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CFP India course or the Chartered Financial Goal Planner Certificate Program is specially designed for candidates who are looking for a lucrative future as Wealth Advisors or Financial Advisors in a leading Wealth Management Organisation. Call: 011-45120800. https://bit.ly/2XTNtD6
Website: https://www.aafmindia.co.in/ Call: 011-45120800 CFP India course Cer Certif tified ied F Fin ina anci ncial al Plan Planner ner It’s a digital era. Most of the Millennials are looking for several courses to upskill their knowledge and understanding to get fast access to a lucrative future. Today, if you have the certificate, you have the job. This clearly explains that there is no shortcut to success. There are only short courses and certification programs that can help you attain the success you desire. These certification programs in your desired industry can help you accentuate your chances to speed past your competitive peers. Finance and wealth management is the most sought-after career option, today. Short term best finance courses and certifications through a wealth management course are very much in trend, right now. These best finance courses and wealth management courses like the CFP India certification offers candidates the skills and knowledge required to conveniently pursue a promotion with an existing job or a job after studies. Adverti Advertis semen ement t REPORT THIS AD If you are one of the millennials who have been actively looking for the best finance courses and wealth management courses to upskill your understanding in finance and wealth management, here is a list of the best finance courses
Website: https://www.aafmindia.co.in/ Call: 011-45120800 available in the country. The list also includes the most promising wealth management courses that have been rated 5 by leading wealth management corporations. Mand Mandator Manag Management ement Cou atory an y and d Best F Best Fin inanc Courses fo rses for r P Pro ance Co e Cour rofess urses ses an fessio ional and d Weal Wealth nals s th • • C CF FP P I In nd di ia a ( (F Fi in na an nc ci ia al l A Ad dv vi is so or r C Co ou ur rs se e) ) CFP India course or the Chartered Financial Goal Planner Certificate Program is specially designed for candidates who are looking for a lucrative future as Wealth Advisors or Financial Advisors in a leading Wealth Management Organisation. Prominently referred to as the financial advisor course, the CFP or CFGP course initiates to develop the basic skills expected of a financial advisor. They impart the knowledge to execute all the functions related to Financial Planning, Goal Planning & Investment Planning for clients. The certification is offered by AAFM (American Academy of Financial Management India) which is a leading financial literacy initiative running with a motive to create a Financially Aware and Empowered India. Wh Who o c ca an tak C CFP I FP Indi ndia a c cou n take e t the ours he rse e? ? C Ca an nd did ida at te es h e ed du uc ca at tio ion n s ho old ldin ing g In Int te er rm me ed dia iat te e ( (1 10 0+ +2 2) ) c ce er rt tif ifi ic ca at te es f s fro rom m a a r re ec co og gn nize ized d b bo oa ard rd o of f Any aspiring Financial Advisor who wishes to begin offering client-oriented, process-driven, and Goal-based Financial Advisory Services of their own • • C CW WM M ( (C Ch ha ar rt te er re ed d W We ea al lt th h M Ma an na ag ge er r) )
Website: https://www.aafmindia.co.in/ Call: 011-45120800 Chartered Wealth Manager certification course gives a clear knowledge of all advanced and prevalently practiced Wealth Management Strategies of the real world. The course also covers all the High Net-Worth Client Management skills that are required to be understood by all Wealth managers in the current world. The CWM program as designed by AAFM is a self study program that is supported by AAFM’s Proprietary E-Learning System USA-ACER. It is divided into two levels of exams that are required to be completed by the candidates along with the assigned projects to become a CWM holder. Awarded by AAFM (American Academy of Financial Management,) the CWM course certificate denotes that you have acquired the skills and knowledge to efficiently perform critical duties related to Wealth Management, Wealth Preservation, Wealth Enhancement, and transfer. The CWM credential opens plenty of doors to opportunities for candidates interested in a rewarding future in wealth management. Wh Who o c ca an n t ta ak ke e t th he e CWM CWM ( (Ch Cha art rte ered red Wea Wealt lth h M Ma an na ag ge er) r) c co ou ur rse se? ? Candidates who have cleared the 10+2 Examination from a recognized board of education are eligible to pursue the CWM Program Candidates need a graduation degree in any stream to secure the CWM certificate • • A AF FA A ( (F Fi in na an nc ci ia al l A An na al ly ys st t C Co ou ur rs se e) ) AFA included in the best finance courses is another promising Certificate Program that is designed especially for candidates who are willing to build a
Website: https://www.aafmindia.co.in/ Call: 011-45120800 career as Financial Analysts, Research Analyst, or Equity Analysts. The certificate program helps the candidates learn the methodologies to execute critical functions related to Financial Statement Analysis, Equity Research, Corporate Finance, Financial Modelling, and Investment Analysis, seamlessly. This course is offered by AAFM (American Academy of Financial Management USA) and has more than 3,00,000 successful certified Financial Analysts, Research Analyst, or Equity Analysts globally. The program helps candidates learn more about the global financial markets and investment trends. The course also helps candidates gain more insight into methods to monitor financial and operational risks along with employing working capital approaches and using tools to manage assets and liabilities for an organization. Wh Who o c ca an n t ta ak ke e A ( (F Fi in na an nc ci ia al An C Co ou urs rse e) )? ? AF FA lyst t A l Ana alys The candidates are required to hold at least an Intermediate (10+2) degree from a recognized board of education C Co on nc clu lusi sio on n: : The tremendous scope of finance and newly updated courses in the field to suit the requirements of the current market are increasing the scope of finance and wealth management, worldwide today. Short term best finance courses and wealth management courses are becoming popular, day by day, as people are embracing options like CFP India, CWM and AWM, etc., over commonly known finance courses like CFA and CA. Sticking to short-term courses like the CFP India or the financial advisor course will give you an edge over your peers. For more information, visit us & call us on 011 011- -451 451208 20800 00.
Website: https://www.aafmindia.co.in/ Call: 011-45120800 https://www.aafmindia.co.in/ Thank You