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Explore the major events and transformations that shaped Europe from the end of the Middle Ages to the aftermath of World War I. Learn about the Black Death, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the causes and consequences of World War I.

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  1. Please print out in HANDOUT format—saves paper and is easier to study from FINAL EXAM Test Review

  2. End of the Middle Ages • Europe suffered through both war and plague • The Black Death (bubonic plague) killed 1/3rd of the population in Europe [1300-1350]

  3. Renaissance Italy • Italy underwent dramatic changes: • Social: Increased city living, • Economic: Increased Trade • Cultural: New focus on art & literature • Religious: “less focus on afterlife” • Political: merchant class gained power

  4. The Reformation Begins • The 95 Theses unleashed a revolution • Luther did not want to split with the church • He only wanted to start a debate • He was VERY surprised by the revolution

  5. End Result of Reformation • Protestant Churches flourish • Religion no longer united Europe • Monarchs and States gained power • Paved way for the Nation-State

  6. 1500’s Challenge to Authority • Printing press helps to spread challenging ideas • People are interested in the material world • Age of Exploration: • navigators needed better instruments • discovered “new” truths

  7. The Start of the Enlightenment • 1600’s marks the beginning of Enlightenment • Reached peak mid-1700’s • Had a VERY POWERFUL influence on the formation of governments and society!

  8. The Philosophes • French word for Philosopher • Reached height in France during 1700’s • They were social critics who applied reason and logic to life….

  9. The Old Regime • Remained from the system of feudalism(Middle Ages) • People of France were divided into estates. • The estates were known as: • 1st, 2nd & 3rd Estates

  10. The Three Estates of France

  11. Platform for Revolution • Enlightenment Ideas • Unfair Estate System • Economic Woes of France • Weak Leadership of Louis XVI

  12. Reign of Terror • 1-Year in Length • July 1793-July 1794 • 3,000 executed in Paris • Marie Antoinette executed • Up to 40,000 total

  13. The Directory • July 1794 Robespierre executed • People are tired of the Terror • National Assembly forms a new body called The Directory • This body puts Napoleon in charge of the Army

  14. 3 Mistakes of Napoleon • The Continental System • 1806 • The Peninsular War • 1808 • The Invasion of Russia • 1812

  15. Congress of Vienna • Leaders of Austria, Prussia, Russia & Great Britain • Europewanted long lasting peace • feared more war (French aggression) • Congress was supposed to last 4-weeks • it lasted 8 months

  16. A Weaker France • Wanted France weaker, not destroyed • Kept original borders from 1790 • Goal was to create peace & balance in Europe • Constitutional Monarchies ruled in both Britain & France

  17. 1750-1850 Agricultural Revolution A Chain Reaction Increased Food Production Population Explosion Movement to Cities Factories: a new way to work New family structure New Economic Rules

  18. Some Good News: Working conditions slowly improved Life expectancy increased

  19. Two views of Economics Karl Marx Wrote the Communist Manifesto [1848] Proposed Government control of the economy Adam Smith Wrote the Wealth of Nations [1776] Father of Free Market Economics or Capitalism

  20. Europe 1815-1860 • Slowly develop modern day borders • Nationalism controls boundaries & governments • Lines of east vs. west develop • Italy & Germany unite into Nation States

  21. 4 Causes of World War I M.A.I.N. • Militarism • Alliances • Imperialism • Nationalism

  22. The Powder Keg Explodes • Archduke Franz Ferdinand visits Bosnia • June 12th, 1914 • He was assassinated by a Serbian • Austria-Hungary uses this to punish Serbia

  23. Western Front • The Schlieffen Plan worked well at first: • swept through Belgium • STALEMATE occurred on Western Front • Russia attacks on Eastern Front

  24. Modern War • Poison Gas • Machine Gun • Airplanes • Tanks • Submarines

  25. U.S. enters the War • Germans began to block ships from entering and leaving Great Britain. [1917] • Wanted to “starve” Great Britain • Germans sink 3 American Ships

  26. The Central Powers Crumble Austria-Hungary Ottoman Empire Germany Kaiser Wilhelm steps down Surrender Internal Revolution Empire Ends Germany declared Republic

  27. Total

  28. Paris Peace Conference • 4 leaders meet at Versailles • Each leader wanted something different • Germany was NOT invited

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