - “America’s schools should adopt "more rigorous and measurable standards and expectations.” T. Loessin; 2010

  4. IPG Revision Initiative What is desirableto teachers What ispossible with technology What is viable in the classroom Innovation

  5. Steps in IPG Revision Initiative Development • 1st Step • - Engage in focused conversations within Curriculum Department • Alignment • Structure • 2nd Step • - Analyze needed data elements within each step of the IPGaorganization chart • 3rd Step • Currriculum Writing Teams of Teachers • Analyze current IPGs to determine what needs to be removed, revised, or added • Rewrite current IPGs using current Social Studies standards • Develop IPGs within the Initiative’s format

  6. IPG Application

  7. Submit your Model Lesson! I. Click on the Red IPG tab on the Social Studies website II. Follow instructions for downloading the Lesson Submission form, complete required fields, and zip it over to Joe!

  8. NOTE that each Six Weeks period’s Unit materials will fall under Discipline-based Concepts. Double-click here to access these materials.

  9. Let’s begin…. Methods of accessing the IPGa system. (Always use Firefox as browser for accessing AISD Curriculum / AIMS sites!) A. If, as recommended, you have the Social Studies website bookmarked on your AISD laptop,www.austinschools.org/curriculum you have immediate access in the dashboard header found on every page of the Social Studies website • B. Type “aims” into the browser of any AISD computer. • C. Outside of the AISD Intranet, https://aims.austinisd.org/aims/login.htm

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