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Future Transmission Systems: Infrastructure & Grid Expansion

Explore the future of transmission systems with Dr. Eva Schmid, focusing on grid extension, decentralized approaches, and renewable energy integration.

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Future Transmission Systems: Infrastructure & Grid Expansion

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  1. RGI NGO Training: What transmission system will we need in the future? Dr. Eva Schmid Team Leader German and European ClimatePolicy Germanwatch July 11, 14:00-15:00

  2. Questionsraised: How is the need for new infrastructure defined? Why is grid extension a part of the solution? Would a more decentralised approach reduce our need for grids? Dr. Eva Schmid

  3. How is the need for new infrastructure defined? [Process] • TSOs in Europe: • TSOs havetoprepare national griddevelopmentplanswith at least 3 scenarios • Public consultationprocess • National regulatoryauthority (NRA) approves • ENTSO-E compiles TYNDP based on national ideas (moreorless) • DSOs in Europe: • Individual processes, theyhavetopublish individual plans on website

  4. How is the need for new infrastructure defined? [Modeling] Scenario Framework Market Modeling Grid Modeling Results -> List ofprojects

  5. Excourse: Whythisprocessshouldbe open www.openmod-initiative.org • Why? • increasing reproducibility, comprehensiveness and transparency • improving the accuracy of model results

  6. Why is grid extension a part of the solution? • System integrationoptionsforrenewables • Grid (shift in place) • Storage (shift in time) • DSM (shift in time, peakshaving) • BetterWeather Forecasts (betterplanning) • Flexible Plants (shift in time of residual load) • All will play a role. Eachhasadvantagesanddrawbacks, nosilverbullet

  7. Would a more decentralised approach reduce our need for grids? • General tendency: YES - IF generationcapacity AND sufficientflexibilityoptionsareplacedwherethedemandis. • Disadvantagesandlimits! • Goal Conflicts! • Nature conservation • Wildlifeconservation • Localwelfare • Actordiversity • Autonomy, Autarky

  8. Basic Info Meta-Study Commissioned by: Renewables Grid Initiative Authors: Öko-InstitutDr. Felix Matthes, Franziska Flachsbarth, Moritz Vogel Published 03/2018 Study and further Material online (currently in German): https://renewables-grid.eu/Metastudie/ Dr. Eva Schmid

  9. FindingsMeta StudyWhat is the definition of the terms "decentralization", "cellular approach", or "regionalization"? • bymeansofdimensions / perspectives / aspects Dr. Eva Schmid

  10. Someone: "I wantdecentralization" You: "What do youmean, exactly?"

  11. Potentail boundaries for solar and wind generation - boundaries for decentral optimization (1) Demand (2030) Solar Wind • Spatial patterns show strong clusters and little coincidence • Potential for generation is theoretically and spatially restricted

  12. Potentail boundaries for solar and wind generation - boundaries for decentral optimization (2) County Federal States Zones Theoretical cellular fulfillment of demand in the year 2030 without consideration of costs or flexibility options

  13. Potentail boundaries for solar and wind generation - boundaries for decentral optimization (3) County Federal States Zones "Realistic" cellular fulfillment of demand in the year 2030 without consideration of costs or flexibility options

  14. Key Finding: Decentrally optimizing coordination mechanisms (cellular concepts, regional markets) have a small impact on reducing the need for grid expansion; dominating is the regionalization pattern of wind generation capacities. Dr. Eva Schmid

  15. Regionalizationassumptions in comparison Wind energy 2030 Öko-Institut, 2018 85% REG bis 2030 gridexpansionas in NEP necessary Dezentrale Optimierung gridexpansionas in NEP not necessary 85% REG bis 2030 theoretical potential limitreached Coal combustion is virtually zero in all scenarios in 2035

  16. Questions? Eva Schmid Germanwatch e.V. Stresemannstr. 72 10963 Berlin, Germany schmid@germanwatch.org

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