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Utilitarianism for Agents Who Like Equity, but Dislike Decreases in Income

Explore the principles of weighted utilitarianism for agents who value equity but dislike income decreases. Learn about tradeoff consistency and its implications in decision-making.

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Utilitarianism for Agents Who Like Equity, but Dislike Decreases in Income

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  1. Utilitarianism for Agents Who Like Equity, but Dislike Decreases in Income Peter P. Wakker(& Veronika Köbberling)

  2. 2 {1,…,n}:populationof npersons X:outcomeset; general set x = (x1,…,xn):allocation, outcome xj forpersonj, j = 1,…,n Xn: set of allocations  on Xn:preference relnof policy maker

  3. 3 Notation: ix is (x with xi replaced by ), nx = (x1,..,xn-1,) We assume also  on X given; Pareto optimality: ix  ix; e.g. 1x = (,x2,..,xn),

  4. & Tversky & Kahneman ‘92 (x1,...,xn) wjU(xj) n j=1 Schmeidler (1989) 6 5 6 4 sign very recent (Weymark ’81) rank-dependent Traditional approach:weighted utilitarianism c s U:X: utility of representative agent; wj: importance weightof person j. wj0; wj = 1. Harsanyi (1955) characterized through lotteries and expected utility; nowadays: c s c: dependence on comonotonic class s: dependence on sign-profile c s c s better not commit to EU.

  5. * Then [610;500] ~ [190;100] 6 5 Example of our technique: Six individuals {1,…,6}. Suppose (0,,0,…, ) (0, ,0,…, ) 190 300 ~ 100 400 ~ (0,,0,…, ) (0, ,0,…, ) 610 300 500 400 c s We often write  instead of [;]

  6. c c c c s s s s c c c c s s s s cosigned comonotonic c s c s c s c s then~  * rank-dependent Lemma.Under weighted utilitarianism, ~ U() - U()= U() - U(). * 7 7 7 6 If there exist nonnull i, x, y with: ix~iy wiU() + jiwjU(xj) = wiU() + jiwjU(yj) andix ~ iy wiU() + jiwjU(xj) = wiU() + jiwjU(yj) thenwiU() -wiU() = wiU()-wiU() c s U() -U() = U()-U() sign c s

  7. comonotonic ix ~iy ~’ / ix ~ iy cosig- ned cosig- ned ’jf ~jg jf ~ jg como-notonic como-notonic 8 8 7 (1) ~*  U() - U()= U() - U(). c s (2) ’~* U(’) - U()= U() - U(). c s  ’~ .. U(’) = U() If any one of the four outcomes in a relation ~* is replaced by a nonequi-valent outcome, then the ~* relation does not hold any more: tradeoff consistency. c s c s sign- In preferences: There are no i,x,y,j.f,g with: (2) (1)

  8. rank-dependent comonotonic 9 10 8 Theorem. Assume solvability. The following two statements are equivalent: (i) weighted utilitarianism. (ii) four conditions: (a) weak ordering; (b) Pareto optimality; (c) Archimedeanity; (d) tradeoff consistency. sign sign-

  9. comonotonic! * [13;10]~ [35;30] OK! person 1poorest person 1richest * [12;10]~ [35;30] No! Equity caused a change in importance of persons not comonotonic! 4 9 Example. Two persons {1,2}, (writing [;] instead of ). (40,13)~(46,10) (40,35)~(46,30) c (12,20)~(10,24) (35,20)~(30,24) Violates theory! Say the policy maker likes equity. Ebert (2001), Zank (2001).

  10. * [-1;-4] ~ [6;2] * [-2;-4] ~ [6;2] echt 4 !!!!! echt 4 !!!!! 4 10 Example. Two persons {1,2}. All allocations below are comonotonic. (10,-1) ~ (15,-4) (10, 6) ~ (15, 2) c No. Not cosigned. (-2,-9) ~ (-4,-6) (6,-9) ~ (2,-6) c No. Not cosigned. Zank (2001)

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