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Data Structures and Java. CS 105. Data structure. Data structure defined: A systematic way of organizing and accessing data Examples Dictionary: words and definitions are arranged for convenient lookup
Data Structures and Java CS 105
Data structure • Data structure defined: A systematic way of organizing and accessing data • Examples • Dictionary: words and definitions are arranged for convenient lookup • Queue: data is arranged so that insertion and removal follow the “first-in, first-out” rule • Data structures are often components of larger programs • Course goals: recognize appropriate data structures and implement them in Java correctly and efficiently
Review of Java Topics The following Java features play an important role when implementing data structures in Java • Interfaces • Exceptions • The Java class hierarchy and the Object class
Interfaces • An interface indicates the method signatures for the operations of a data structure • An implementation of the data structure is a Java class that implements this interface to enforce the definition of all methods • There can be multiple implementations of the same interface/data structure
Example: Dictionary Dictionary SimpleDictionary BetterDictionary
public interface Dictionary { public void addWord( String word, String definition ); public String getDefinition( String word ); } public class SimpleDictionary implements Dictionary { // define addWord and getDefinition } public class BetterDictionary implements Dictionary { // another implementation // define addWord and getDefinition }
Exceptions • Some operations of data structures may be invalid in certain situations • One option: handle the error within that method by printing an error message • Can be annoying since the user of the method may get the message interspersed with other output • Better alternative: throw exceptions so that the user of the method can decide how to deal with the error
Exceptions in Java • Exceptions are handled using a try-catch statement • Exceptions are thrown from the method that could cause the exception • What needs to be done • Define a class that extends Exception(the class may be empty) • In the method declaration, include a throws clause • In the method body, include a throw statement where the exception occurs
Example public class DuplicateWordException extends Exception { // this class could be empty } public class SimpleDictionary implements Dictionary { //… public void addWord( String word, String definition ) throws DuplicateWordException { if ( getDefinition( word ) != null ) throw new DuplicateWordException(); // code to add dictionary entry here… } // … }
Example Dictionary d = new SimpleDictionary(); try { d.addWord( “bat”, “mammal with wings” ); d.addWord( “cat”, “animal with whiskers” ); d.addWord( “bat”, “equipment used in baseball” ); d.addWord( “elephant”, “a large mammal” ); } catch( DuplicateWordException e ) { System.out.println( “Duplicate Word Error” ); } An exception will be thrown on this call
More on Exceptions • Different kinds of exceptions can be handled using a try-catch chain • Can have a more elaborate exception class by defining exception/error details inside the class; for example: • error message • additional data about the error(in the example, the word that causes the duplicate to occur can be stored in the DuplicateWordException class)
RuntimeException • Make the exception class extend RuntimeException instead of Exception whenever you do not want to require that the exception be caught • The user of the method may or may not use a try-catch statement • A try-catch is required for Exceptions that are not RuntimeExceptions • If not within a try-catch and an exception occurs, the program aborts
Interfaces and Exceptions • In general, when a class implements an interface, the throws clause should be present in both the interface and the class that implements it • However, an implementing class can throw additional exceptions as long as they are runtime exceptions
Inheritance hierarchy • The extends keyword/feature in Java creates an inheritance hierarchy • If a class does not extend another class, it implicitly extends Object, a built-in class in Java • This means all classes are subclasses of Object • Variables of type Object can refer to an instance of any class
Object and data structures • When establishing interfaces for data structures, it might be better to use the Object class instead of particular types • Example for the Queue interface: public void enqueue( Object o ); public Object dequeue(); instead of public void enqueue( String s ); public String dequeue(); • Will need to cast when retrieving an object from the data structure: String s = ( String ) q.dequeue(); SupportsStrings and other types of objects
Primitive types & wrapper classes • Minor problem in Java: primitive types like int and double are treated differently • ints and doubles are not objects, so it is not straightforward to have a Queue of integers or doubles • Workaround: use wrapper classes • Each primitive type has a corresponding Java wrapper class: e.g., int -> Integer, double -> Double • Instances of these wrapper classes are now legitimate objects • javap java.lang.WrapperClass for methods under these classes • Example: if you want to enqueue/dequeue an integer, • Queue q = new Queue();q.enqueue( new Integer( 5 ) );int result = ((Integer) q.dequeue()).intValue();
Autoboxing • Recent addition to Java: “automatic” conversion between primitive types and wrapper classes • Instead of this: • Queue q = new Queue();q.enqueue( new Integer( 5 ) );int result = ((Integer) q.dequeue()).intValue(); • We now do this: • Queue q = new Queue();q.enqueue( 5 );int result = (Integer) q.dequeue();
Generics • Generics: another recent addition to Java • Recall array lists in CS 21a • ArrayList<BankAccount> list;// this array list contains BankAccount objects • We can program our data structures so that contents are restricted to instances of a particular class • Queue<String> q; // queue of stringsq.enqueue( something ); // something must be a string • This way, a data structure is implemented without specifying the type of the content • Generics are beyond the scope of this course • We will use the Object class instead to support any kind of content type; sufficient for this course
Summary • Interfaces allow us to standardize method signatures and to have multiple implementations in a uniform manner • Exceptions allow us to elegantly handle errors/unexpected situations • The Object class allows our data structures to contain instances of any class or type