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Application of SASHA for the Icelandic case Vera D’Amico 1 , Dario Albarello 2 , Ragnar Sigbjörnsson 3 , Rajesh Rupakhety 3 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Milano, Italy 2 Dip . Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell’Ambiente, University of Siena, Italy
Application of SASHA for the Icelandic case Vera D’Amico1, Dario Albarello2, Ragnar Sigbjörnsson3,Rajesh Rupakhety3 1 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Milano, Italy 2 Dip. Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Universityof Siena, Italy 3 Earthquake Engineering Research Centre, University of Iceland, Selfoss, Iceland
SASHA code Step 1 Step 2
Input elements used for Iceland • Earthquake catalogue listing magnitude and epicentral intensity • The SHareEuropean Earthquake Catalogue (SHEEC) released by the EU project SHARE • Attenuation model to estimate seismic effects at the site (expressed in terms of probabilities of exceedence of different intensity values) from epicentral information (epicentral intensity and epicentral distance) • The probabilistic attenuation model developed in Task B with the empirical parameters assessed for Iceland
Earthquakecatalogue Earthquakesextractedfrom SHareEuropean Earthquake Catalogue (SHEEC) releasedby the EU project SHARE
Earthquakecatalogue Toapply the attenuationmodelof Task B, epicentralintensity I0isrequiredforeachearthquakeof the catalogue A preliminaryroughempirical relation wasderivedfrom the sameeventsusedto calibrate the attenuationmodel (these are the onlyeventsforwhichan estimate of I0isavailable!)
Earthquakecatalogue I0derived fromMw (timeperiod: 1706-2008)
Attenuationmodel by courtesy of Varini et al., 2013
Attenuationmodel by courtesy of Varini et al., 2013
Hazardcomputation Hazardhasbeencomputedover a regular grid (1680 nodes) coveringwhole Iceland for4 exceedenceprobabilitiesforanexposuretimeof 50 years, equivalenttoaveragereturntimes (ART) of 50, 200, 475, 975 years For 4 selectedlocalities, furtherARTshavebeenexamined and hazarddeaggregationperformed
ART=200 (p.e. 22% in 50yr) ART=50 (p.e. 63% in 50yr) ART=975 (p.e. 5% in 50yr) ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr)
Hazardcurves ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) Hazardcurves Iref
Hazarddeaggregation ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) Iref=8 Distance (km) Magnitude
Hazarddeaggregation ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) Iref=8 Distance (km) Magnitude
Hazarddeaggregation ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) Iref=8 Distance (km) Magnitude
Hazarddeaggregation ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) Iref=7 Distance (km) Magnitude
Comparisonwithprevious PSHA RT=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) PGA ART=475 (p.e. 10% in 50yr) Just for qualitative comparison, becauseofdifferentshakingmeasure (Intensity vs. PGA), different PSH methodology (SASHA vs. standard Cornell’s approach), different input data (catalogue, attenuation relation,…)